Can we please take timing hitting off of ranked matches?
@virusts said in Can we please take timing hitting off of ranked matches?:
The only time i knew for a fact someone was using timing or directional was when he was fouling off corner pitches like crazy and never swung at balls. Was only able to hit pitches down the middle or close to it. He was quite good at it but I just put in my control pitchers and he maxed out at 2 or 3 runs.
Or, more likely, they were just a Zone hitter who leaves their zone in the center and waits for mistake pitches. Most of the time that is how I play, especially offline.
With timing, I was under the impression that the PCI does not just stay in the middle. You can swing at a pitch down the middle and miss and the feedback shows your PCI somewhere else.
@sbchamps17 said in Can we please take timing hitting off of ranked matches?:
No way would they ever remove it from online play, not everyone is good with zone. This has been tried and shot down on another post on here. I only use timing because that is what I'm good with, getting rid of it will loose alot of people
Adding to this, people with disabilities benefit the most from this interface, if it gets removed they will not be able to play the game. The OP is being very selfish with his take
The_Joneserreplied to virusts on Jul 24, 2024, 9:33 PM last edited by The_Joneser_PSN Jul 25, 2024, 12:51 AM
@virusts, I think thats more true with directional than it is with timing, as I can hit the corners just fine (though I suspect analog input has something to do with that in allowing a taste of placement control).
I’d played about 500 RS games using directional in 2020 alone and it was definitely the case that I only had success over the heart. Now I just need to react quickly enough and so long as I angle my swing stick correctly, I can hit pitches in the corners. Less success with that on HOF levels, but still possible if I’m patient and work counts.
But everyone is correct that it has a lower ceiling because random chance limits success, even when well timed. The ceiling for a good zone player is much higher.
OP might want to consider it since he’s struggling so much with zone.
@The_Joneser said in Can we please take timing hitting off of ranked matches?:
@virusts, I think thats more true with directional than it is with timing, as I can hit the corners just fine (though I suspect analog input has something to do with that in allowing a taste of placement control).
I’d played about 500 RS games using directional in 2020 alone and it was definitely the case that I only had success over the heart. Now I just need to react quickly enough and so long as I angle my swing stick correctly, I can hit pitches in the corners. Less success with that on HOF levels, but still possible if I’m patient and work counts.
But everyone is correct that it has a lower ceiling because random chance limits success, even when well timed. The ceiling for a good zone player is much higher.
OP might want to consider it since he’s struggling so much with zone.
That is the best way to describe it. Timing has a high floor but low ceiling. Zone has a low floor but high ceiling. If you aren't a good player, Timing will help bridge the skill gap, but you will always be limited.
My biggest issue with timing based hitting was always the bad RNG times. The times where I felt like the cpu was causing me to make outs just because I had been on a good run of success. I had done nothing different. So I could beat CPU 30-0 one game than 3-0 the next game. Zone takes that away, my success was mostly a result of me as well as my failures, with little amount of RNG.
Even if you know for a fact that you got beat by a timing based player. You were just the unfortunate victim of the time when the RNG was heavily in your opponents favor and didn't see all the bad rolls in other games.
It's the same when I see all the complaints about having perfect perfect outs while the opposition was winning with bad timing luck hits.
It really is the RNG in the game people have a problem with and Zone is the only way to limit how much you have to deal with, but remember even with zone, RNG is still there.
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X said in Can we please take timing hitting off of ranked matches?:
Still don't understand how you can tell what hitting mode your opponent is utilizing.
My guess would be because OP doesn't use it. People in here always look to some kind of boogeyman to blame when they lose. Directional hitting, pulse pitching, captain cards, quirks....whatever it is, it's never just a simple skill issue.
@Easy_Duhz_It_ i just blame the umpires....rotten bastads.....
The op needs to read the in game info on hitting. It specifically tells you the pros and cons of each interface you use. Like with meter pitching, if you miss the perfect release then it’s as good as using classic pitching. Directional hitting influences the hit but if you are using directional hitting and choose not to use the directional arrow and just hit with the button, it’s the same exact thing as timing hititng
The difference is online in DD almost every card you play against is 99. Guys with high vision and high ct and power. The cpu controlling your pci is an advantage.... esp on AS level and even on hof due to more mistake pitches w harder diff.
@tmoneymill said in Can we please take timing hitting off of ranked matches?:
The difference is online in DD almost every card you play against is 99. Guys with high vision and high ct and power. The cpu controlling your pci is an advantage.... esp on AS level and even on hof due to more mistake pitches w harder diff.
Read the responses in this thread, it isn't an advantage, I don't care if you are using Ruth. If you are using Zone and you lose to someone using timed based, it's entirely on you. There is a reason the top guys are on zone and timed based players are not up there.
If there is any argument to be made, it's probably that timed based players should be matched up with time based players. But that opens up a whole new set of issues.
The_Joneserreplied to tmoneymill on Jul 26, 2024, 4:46 PM last edited by The_Joneser_PSN Jul 26, 2024, 5:44 PM
@tmoneymill, how many RS games have you played using the timing interface? I've played over 200 this year, and I can tell you that what you're saying is 100% incorrect. Even on balls floated right down the middle of the plate, 99s will fail to reach safely roughly 60% of the time. Move the ball from the heart (but still in the strike zone), and you'll see that failure rate jump to about 70%. With my best cards, I'm hitting roughly .300 to .330, homering about once every 15 ABs through hundreds of plate appearances. Good zone players make those stats look pathetic.
It's more difficult to succeed while hitting when using the timing interface (more so when you use analog). If it was easier to succeed, then everyone would use it.
I often will switch to zone for moments when a homerun is required--or even temporarily in RS games when someone is spamming locations--because it seems that if you put that [censored] reticle anywhere near the ball and time it well, you've got a coin-flip's chance of a home run. For giggles, I played an RS game this morning using zone (I was around 630 and my opponent a little lower, I think), and it was much of the same; I didn't set the world on fire, but I hit 3 HR and 2 more perfect/perfects that each hit the wall on a screaming line drive.
While it may be difficult to line up the PCI and point the batter's eyes at the ball using zone (which is really a dumb mechanic, when you think about it), that thing is far more forgiving than both timing and directional.
That's an advantage.