Negro Leagues
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN Yeah, it was a worthless grind last year to even do the storylines. I’ll probably just avoid them this year unless they are part of a collection or something.
@GoozeFn_PSN said in Negro Leagues:
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN Yeah, it was a worthless grind last year to even do the storylines. I’ll probably just avoid them this year unless they are part of a collection or something.
Yeah, they need to fix that ASAP. I think to grow engagement with the NLB cards especially the ones unlocked through Storylines, they should include them in any program PXP requirements or missions.
The cards are fun to use. SDS just needs to implement them better.
@SakAttack87_PSN said in Negro Leagues:
@GoozeFn_PSN said in Negro Leagues:
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN Yeah, it was a worthless grind last year to even do the storylines. I’ll probably just avoid them this year unless they are part of a collection or something.
Yeah, they need to fix that ASAP. I think to grow engagement with the NLB cards especially the ones unlocked through Storylines, they should include them in any program PXP requirements or missions.
The cards are fun to use. SDS just needs to implement them better.
This is the 3rd year for storylines so they should have the rights to enough of those guys....they can even add guys like Jackie Robinson, Hank Aaron etc in a Team Affinity type program. I honestly dont think i ever used a single one outside of storylines and maybe one or two programs that had NL missions.
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN I used John Donaldson a lot and Dihigo a little. That’s about it.
Hmm... I respectfully disagree with the sentiment, here.
Not everyone does collections (aside from those that fall into their laps), nor do they worry about completing all the things and "getting credit." With a power creep, I bet these cards will be useful for a while off the bat, and unlocking them brings access to some pretty cool stadiums for those that need a "reward" past earning the cards themselves... I just thought they were fun, and a nice little history lesson for those who like baseball. Not at all worthless.
We have plenty of chores to do with the other TAs and I'm sure there will be lots of programs... I like the format in that it gives you pretty quick access to cards usable from the get-go for those who like to jump in and actually play games. That those cards aren't competitive after a couple of months is okay; the stadiums they give access to last throughout the cycle.
I understand that most people like shortcuts to completing as much as possible in as little time as possible, but these storylines have value in and of themselves... if you don't want those cards or the stadiums they unlock, and aren't interested in the history (or just listening to Kendrick), it's okay not to complete them.
Imagine a lot of folks are going to play Turkey Sturnes Storyline just to get Mack Park
@SaveFarris_PSN yikes what is this, 280 to right, 440 center?!
@The_Joneser_PSN It’s not about taking a shortcut. It’s about grinding efficiently. The storylines were excellent, but I watched them on YouTube when I couldn’t play because the rewards were worthless and my game time is limited. I eventually finished them, but shouldn’t have wasted my time. Sure some people don’t care and will use them anyways, but you are in the minority. I rarely faced anyone using Negro League cards outside of Donaldson all year. All I’m saying is to bring more attention to a cool and probably limited thing, give us a better reason to play with them.
I'd be in favor of making the highest available Negro League card on the market being a 95. But when collected along with the card you get from completing the Storyline, you could turn it into a 99. That way you are "rewarded" for completing the Storyline and learning more about these players.
@GoozeFn_PSN, again, I respectfully disagree. If memory serves, The Negro League Story Lines weren't even accessible from within the Diamond Dynasty mode, meaning they were separated on purpose (because they are something different by design). They aren't meant to be a task to rush through; they're meant to be savored. You don't rush Bob Kendrick... you sit your [censored] down and you listen to him, and then you thank him for his time.
If that's not someone's cup of tea, there are plenty of opportunities to "grind efficiently" in other areas, and if they see paying homage to some of the game's greatest players who might be lost to history, if not for taking a little extra time to actually learn about them, then, again, they don't have to. In your case, since it seems like you do respect their contribution but you'd rather watch on YouTube when not playing, by all means, do that.
I like the Story Lines as they are, as something that can stand alone. Maybe I am in the minority, but that's okay. Doesn't mean I'm wrong.
And, by the way, efficiency is not always a good thing... plenty has been written about the subject, but suffice it to say that efficiency for efficiency's sake leads to all sorts of potentially undesirable outcomes. In this case, if you're right, a lot of people are missing out on something kind of special in the game because they don't get anything for it.
@The_Joneser_PSN said in Negro Leagues:
@GoozeFn_PSN, again, I respectfully disagree. If memory serves, The Negro League Story Lines weren't even accessible from within the Diamond Dynasty mode, meaning they were separated on purpose (because they are something different by design). They aren't meant to be a task to rush through; they're meant to be savored. You don't rush Bob Kendrick... you sit your [censored] down and you listen to him, and then you thank him for his time.
If that's not someone's cup of tea, there are plenty of opportunities to "grind efficiently" in other areas, and if they see paying homage to some of the game's greatest players who might be lost to history, if not for taking a little extra time to actually learn about them, then, again, they don't have to. In your case, since it seems like you do respect their contribution but you'd rather watch on YouTube when not playing, by all means, do that.
I like them Story Lines as they are, something that can stand alone. Maybe I am in the minority, but that's okay. Doesn't mean I'm wrong.
