RTTS Players in Diamond Dynasty
Last year I was very bummed that our RTTS created characters could not be used in Diamond Dynasty. As a result, I never even touched RTTS. While I understand there was an imbalance with created players in competitive games, there are those of us who only play against friends and would prefer to have created characters in our player vs player games or just in our offline DD team. What is the possibility that this feature is added back, or modified, to allow for RTTS characters in non-competitive games? And how did you feel about this change last year?
It won't be added back because alot of people liked that you couldn't use it in DD
I feel like adding RTTS players to DD ruined RTTS. They introduced the archetype system at the same time which made it difficult to create a 5-tool player and adjust their attributes the way you liked.
If they were to reintroduce a created character to DD, I would much rather they go back to the old way where you feed it duplicate cards to raise its stats. This way, DD and RTTS can be two separate modes.
I think that is a fair assessment. My friends and I are not competitive gamers and we dont tend to play against people we do not know. It is just us playing against each other. I really liked creating a character in RTTS and using in DD, especially against friends. I totally understand why they should not be used competitively, and I can appreciate that, but I think the option should be there to be used in non-competitive games against friends. But that is my two cents. Without that, I typically wont touch RTTS.