Stadium Creator
I think I've talked about this before but stadium creator needs serious upgrades.
● need to be able to customize the wall. Distances, scoreboards, HR border, sponsors, logos, etc.
●different bullpen location options
●custom dugouts
●custom foul territory
●Smaller sections of field level seats
●more grass patters
●warning tracks that match EACH dirt color
●ability to rotate props in all directions including tilting props
●better vault navigation(similar to the roster and logo vaults)
●ability to delete parks from out vault
●make the wall the hard prop
●batters eye RIGHT ON THE WALL(no reason to have all that dead space between the prop and wall
●Stone backstop designs
●stone concourse props
●smaller water props
●sections of stands the size of the contemporary suits
●more lettering fonts. And add numbers to those fonts. The wood numbers look so dang bad
●pillar props
●wall templates of ALL 30 MLB parks
light towers and scoreboards from ALL 30 MLB parks including some different light propsI'm sure there's more ideas that other people have but these are some things I have
I think this can and should be simplified.
Vice templates for existing stadiums, give us designers total edit control of the walls down the baselines past the dugouts using the same existing process used to edit the outfield wall.
Make all props work the same, capable of vertical, horizontal, and even tilt edits. This includes making all the batters eye props work and act exactly like all normal props already act, with the same true 3D edit options, and allowing all other props to nest and group with each other.
Treat the walls like an active guillotine. Any prop that intrudes on or past the walls is cutoff at precisely the spots where it physically intrudes on the wall sections. This would work exactly how normal props all guillotine when you bury them into the ground, including stand props where seats suddenly disappear when going below the ground level. In this way, for example, stand props could be buried until just the back few rows remain, and then those visible seats could be positioned as though they are the new active rows of that stand prop.
In return for barring all created stadiums from being used in online competition modes, all the current rules in place created to prevent online cheating are removed, giving designers all creative options. We don't need 99.9% of designers handcuffed from making really nice and eminently playable stadiums because 0.1% of the jerks create stadiums designed to cheat fair online play. Alternative, force designers to submit created stadiums for review and approval and only those approved can be used in online competition play.
Improve the quality of the ivy props, which in current form are embarrassingly poor in presentation.
You are totally correct, the number of various texture based walls and concourse props must be increased. Another issue is that these current concourse props are overly thick. So, another subset should be created that are thin so that they can be more effectively used within stand props to create aisleway access. Also, the ability to tilt all props would come in very handy for this purpose.
Allow signs and scoreboards to be integrated in walls by making them additions to the existing wall prop options.
Make bullpens moveable like any other normal prop and create various bullpen prop options to facilitate different options placing them in the outfield, or on the sides of the batters eye as well as down the baselines but on the fans side of the walls.
Create a prop that can be placed anywhere, including on the playing surface, that uses the team cap logo assigned to the home team chosen to play at the stadium. The tilt option would facilitate this being done on the field of play, but also using it to place on the walls.
What about a small thing like picking the bases too. It’d be fun to make an old ballpark and be able to use the old school pillows over bases.
@PriorFir4383355_XBL and I have been after SDS for...probably at least two years now for making the wall the hard guillotine point and various other things to improve the Creator.
I'd like to to see a "Wrigley Ivy" wall prop instead of the junk they have now, wall templates for all stadiums past and present, bench-style seating (bonus if we can choose crowd size full, half, quarter, or empty), the usability of all props, especially the batter's feels like SDS kneejerked and crippled 99.9% of creators because one or two mumblefvcks decided to make idiotic parks. Batters Eye's need to be integrated a bit better, heck a fair amount of Eyes are actually part of the wall itself (Target Field for example)...I'd also like to be able to create our own eyes, most of the stock ones are absolutely terrible.
Moveable bullpens, and adjustable foul ground is an absolute must at this point, though
I'd like to see grass hills better utilized as well, especially near the walls.
I would like more seating options (bleachers, benches) that can be add...and have seats in other sections. (have all the seats style offered in the game). Canadian flag (when creating a stadium in Montreal for instance.).
In the game have real minor league stadiums ... (not all of course but one league at a time..ex: Eastern League...).
Add more past stadiums in the game... Jarry Park, Exhibition Satadium, the first Astrodome, Olympic stadium, Shea stadium with 60's wooden seats.., Metropolitan stadium, Arlington Stadium.. Candlestick Park (early years)