For those saying they’re not playing Season 2
@hoo_pharted_PSN Exactly this; the best way to send a message is to not buy; that ship has sailed.
Too many "I won't buy next year" inevitably come back when they start to get that itch in early March and you can't grind stuff from past games that aren't live anymore to hold you over.
@yankblan_PSN i do COD on skip years of the show
Here’s the thing…I’m a whale. I freely & openly admit I am a whale. I used to spend $3000 every year on this game when I played it year round. Last season I stopped playing when the Season 1 cards were eliminated. I had spent $2000 at that point, Didn’t spend another dollar so that cost them $1000 from me. This year I have spent $1000 and am only playing regs come tomorrow. So that’s $2000 SDS is losing from me this year and that makes $3000 total since they went the route of Seasons. So yes….Myself & other whales can absolutely affect their bottom line. But please - Tell me how not buying the $60 game is hurting them more than this? Oh and SDS employees look me up and verify what I’ve said here for yourselves.
@YeahBruv412_XBL said in For those saying they’re not playing Season 2:
Here’s the thing…I’m a whale. I freely & openly admit I am a whale. I used to spend $3000 every year on this game when I played it year round. Last season I stopped playing when the Season 1 cards were eliminated. I had spent $2000 at that point, Didn’t spend another dollar so that cost them $1000 from me. This year I have spent $1000 and am only playing regs come tomorrow. So that’s $2000 SDS is losing from me this year and that makes $3000 total since they went the route of Seasons. So yes….Myself & other whales can absolutely affect their bottom line. But please - Tell me how not buying the $60 game is hurting them more than this? Oh and SDS employees look me up and verify what I’ve said here for yourselves.
Because you're probably 1 player in 10,000 that spends like that. If only 1000 of those other folks stop buying the game it has 20 times the impact of your spending. That's what SDS has to worry about long term
@hoo_pharted_PSN said in For those saying they’re not playing Season 2:
not playing season 2 is cutting your nose off to spite your face , you already given your money to them , only not buying next year will ring your message loud and clear , i took last year as a skip year because you could not finish programs without playing multiplayer before , i despise multi , so i was sick of throwing my money at them , they had started loosening their grip on the cards it was not enough , so seasons is new to me , dont care for it , i think the energy would have been better utilized in shoring up game quality and function , this is like having a car that runs like Sh** and buying a $2k stereo system for it instead of putting it into making it run better , except at least with the car you would have nice tunes while you are broke down
I don't know if I agree or disagree with this take, because it actually makes sense. I think I'm ticked because I splurged this year and bought myself the deluxe edition...and was overwhelming underwhelmed once I saw the XP payouts, which two weeks in I was doing the math and realized I won't even get close to a boss...for me personally began to feel like it was all for naught, know what I mean? I want to feel like my time spent playing would at least get me one or two of them like in previous years
I’m honestly wondering how many people that were planning on playing season 2 will start the grind & then stop after a couple of hours. I’ve seen people on twitter already saying this lol
I'll play some but not much honestly. As a cardinals fan they gave me nothing to work for because I will never collect enough for Gibson.
I looked at everything and shut the game off. I usually just start grinding away but this is just awful in my opinion. I’m watching Mad Max Fury Road instead. Lol…Furiosa is awesome and worth a movie ticket.
@soonermagic78_XBL said in For those saying they’re not playing Season 2:
I looked at everything and shut the game off.
I did the same. Nothing at all even looked interesting, let alone good.
I don't understand wanting to do all of that over again after just having finished the first time.
this season's thing is horse-bleep
There is literally no way. SDS, this the best you got with NCAA coming? Good luck. You will most certainly need it.
As of three weeks ago, I had completed every program and was still at only 300k in the season XP. I realized how much of a grind I would have to do just to get Pettite, and it seemed too daunting. Now that Season 2 has started, and I know I can't get him, I've lost all motivation to play.