And, by the way, efficiency is not always a good thing... plenty has been written about the subject, but suffice it to say that efficiency for efficiency's sake leads to all sorts of potentially undesirable outcomes. In this case, if you're right, a lot of people are missing out on something kind of special in the game because they don't get anything for it.
Just because they're accessible outside of Diamond Dynasty doesn't mean they're not part of Diamond Dynasty. If they were meant to be a standalone feature, why would they reward you with cards to be used guessed it...Diamond Dynasty? Its ironic really that they put in all this effort to integrate the Negro Leagues into the game but still segregate them from the one area where those rewards would be useful.
No one is saying you're wrong. All we're saying is that we want a reason to use the cards other than a 2 hour history lesson.
@The_Joneser_PSN So you don’t think they should make negro league cards worth playing in DD? This isn’t just about the storylines.
@GoozeFn_PSN, my mistake, then, as I seem to have misinterpreted the following to mean that you thought the Story Lines feature was worthless:
@GoozeFn_PSN said in Negro Leagues:
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN Yeah, it was a worthless grind last year to even do the storylines.
I guess you're just talking about the cards themselves?
Still, I don't think that's true. I used them early last year and will again this year, and if we're not talking about Story Lines cards, specifically, but just cards associated with the Negro Leagues, I have four p5 cards on the team I'm playing the end of game with (Dihigo, Aaron, Donaldson, and Smith, in non-bench roles). That Hilton Smith boost certainly helps make them worth playing in DD, particularly if you mainly just play Ranked and want to use good cards that you like to play with.
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN said in Negro Leagues:
No one is saying you're wrong. All we're saying is that we want a reason to use the cards other than a 2 hour history lesson.
But there are reasons to use the cards. I used them plenty. You just seem to want to use other cards, and that's your prerogative.
I get that you're saying that you'd like to be able to stat-grind, because you like stat-grinding. Nothing wrong with that. But that doesn't mean the cards are worthless (it just means that they aren't useful for what you'd like them to be useful for).
@The_Joneser_PSN Yeah, I’m talking about the cards, especially from the storyline. Donaldson was really the only guy that made my lineup consistently. I’d like to see better early negro league cards and/or a reason to use them. I’m not saying they aren’t usable. I’m saying they were rarely optimal when we got them and there were few reasons to use them outside of simply wanting to use them in spite of being suboptimal.
@The_Joneser_PSN No that’s not really what I’m saying either.
@The_Joneser_PSN said in Negro Leagues:
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN said in Negro Leagues:
No one is saying you're wrong. All we're saying is that we want a reason to use the cards other than a 2 hour history lesson.
But there are reasons to use the cards. I used them plenty. You just seem to want to use other cards, and that's your prerogative.
I get that you're saying that you'd like to be able to stat-grind, because you like stat-grinding. Nothing wrong with that. But that doesn't mean the cards are worthless (it just means that they aren't useful for what you'd like them to be useful for).
You keep throwing around the word "worthless". I dont think i ever used the word "worthless" anywhere. But I guess you're fine with the NL players being separate for some reason. When i have a program that requires me to get 50 hits with a specific series and none of them are NL, im not gonna field a team with 7 NL cards and 2 cards in the required series. Im gonna use the cards for that series. Like it or not, that is called grinding efficiently. So no, i dont "just wanna use other cards". I wanna use THOSE cards to grind missions, they're just not giving us missions that require them. For whatever reason, you seem to be on this weird crusade to keep NL cards out of stat grinds. I just happen to disagree with that. Respectfully, of course. I'd like to see a NL collection.
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN The only thing I called worthless was specifically the Storyline rewards. None of those cards ever touched my lineup.
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN, okay, man. You do you. We just play differently. When I have a program that requires me to get 50 hits with a specific series, I say "no thanks." And then I play Ranked with the cards in my inventory that I like most.
I don't like stat grinds, so I'm okay with NL cards being about the stories we learn about them and for playing games against humans with them while they're viable, and not inventing some other purpose for them. If that's a weird crusade in your book, I can live with that... your take is as weird to me as mine is to you.
To the "worthless" thing, I saw that somewhere else in the thread, and I think you said something about wasting a spot in your lineup because you couldn't grind stats.
I hope when the game releases that there are plenty of stat grinds for you to pursue and plenty of opportunities for me to avoid them.
Enjoy your week.
@GoozeFn_PSN said in Negro Leagues:
@The_Joneser_PSN Yeah, I’m talking about the cards, especially from the storyline. Donaldson was really the only guy that made my lineup consistently. I’d like to see better early negro league cards and/or a reason to use them. I’m not saying they aren’t usable. I’m saying they were rarely optimal when we got them and there were few reasons to use them outside of simply wanting to use them in spite of being suboptimal.
I agree with that. With day 1 99s and higher ranked cards in general, their viability was definitely short-lived. For someone like me who doesn't do collections until I realize that I happened to collect them without trying, and someone who avoids long programs and grinds if I can, they maybe hung around a little longer. I tend to use cards that aren't optimal quite often... specifically just because I like them and want to use them.
I'd certainly have no issue with Storylines cards being rated higher. And I really did think you were just kind of bagging on the feature itself... I understand, now, that you weren't.