Please nerf these disgraceful stadiums
I for one, enjoy a variety of potential outcomes. How do y'all feel about day games at San Francisco? Facing several lefties in white uni's is really bad. Same with Boston.
@haZZ3rd0U5stick_PSN said in Please nerf these disgraceful stadiums:
I for one, enjoy a variety of potential outcomes. How do y'all feel about day games at San Francisco? Facing several lefties in white uni's is really bad. Same with Boston.
I am not deeply into that, but if - in real life - that is the way it is … it is okay for me.
But btt … I am not against high elevation. Coors is real … but Coors does not play nearly as awful as those disgraceful stadiums like Shield Woods
@ref479ode_PSN said in Please nerf these disgraceful stadiums:
I don't understand how anyone likes Costco unless they're just trying to parallel cards or beat online missions quickly. Because you're going to hit hrs but also give up a million too
Those are the reasons, plus as a somewhat casual player, I can play solo rookie, relax and have a good time knowing my chances of winning are really really good. On the other hand, though, playing on rookie and at Costco got me really lazy. I'm trying to work out of that by playing most games veteran now so I can get a little better before '25 comes in.
@beatlesnews_PSN said in Please nerf these disgraceful stadiums:
Those are the reasons, plus as a somewhat casual player, I can play solo rookie, relax and have a good time knowing my chances of winning are really really good. On the other hand, though, playing on rookie and at Costco got me really lazy. I'm trying to work out of that by playing most games veteran now so I can get a little better before '25 comes in.
Fair point. I am also doing my single player stuff at CostCo, because it is faster …
This thread was meant about online ranked … Just had a game at Shield Woods. Lost against a better player … He had 7 Hits, 6 HRs, 2 real ones … End of story.
The biggest point about the last game: I did not have fun from pitch 1 (I homered on the second pitch), because I knew what was coming. My opponent denied the friendly quit proposal (no wonder about that since he knew how „rewarding“ the stadium is …) …I come to the assumption that those stadiums cost me about 50-60 ranking points (I came to 895/897 the previous years), since close to everybody north of 800 only plays there
To make my point again: These stadiums are a disgrace for any competitive mode. If I had just 1 wish for 25, it is really the stadiums (maybe @CBrev47_MLBTS listens
If there's one thing they need to do it's make the classic stadiums more available for '25. I didn't get the game until PS Plus, but I got only a couple of the classic stadium cards. I waited to buy the rest until last week when the prices dropped. But the classic stadiums should be part of the game from the beginning -- and at low prices or even free. The classic stadiums are an integral part of baseball history. The "nerf stadiums" shouldn't be easier to get.
Polo grounds is awful too.
@huskerfan051214_XBL said in Please nerf these disgraceful stadiums:
Polo grounds is awful too.
If you line your lf and rf to cheat towards the gaps that helps make it a little better
Like you would tell your left fielder to shift to the left the whole game and he basically plays left center
@beatlesnews_PSN said in Please nerf these disgraceful stadiums:
If there's one thing they need to do it's make the classic stadiums more available for '25. I didn't get the game until PS Plus, but I got only a couple of the classic stadium cards. I waited to buy the rest until last week when the prices dropped. But the classic stadiums should be part of the game from the beginning -- and at low prices or even free. The classic stadiums are an integral part of baseball history. The "nerf stadiums" shouldn't be easier to get.
True, but I get why, as a DD-thing, they make them unlockables … To make this thing easier for you. In the last few years they were not that expensive at all. There were more stadium-packs to get. Maybe that‘ll change again to make it easier to get (or you gotta use your stubs to buy them earlier).
@YOSHI24_XBL said in Please nerf these disgraceful stadiums:
@beatlesnews_PSN said in Please nerf these disgraceful stadiums:
If there's one thing they need to do it's make the classic stadiums more available for '25. I didn't get the game until PS Plus, but I got only a couple of the classic stadium cards. I waited to buy the rest until last week when the prices dropped. But the classic stadiums should be part of the game from the beginning -- and at low prices or even free. The classic stadiums are an integral part of baseball history. The "nerf stadiums" shouldn't be easier to get.
True, but I get why, as a DD-thing, they make them unlockables … To make this thing easier for you. In the last few years they were not that expensive at all. There were more stadium-packs to get. Maybe that‘ll change again to make it easier to get (or you gotta use your stubs to buy them earlier).
When I last played in MLBTS 22, the stadiums, especially the minor league ones, were flooded. But still, I think the classic stadiums need to be a part of the game from the beginning. Not to mention adding a few more, like Candlestick and Ebbets Field (Candlestick is available in Stadium Creator).
Let‘s focus on the real meaning of this thread since some devs returned
Please nerf these disgraceful stadiums or do not allow them in competitive modes. Thanks in advance
How about you pick your stadium and I pick mine and we see who the home team is?
