My wishlist for 2025
Just my thoughts ...
Add an umpire to the practice area. When you're batting or pitching, you don't always know if it's a strike or a ball. The only complication, if it is one, is that you don't necessarily need outs recorded. Not sure if the game could work around that.
Make showdowns so you can re-enter them at each moment where you failed. Especially the long ones. (I've suggested taking the buy-in off, but I'd be ok if this was done instead.)
Keep more of the game's significant cards in the game till the end. I came in this year just after season 3 started when PS Plus added it. One card I've been dearly wanting to get and likely won't be able to if it doesn't show up in the Finest program is Willie Mays HOF. In fact, maybe at least all the HOF cards for the year should be made available in Finest programs.
Do a Negro League storyline sequel. That was one of the first things I did when I got the game and I found it so incredibly inspiring. (Kudos to those who worked on both the Jeter and Negro League storylines. They were magnificent.) Also, make the Negro League playable in CPU games (as an opponent), Franchise, March to October and in RTTS if it isn't already.
Add at least one wild card slot.
Add Barry Bonds. (Yeah, everyone says it's not possible, but I keep hoping.)
I'll probably think of more, but that's it for now.
Additionally, fix the search engine on the app. Maybe it's something I'm doing wrong, but I can't always find what I'm looking for.
@beatlesnews Sometimes I type one guy's name and it gives me similar people who have the same first or last name
Get rid of set and season.
And a personlaty tab where if u play some cards togheter for a x amount of games the boost each other just like in rtts
They should add Ichiro and make a Japanese player storyline
Add an "Already Owned" indicator to card names listed in the Marketplace so it's easier to buy cards on the market without having to remember every card you already own.
I'd like a few things- I'd love to be able to play in an entirely empty stadium...let us set the attendance, 0, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%
Empty bench and bleacher style seats for SC, movable bullpens and custom foul territory
Ability to sell dupes of locked in "no sell" cards
Custom music options- I understand that ones a tough get
Request a trade in RTTS at any time by contacting your agent...not just the two or three times your agent reaches out
My Wishlist:
Ability to disable practice swings. I get a bit trigger happy between pitches and then have to wait for my batter to air-swing before the pitch is started.
In Franchise Mode at least, disable the trivia commentary at your home ground after say May/June. I like listening to them, however having played as the Cubs this year, I well and truly know that there was another Wrigley Field when the Angels started in the 60s.
Real life wind conditions. When starting a game, let me have the real life wind conditions at the ground I'm playing at.
When I start the game, if I've already played today, I don't need to be told again the daily card I won last time I booted up.
Fix the Programs so that the "Completed" tag appears on ALL completed programs. At the moment only a few of them show up. I have to use the app to easily see which are at 100%.
Metric would be nice for those of us who only really know kms and not miles. Dates with the short month in words rather than numbers. e.g APR 6th instead of 4/6 (which to many international players reads as 4th June).
Put the 3rd base coach in an inset in the corner so I can see his call as I’m running from 1st or while the screen is focused on the ball in outfield rather than on the diamond.
When in a program’s menu, when I go into a sub menu (to see challenges or tasks, etc) and then exit out of it, take me one step back. Don’t take me back to the program’s main menu.