Can we get rid of changing pitchers mid ab
The game's fatigue mechanic makes things awfully risky. Control etc just fall off a cliff. If I think the guy can't throw anymore I'm going to think about making a change, no matter when it is. Sometimes I stick it out too long and the home run derby which follows reminds me to get the hook out earlier next time.
@cbpm72_PSN Exactly. Green to yellow to red to out of energy transitions should only change after at bats. This would help. And hell no they should not prevent us from changing pitchers mid AB. That’s part of the game.
@GoozeFn_PSN If you notice, the fatigue meter changes more with innings than pitches. I threw a Maddux on only 75 pitches with the 86(P4) Halladay...and was in red stamina by the 9th. Alternatively, I threw 75 with LS Strider into the 5th and he was still green
@Sarge1387_PSN OK. I’ve also seen it change during an AB.
I have seen pitching changes from my opponents mid-at-bat against me happen alot this year because I am either making solid contact on their starting pitcher and/or relief pitcher, or I am not swinging at their pitches that are not strikes, at a critical time of the game, and they're trying to throw me off by doing this. When I am pitching, I only replace a pitcher mid-at-bat, if my pitcher can't find any part of the plate because he has lost total control, or I am getting shelled after giving up more than two home runs in an inning, and trying desperately to get anybody out. I barely do this when I'm pitching, but it's totally legal, and I see this in real life MLB games at least twice every season.
@GoozeFn_PSN Both things you said are problematic, to be polite:
You do not go from I feel good, to once an out is registered, feeling fatigued. It's not how life works. You can overextend a SP/RP near the end of an outing with a long AB. Pitcher gets a bit lazy/exhausted and puts one in the middle to get it over with, hoping for help from the defense.
You NEVER see RP brought in in the middle of an AB in real life without an injury; manager who does that would get called bush league.
Frankly, the last thing anyone should want SDS to do is put false rules in the game code that prevents players from doing things that are perfectly legal in real baseball. The current MLB rule is a three hitter minimum vice injury for a single pitcher, and that was a fairly recent rule change due to teams going with the "max effort" philosophy for their pitchers and sacrificing bench players to expand their bullpens.
Prior to that rule change, managers were bringing in specialists to pitch to one hitter and then bringing in another relief pitcher. MLB thought that was unduly delaying the game, and so the three-hitter rule was adopted. Of course, all MLB rules have complications, and so a pitcher can face fewer than three hitters if he recorded the final out of an inning. In that case, another pitcher can start the next inning.
Last I tested it out, MLB The Show replicates that rule requiring three hitters for a single pitcher, except for the start of a new inning, or injury.
There is no rule preventing a manager from making a pitching change within a single AB, provided the pitcher on the mound being relieved is facing his fourth batter. It is rare, but it has happened, and the job of the manager is to win the game. If something comes up and he thinks his pitcher has lost the ability to record the out, and he brings in a relief pitcher to record the out, then the manager did his job.
My final comment is why the rare times this happens would it be so annoying as to cause someone to create a thread asking SDS to prevent it happening? It's not like there is a long delay in the game, unlike real games. The new pitcher appears and you resume the AB. The delay in the virtual game is literally a few seconds. Is that really worth getting riled up over?
@PriorFir4383355_XBL It's not a delay of game issue, it's a cheese issue. You know, the thing that ruins everything fun; how do they call it? Ah yes, humans. People are the worst. It's pretty much every single game.
Online addicts think that people don't play online because they're scared. No, it's because of dealing with aholes all the time.
Well, this is why umpires were put into real baseball games a long time ago. When baseball first started, there were no umpires and the game went along just fine for many years until competition started to turn into victory with cheating.
The basic problem with the online coop play is there is no provision for umpires to regulate that sort of nonsense away. It is prime reason why I have steadfastly refused to play any coop games, and that will never change as I have never once played an online game and frankly never will.
It's not merely that there are dishonest people out there, but ... well to be frank about it, I think there is a higher percentage of morally challenged people playing online games than exist in the general population. They just lack character, and when I play a game it's free time I devote to having some good, clean fun.
On the other hand, isn't there a three-hitter rule in place in coop play? I genuinely ask because again, I don't play coop. But, I do know there is one in Franchise, and in the offline DD games that I sometimes played against the CPU. So, I would think the same would be present in coop.
@yankblan_PSN It’s a video game. The way the games mechanics work make it a good move to sometimes take a pitcher out mid AB. Change the mechanics and it’s fixed. Changing the rules to something that also doesn’t exist in MLB doesn’t make any sense.