How many of y’all are olds?
I'm 63. Hadn't played video games since original Nintendo and Sega Genesis. Got back into it a couple of years ago. I only play The Show and occasionally one of the golf games.
46 or 47. Not sure would have to look up.
I'm 187 years old
@theBlindRhino That's what I'm talking about! I need a calendar, a calculator, and even then... man I wouldn't trust my math. To be fair though, I am TRULY stupid.
@Jacky-Chan1 I feel there are a good few 187-year-old's who are in better shape than me!
I'm 54 and creator of a MLB older gamer league if anyone's interested.
Lots of old timers play this game actually. Probably not the majority but definitely a good active handful. Many young guys don't join the forums as I don't think it interests the younger crowd to use them.
@Dolenz Yeah, that's more like it. But I have you beat. I'm 72.
Baseball is love, Baseball is life.
Spirit of 76 here. Anyone interested in playing please feel free to message me.
I feel so young. lol. 36
60 here. Much to my wife's chagrin, I act 16.
You can tell I'm old because I'm the first person ever to use the word "chagrin" on this forum. You're welcome for me classin' up this joint.
If my sciatic nerve bugs me does that qualify me as old
I am 64 and I am not ashamed, neither of my age, nor of me liking this sport so much that I would keep playing it through a video game. Ahh, by the way, my rank record is 57-14; not bad at all. Obviously younger players (younger than 25) are a majority; however, the most appreciated aspect of playing this video game for me is to have lots of fun while competing against others. -
40yr old here and baseball is life
55… play 3 innings every morning w my cup of Joe.
GoldenGamingKMwrote on Oct 10, 2024, 2:45 PM last edited by GoldenGamingKM_PSN Oct 10, 2024, 2:46 PM
- Wife, 15-month old daughter, and a solid job in agriculture for three years now after teaching high school English for 15. Don't get to play much, but I do enjoy the break from reality when I get some me time.
@GoldenGamingKM I hear you, pretty much the same boat. It’s nice to get a chance to unwind after spending the day getting yelled at by clients and coworkers. “Why are you still showing up here? We fired you months ago!” You know how it goes with those jokesters.
I’m also lucky in that my son is of the generation that finds a simple joy in watching people play video games. He usually ends up asking me about the players in my lineup, which is pretty cool, hope when yours gets older you get the same experience.
It’s cool that when I was kid, I would use my baseball cards to make my own imaginary team replacing them as I went along when I could get new packs. Now through the wonders of technology I get to have that same simple mindless fun that I did when I was a boy.
@beatlesnews got me beat by a year
I'm 69 and retired- play franchise hitting .309 on legend after 65 games ( San Francisco Giants) . Been playing sense 2014