More All-Star cards for collection
I have Ohtani with all the cards that they dropped … You do not have to get the big ones (e.g. Soto) to get him
EDIT: Do the program once, the draft map twice and finish TA (which has never been easier). After that, go ahead and buy the base round cards from the packs
I would imagine the next event having a couple asg cards
Yes I am at exactly 65 right now
Im about 6 away from Judge right now and im debating on whether or not to spend the stubs or hold off until the end of the year to see if they drop AS game packs
In all honesty if you just buy the base round cards and work on the program and stuff and conquest you should be able to finish it. I completed the program the first day in like an hour or so and have judge. I'm also at like 660k xp after not playing the whole season and just completing all my programs. And now just getting to 177 cards
Was just gonna ask the same question. I have 73 collected, got Shohei (he's awesome btw). But to get judge it would still cost me over 200k. Seriously, SDS!? Don't do us dirty like that
Funny enough the season 1 season awards judge 99 isn't much worse and costs alot less to get it's just the fact you have to use a wildcard on him that sucks
@DRHM100_XBL I have all the base tier, the free program guys and a couple of higher guys. I'm still 7 away. If they don't add more it would still cost over 200k to finish. Better off buying the Season Award Judge from the market for 60k
@ChunkyyLover77_MLBTS This isn't true. I have none of the big boys locked in and I have Ohtani
I have 70 and I have Soto and all base round guys. I have 200k but I don’t want to spent all my stubs to get judge who is barely an upgrade over Langford. So I hope an event or
the hall of fame program cards count towards the collection. The hall of fame induction is close enough to all star week. If there is no more free cards I’m not spending 200k for Judge. And I’m a Yankees Fan! -
If I were to guess I would say that there will be no new cards introduced but it is possible the packs will eventually show up in other programs as rewards. Of course that probably won't happen until the sales for those packs have fallen off quite a bit.
So how are we supposed to finish this collection? Are we being forced to buy packs or players on marketplace? No other way to finish? I have Ohtani but not enough for Judge.
Nobody can hit with Judge Cards anyways it’s a blessing they put him at the end of the program and not one of the guys that are actually usable
@Cubsfan217_XBL Has it ever been different? Honestly what do you expect? That they give out a collection reward for free?
It is exactly what @Redd666ish_PSN said. Nobody can hit with Judge. If you like him AND (THIS IS IMPORTANT) if you want to get him now, you gotta pay a bit.
Sometimes you gotta shake your head … it is DD, it is supposed to get people to question whether to invest some stubs or not … and it is the same every year: if you wait a bit, they will drop some packs with base rounds to let you finish. Is is only for people who cannot wait. We will have a flash sale in the coming weeks so expect some draft/HR Derby packs in there -
@BadaBing_0_PSN when you say big boys, you're talking of high tier guys? I'm talking mid tier guys that are around 30k. Buy 7 of them and you're over 200k. I said for Judge btw, not Ohtani
@YOSHI24_XBL I don’t know if my collections are bugged, but it does not have all of the all star cards listed. I can definitely see a few of the TA cards missing from my collections. Additionally, I know we get two packs from the all star program (the pick 3 cards one), but do you know if there is another way to get one of those packs?
@TheBigChummer_PSN there are multiple pages of cards for the collections. You have to cycle to each page and collect.
@TheBigChummer_PSN First. You know that the collection has two pages? Switch over to see the second page.
Other than that: The All-star-program has two draft packs with 12 players in it that you cannot buy atm. With that you get 6 players. The other pack is in the draft map conquest … Finish that twice and you got all the 12 players.
I think, any average player with a decent stub count should get to at least Tatis pretty easy. Do TA, the program, the conquest, the showdown (there is 1 player) and buy some of the cheap common cards from draft, HR Derby and All-Star-Game …