@YOSHI24_XBL said in Please nerf these disgraceful stadiums:
Let‘s focus on the real meaning of this thread since some devs returned
Please nerf these disgraceful stadiums or do not allow them in competitive modes. Thanks in advance
It really doesn't make sense that they nerf created stadiums from being outrageous yet allow shield woods and capital Lange... Also, why nerf shippett if you're going to put two fields in that play more silly than shippett did?
I personally don't feel Coors or laughing mtn play anywhere close to as dumb as shield woods. Shield woods like 83moh exit velo pop ups are hr
Maybe events just let anyone use whatever dumb stadium and we can just quit the game with no penalty if we don't like the stadium
But ranked/br shouldn't be little league fields
@ref479ode_PSN said in Please nerf these disgraceful stadiums:
... why nerf shippett if you're going to put two fields in that play more silly than shippett did?
That's a really good question. People that want a child's stadium to pad stats to complete missions (I don't enjoy that, either, but if people want to do that on their own time, it doesn't affect me) in a single player mode can play at a created stadium, but there's no need for these in competitive modes.
Like they emphasized in the stream, "this is a baseball simulation," and when making adjustments elsewhere in the game to make it play more realistically, why throw all of that out the window and completely ruin the experience for those who don't want to leave the game feeling dumber for having wasted their time playing something that in no way can be called baseball?
Sorry, the og specifically called out Shield Woods (and meant the other crazy Capital Lange). I understand, that Coors is real … and Coors is not the problem (yes, it is bad, but it is not that arcady). It is those really bad stadiums, that do not play like baseball should be played. That is the point … for competitive purposes.
Shippet wasn‘t nearly that bad before they nerfed it@GoozeFn_PSN Yes, you can pick whatever you want … I cannot get into your way. That was not the purpose of this thread. The devs should just make either a) play Shield Woods like a normal field or b) cancel it just straight out (if they can‘t). Either way, problem solved
@The_Joneser_PSN perfect summary, thanks. I do have hope
I try to look at things for the good they bring, Not the negative. Yes, I prefer playing in the Negro League stadiums because I love the historical feel of these ballparks & seeing the people dressed to the 9’s. And the games tend to play out more realistically with scores usually like 2-0 or 4-3, ect…But when I get matched up in a short fence/max elevation stadium I try to be thankful for the opportunity to have a shootout which will help progress my team more quickly. While the experience is silly, Try to look at it as a form of balance to your stats if you care about such things. It’s all about perspective. When you try to see the good in everything and accept that you can’t control it and let go - You will find peace & happiness.
@IrishFist412_MLBTS, I appreciate that you’re being positive, and that’s fine and good.
My perspective is that there are many days where I can squeeze one game in, maybe two if I’m lucky. I play because I love baseball, and as my ability to actually play it physically has long passed, this game is as visceral an experience as I can have… when a taste of that is what I want in the 50 minutes I might have free to play, a game in Shield Woods is a let down at best, and mostly a miserable experience.
I am fortunate that my wife is a PC gamer and I have many weekend mornings that allow for long stretches of play as we sit together, drink our coffee, and chat. Capitol Lange and Shield Woods are more like background noise on those days, as I disengage and allow them to run their course; my enjoyment comes more from the shared space and visitations from cats than the game I’m putting up with.
Even on those days, in that frame of mind, those parks suck. Happy people at peace should still make that distinction.
@IrishFist412_MLBTS I get it … good approach. For me it is the same as @The_Joneser_PSN I try to have 1-2 nice baseball games … Usually the games at disgraceful shield woods play like a moonshot event … everybody has some ridiculous HRs and the game ends in some obscure box score.
I also had close low-scoring games there … BUT every one of them was decided by a ridiculous HR. If you watch streams you will see lots of those.
which also brings me to the same point that @The_Joneser_PSN had. I want to have a good experience playing the best sports. These disgraceful games at Shield Woods/Capital Lange do not give me a good experience at all. The score (I do win there) is not the deciding factor in it.Again, if I had one wish I‘d rather prefer having good realistic stadiums to play in than any gameplay upgrades (although I gladly take all of them, they just presented
@YOSHI24_XBL How about just stop being a baby about other peoples choice and play the game? There’s lots of parks I don’t like playing in. My answer to that is never get rid of them. Some people like playing in those parks. It’s not all about you.
@GoozeFn_PSN Is this whole post your way to debate? Well … maybe try and think about it for a couple of moments … I thought you were better than this. Try to be better.
But, last try. Read it slowly
. I do not talk about other player‘s choices … I talk about stadiums, that do not play realistic (again, Coors is real, Coors still is not the problem). My post is not pointed at players … it is pointed at the creators with a request to nerf those stadiums that are just a disgrace for their beautiful baseball sim. And I specifically talk about Shield Woods and Capital Lange
I don't feel like those stadiums need to be nerfed. What's wrong with having max elevation stadiums in the game