TA was ruined for me last year, and made even worse this year. They gave out less cards and made the season sets too hard to complete.
I played this game for the grind and earning all the players in sets. Now, it feels like the game is geared towards buying packs and playing online. It's just not for me anymore. It really sucks, and I'm sure I'll pick it up from time to time this year, but I won't be buying next year. The Show is clearly going in the direction of EA Madden, and I left that 4 years ago for the same reasons.
@The-Harvest_XBL said in For those saying they’re not playing Season 2:
As of three weeks ago, I had completed every program and was still at only 300k in the season XP. I realized how much of a grind I would have to do just to get Pettite, and it seemed too daunting. Now that Season 2 has started, and I know I can't get him, I've lost all motivation to play.
TA was ruined for me last year, and made even worse this year. They gave out less cards and made the season sets too hard to complete.
I played this game for the grind and earning all the players in sets. Now, it feels like the game is geared towards buying packs and playing online. It's just not for me anymore. It really sucks, and I'm sure I'll pick it up from time to time this year, but I won't be buying next year. The Show is clearly going in the direction of EA Madden, and I left that 4 years ago for the same reasons.
I looked at the S2 TA player card rewards and there is nobody I was thrilled about getting.
@soonermagic78_XBL said in For those saying they’re not playing Season 2:
I looked at everything and shut the game off. I usually just start grinding away but this is just awful in my opinion. I’m watching Mad Max Fury Road instead. Lol…Furiosa is awesome and worth a movie ticket.
I'm watching The Summer Games Fest show
I have no idea why anyone who doesn't have gamepass would buy this game to play. I love sports but the grind....the micro transactions.....the cuts to stub making in every way.
@Jackmo709_XBL said in For those saying they’re not playing Season 2:
I have no idea why anyone who doesn't have gamepass would buy this game to play. I love sports but the grind....the micro transactions.....the cuts to stub making in every way.
They could just enjoy baseball. Remember the good old days when we played sports games just because we enjoyed the sport? Back before Ultimate Team modes were even a thought in a devs mind?
@Jackmo709_XBL said in For those saying they’re not playing Season 2:
I have no idea why anyone who doesn't have gamepass would buy this game to play. I love sports but the grind....the micro transactions.....the cuts to stub making in every way.
HA! I play this series on gamepass primarily but for some deranged reason thought I'd also purchase it on PS5 this year to 'support the developers'. Well the jokes on me isn't it!
Right before I read your post I had called gamestop to see how much the trade in value was for this game on PS5. $22!! Better than nothing right!?
Not that anyone would care, but I'm an offline player only. I played a lot (in my opinion) and I still didn't earn enough for the first boss pack. I am tired of fighting with this game daily. I love baseball and I love TheShow presentation, but everything else is horrid (offline xp, seasons, stellar cpu fielding, well placed hits for outs, bad placed hits for base hits, I could go on and on. The final nail is when they double down on "No gameplay changes at this time", just screams arrogance and a lack of care. I choose to opt out of S2, will see if I get the baseball bug to purchase next year... but, I kinda doubt I will.
@YeahBruv412_XBL said in For those saying they’re not playing Season 2:
I truly hope you stick to your guns as this is the ONLY way to assure seasons goes away after this year. If you voice your displeasure, Nomatter how loudly…But then go and grind Season 2 anyway then SDS will see you as compliant and not care what you say as long as you play. And nothing will change. The only way seasons goes is if enough people simply don’t play the game - THAT’S IT. Because complaining on forums or saying you don’t like it on a survey does nothing - absolutely nothing if you play anyway. That is ALL sds will care about and nothing will change.
For those that are playing season 2 - This post isn’t targeting you, Have fun. This is just addressing the people that claim they are quitting on Friday. Those are the only people I care about right now & REALLY hope they follow through.
I booted the game up, realized how creatively devoid it was, and probably won't even be booting up DD again until after the All-Star game.
Those days were great...the kids now will never know them unfortunately