Ideas to improve Live Series Cards in Diamond Dynasty
Been watching a lot of content creators post their critiques of MLB the Show 24 and thought, and a major theme has been inovation on what is already good in the game. So I wanted to share some of my ideas (the specifically around Live Series players) in hopes that SDS reads.
First and obvious for me.....this is only one not related to LS directly.
Get rid of sets and go back to innings programs with power creep again. It was great...should not have changed it. Nothing will be worse that grinding the next two weeks to get 30 "99's", only to be able to use them for 2-3 weeks then most never again until January 2025. Doing this will also bring back even more Value to the LS in the first few months of the Game Cycle.
Now, how can you improve use and value of Live Series deeper into the Game Cycle? Here are some new innovation ideas...
Add the option of adding a Perk/Quirk(s) to an individual Live Series players. I love the concept of quirks, and Paralleling players is probably the best addition to the game in the last 5 years (please dont get rid of that), but if i decided to P5 Bubba Thompson, and I want to increase some of his attrubutes, how cool would it be to be able to attached a Perk or two to a player (which would be available in packs on the market) to enhance some of that players attributes and give more variabilty to the game and make the Live series cards more valuable. You'd only be able to use them once (so if you wanted to use on other players, you'd need to get more Perks). Even the concept for of adding different pitching Perk to a pitchers would make using the Live Series even more interesting. Also, consider giving a reward for P5ing a players (a wheel spin, or something).
This might be controversial, but its time to do away with "Finest." Instead, make the the best Live Series Players become The Finest players after the end of the season. So if you have Live Series Elly De La Cruz, and bought him as a Silver, and by the end of the Season he's the MVP and would normally get a finest card, instead, turn his Live Series Card into the Finest Card. This would bring investing to a whole new level and actually give the Live Series Card FAR more value than just being used to collect for the Set Rewards.
Lastly, speaking of Sets. Go back to the WAY you used to do Live Series Set Collections, and their should be 99 Rewards for AL, NL and ALL again. This years collection rewards outside of the Babe are abysmal. And getting rid of the League Rewards was really bad. In addition, we need far more collections for all cards in general by type, as for some of us, collecting and getting those rewards is one of the best parts of the game. We need to go back to MLBtheShow 20 and 21 to see how collection can be done best.
Thanks for reading.
I'll never understand why they got away from the collection for specific card types (Veteran/Rookie/Prime/etc.) That really added an extra layer of depth and strategy to the collection portion of the game because sometimes your boss/reward pick would be based on whatever series of card you needed as opposed to which player you actually wanted for your team.
Now every card is just lumped into one giant pile and card types are completely irrelevant.
Agree with both post.
@SakAttack87 lol not even once did I pick a worse card for a collection I didnt care about the another card Iām not going to use instead of the car I wanted. SDS thanks you for your service dear lord
I would love to see a ranked program just for live series cards, i think that could fun and atleast ya have something to do with them
@DeleteyourTTVBTW said in Ideas to improve Live Series Cards in Diamond Dynasty:
@SakAttack87 lol not even once did I pick a worse card for a collection I didnt care about the another card Iām not going to use instead of the car I wanted. SDS thanks you for your service dear lord
It wasn't necessarily a worse card as usually the bosses or rewards for programs are the same overall, but I remember the deciding factor sometimes coming down to which series I needed.
I don't play the game competitively, just enjoy collecting the cards I like and being a Yankees fan there were collections in the last few games for both 99 overall Mo and Mickey that I really wanted. Sacrifices had to be made.