It’s not power creep if there are ANY day 1 99s
There will be a few early 99s that aren't attainable for the average. I'll be trying to get my stubbs up Excited for a new market, lord please help me with some big pulls early.
I feel like I’m beating a dead horse…Good players don’t matter if you can’t hit.
@YOSHI24_XBL I’ve done it as quickly as 2 weeks NMS. I don’t think it’s ever taken me more than a month.
@GoozeFn_PSN said in It’s not power creep if there are ANY day 1 99s:
@YOSHI24_XBL I’ve done it as quickly as 2 weeks NMS. I don’t think it’s ever taken me more than a month.
Same. 1st or 2nd week of May is the latest for me usually. I dont understand how people can say that it cant be done unless you buy stubs or play the market when they give you cards everyday just for logging in, they give us hundreds and hundreds of packs every year in the reward path, programs, conquests, team affinity, thousands of stubs just for playing the game and doing the content. Hell, with the 20 free packs for digital deluxe, the 21 Now n Laters and twitch drops, i'll have probably around 70 free packs to open launch the 20,000 stubs to start. Definitely doable in the first few weeks.
Agreed. I preorder and get the twitch packs. I don’t flip but sell dupes and hope for pack luck. I finished the collection last year on April 7th, so about 3 weeks to finish. I don’t hardly play online so I couldn’t care less who gets what cards when. I enjoy the power creep and feel accomplished when I get the LS done. I’m really happy that sets and seasons are gone so I have more incentive to parallel cards this year. After playing for years and being on this forum, I know everyone can’t be pleased and trolls are going to complain about something. “Too many 99s on Day 1, power creep is boring, graphics suck, why can’t we use our OP RTTS player in DD, SDS doesn’t listen, etc.” I think they do a great job of responding with what they can. How many other game developers send out surveys and actually try to make as many happy as possible? Kudos to them and y’all enjoy 25. I know I will.
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN / @GoozeFn_PSN Yeah, you are right
… I did it too in 22-24, but my point (although not clearly written :)) was for how easy it was to get the 99s. I could do it too but I totally expect this year far more difficult than 24 (with „only“ 95s und „just“ Babe). I do not think that 10% of the player base will have the 25 live series collection done under 4 weeks (let‘s prove it by looking at the parallels mid may
, knowing that we cannot quantifiy percents quite right
But … regarding the OP … I do not think we have a serious problem for power creep
… mainly because we never had in the last 4 years
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN I definitely flip from that app when I’m not home and can’t play, but yeah it can be done quickly.
@YOSHI24_XBL The collection might be more expensive this year than it was the last few because of a longer power creep and no seasons.
More than likely yes. Especially if the AL and NL collections are 99s instead of 95s. That Palmeiro card was garbage.
@virusts_XBL That 95 Pedro wasn’t great either.
Stop whining…it’s most definitely still a power creep. Just not the way you like it.
It will probably be like it was pre sets & seasons…The collection 99’s, Probably a couple 97’s in packs and probably 93-96 ovr team collections. Just have fun & don’t worry about other people’s teams. It’s baseball…Yes you’ll get stomped sometimes by someone that chose to buy the best cards, That’s their prerogative. Dust yourself off and play again.
@IrishFist412_MLBTS said in It’s not power creep if there are ANY day 1 99s:
It will probably be like it was pre sets & seasons…The collection 99’s, Probably a couple 97’s in packs and probably 93-96 ovr team collections. Just have fun & don’t worry about other people’s teams. It’s baseball…Yes you’ll get stomped sometimes by someone that chose to buy the best cards, That’s their prerogative. Dust yourself off and play again.
If you got stomped its almost never because of what cards your opponent is using anyway. In fact, I would say people that buy the best cards are probably easier to beat than the rest of the population.
Power creep doesnt matter. I mean it helps, but skill...i have a team full of 99 P5's, literally played a guy last night he had 95's in my mind i was like this will be easy...he beat me 17-2....skill will always outweigh card levels.
@LIONED-33_XBL said in It’s not power creep if there are ANY day 1 99s:
Power creep doesnt matter. I mean it helps, but skill...i have a team full of 99 P5's, literally played a guy last night he had 95's in my mind i was like this will be easy...he beat me 17-2....skill will always outweigh card levels.
I say this alL the time thats why I never understand if in a program it allows us to earn a card by repeatable pxp or a showdown it’s ur choice because I will never beat anyone just want to play with my favorite players of all times
@LIONED-33_XBL said in It’s not power creep if there are ANY day 1 99s:
Power creep doesnt matter. I mean it helps, but skill...i have a team full of 99 P5's, literally played a guy last night he had 95's in my mind i was like this will be easy...he beat me 17-2....skill will always outweigh card levels.
@LIONED-33_XBL yes … true … in most ways. But you cannot put this out as a general statement. Of course, some YT / the GOATS will make World Series with bronze teams. Of course they will beat you/me with prob commons … But some cards will make a difference in close games, that happen very often. Do not get me wrong: Skill is the most important thing. And this game is not pay to win. But if two 600-guys will face and one has more higher overalls, he will win more games (again: I am not saying that he wins 100% of the games
I am really looking forward to beating guys much better teams (in my skill range), especially in the early power creep days
You also have to keep in mind that not every 99 works for everyone. The card rating doesn't equate to success. Just because you have a card doesn't mean the player's swing, for example, will work for you.
Holy [censored], now you're complaining about people finishing the LS quick and having three or four 99's? Who cares, there's still a power creep. The LS collections should always be 99 rewards because in theory it should take quite a while to get it done. Honestly, it doesn't matter much especially if they don't know how to use them.
@dbrooks1869_XBL just said "The card rating doesn't equate to success. Just because you have a card doesn't mean the player's swing, for example, will work for you."- I have a perfect example for this, any Kevin Pillar card, doesn't matter if it's a juiced card, his LS or what have you...I absolutely destroy because I just like his swing. For comparison, I can't hit for $hit with Mark McGwire...his swing just feels too long.