It’s not power creep if there are ANY day 1 99s
With the reveal of the digital deluxe 85s (way below what we had with the recent power creep versions), we can assume SDS is going all in on power creep for 25, but this will be ruined if people can “buy” 99s day 1 through collections.
Having LS lead directly to 99s (let alone the division/team collection cards) that won’t see any competition for months will lead to a horrific balance issue and likely will turn the majority of their customers off faster than the seasons did. People like competition, but they like it on a level playing field.
SDS should take a page from Madden (and only this page, nothing else, well besides weekend league I guess) and that would be to hold off on releasing the LS collection until later in the year.
The game having 99 collection rewards, within the Innings format, never bothered me. While some users, such as the YouTubers, will have them all Day 1, I still like the incentive to collect cards and get those 99's asap. User skill still trumps card ratings. -
gtfo with this lol. Having 2 or 3 99s in the game is still a power creep. If everyone had a full team of 99s at launch then you can say theres no creep. 3 99s and a handful of 85 and under would have your team around 91 overall, nowhere near maxed.
Release LS collection until later is the dumbest thing i heard so far this week. Thats just another way of saying "someone else with better pack luck and a credit card shouldnt be allowed to get something i cant get until 6 months from now".
They would never hold off on releasing the live series collection
Don’t agree at all. The amount of people who will finish the live series in the first few weeks or months are so minimal that most of us will not face anyone with those cards in either ranked or events. They tend to be content creators or kids who have daddy’s money to spend who aren’t all that good anyways. I can’t remember a time when I thought to myself. God I couldn’t beat him because he had the live collection already finished.
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN that’s literally how the other power creep ultimate team games work though (and they are quite a bit more popular than the show). The game would be better without anyone having a 99 chipper or 99 big unit day 1 (and it’s pretty hard to argue the GAME is better with any day 1 99s).
I wager the people defending this are people who expect to have LS done within a month (either from $ or flipping) and like the advantage they get over people who don’t.
So what you’re saying is because you won’t have the cards day 1, no one should have the cards until you do?
I don't play online, so my view is pretty pointless, I guess. I like having a few 99s early. They help with the programs, and they are fun to use, especially in Conquest. I couldn't care less if someone finishes the LS collection on the first day. Good for them. I usually don't finish it until after the season is over (24 is different because I didn't play after S1, but now that I've picked it up again, it took me less than a month to complete it).
@GradektheBard_PSN said in It’s not power creep if there are ANY day 1 99s:
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN that’s literally how the other power creep ultimate team games work though (and they are quite a bit more popular than the show). The game would be better without anyone having a 99 chipper or 99 big unit day 1 (and it’s pretty hard to argue the GAME is better with any day 1 99s).
I wager the people defending this are people who expect to have LS done within a month (either from $ or flipping) and like the advantage they get over people who don’t.
Well....this isnt Madden for one. Last i knew, Maddens power creep was "we'll give you amethyst cards, rated 64 overall and you have to grind for weeks to level up to 70". At least at was about 5-6 years ago which is when i checked out of Madden for good.
As far as those of us defending this, you're partially correct. I expect to have the LS done by May like i do every year but i havent spent a dime on stubs or packs since 2018 and i dont spend my days flipping. You can probably look at my community market activity from earlier in the year if you'd to see the actual method. They give us more than enough packs, and in those packs, there are duplicates. Sell those, keep grinding and eventually you'll have enough to buy the cards you want/need with stubs EARNED. As far as those who break out the credit card, who are you to tell them they cant?
This forum is flooded every year with sad sacks who try to make people feel guilty for spending their money how they want. Be better.
I’ve had LS done within a month every year since 20 (without spending other than digital deluxe). My point isn’t about me, it’s about power creep. I grind it out BECAUSE I get a huge advantage (or did in the old power creep days). That’s the point and if 99s aren’t coming until say August this year, that advantage will be too large and balance breaking.
Look, I’ll take the advantage if they do it again, I just think it will be bad for the game and the vast majority of their customers (who complained so much about late 99s that we got the 99s day 1 year)
@GradektheBard_PSN The live series collection should absolutely be a 99 and almost certainly will be. The AL NL collections should be too, but that’s more of a toss up. I think those 3 99’s at launch would be fine. Then, we probably won’t see more until one of the big collection rewards. I said it in another thread, but I’d like to see the early 99’s be players that don’t get the best 99’s like Ozzie Smith and Tony Gwynn. Giving us these types early helps the power creep.
@GradektheBard_PSN You do realize they SDS wants people to buy stubs right?
@GoozeFn_PSN you realize people will still spend to get all the high diamonds just the same right. Having all the LS cards will still be a huge advantage in power creep even without a bunch of 95s and 99s to go along with them.
@GradektheBard_PSN You do realize that they are out to make money right? Do you honestly believe that as many people will buy as many stubs if the collection awards are say 95’s? When was the last time the live series collection was anything other than a 99?
I don't care... I just want to have to do tasks to earn cards
Playing ranked and events now for nothing to earn is boring for me right now. I don't care if others get cards before me I just want to feel like I'm progressing towards something each time I play
Without the LS collection at launch or if they were lesser versions there wouldn't be motivation to be engaged in the game( sure programs cq/ms h2h adds motivation, but any decrease to the desire to play makes all modes lesser....)
@GradektheBard_PSN I do not agree.
There was always a power creep with „way better cards“ to get right from the start. We had 99 Chipper as a collection reward in 21 … Yes, some of them had him very early, but most of the people had him starting early summer at the earliest … Was it hard facing him? Yes. But it was only 1 player to „fear“
If they put in 1 SP (say Roger Clemens for the AL), it lessens this impact, because he can only start 1/5 and he will probably have not that high of energy.
Having a mix of silvers/golds/low/highdiamonds is the most fun part of DD. If they pick the rewards good enough it‘ll be alright … For example: 99 Adley would be really bad
And final: People always state, that they do not invest money in the game in a big way. If you want to have collections done in april, you will have to invest lots more than an additional 100$ in the game (I know how to play the market and I do not think that April/early May is managable with flipping).
Yes, some people will do that and I will gladly take on the challenge. I will not see most of them, because those guys earn money with the game and are out of my skill range…
There will be a few early 99s that aren't attainable for the average. I'll be trying to get my stubbs up Excited for a new market, lord please help me with some big pulls early.
I feel like I’m beating a dead horse…Good players don’t matter if you can’t hit.
@YOSHI24_XBL I’ve done it as quickly as 2 weeks NMS. I don’t think it’s ever taken me more than a month.