99’s incoming
@AdeptOfMemory said in 99’s incoming:
@chucky97___ Did you feel like a big man typing that? You telling me your parents don't make you angry when they don't give you ketchup to dip your dino nuggies in for supper? Dude, stubbing my toe makes me angry. I'm allowed to get angry at a video game.
no you're allowed to be angry, but you are treating this game like it is life or death. It's not that deep bud.
@AdeptOfMemory said in 99’s incoming:
@chucky97___ how much they pay you to post on the forums? I might actually do that too if it's good enough. I mean I don't basement dwell under my parents bedroom like you can but I might be able to add time to this forum if a paycheck is involved.
you are so angry for no reason, brother it will be okay, video games being bad isn't the be all end all in life.
@AdeptOfMemory said in 99’s incoming:
@chucky97___ cry, loser. You're a victim when you buy a product that you were told was one think but when you get it it's absolutely NOT what you paid for. You were scammed. Just cause you suck em off while ignoring it and they give you a little treat for you enjoy from time to time doesn't mean they are doing a good job as developers. Stop the simping or at least [censored] off to enjoy your SDS gurgling elsewhere. It is all proving my point as you keyboard warrior for these pigs running the Show.
So no one is allowed to enjoy the game? I like baseball, I enjoy playing, is it it perfect? No. The only keyboard warrior here is you, I have said nothing in disrespect towards you.
Just a personal opinion but I think it's absurd that a month an half into release and just a month into baseball season we're at 99s. In the words of Syndrome from the incredibles, "when everyone is super then nobody is". I liked it better when we had to grind with bronze and silvers to obtain golds and then grind those to obtain diamonds.
@Ledfoot_19 welp, good news for you the power creep resets in 29 days, and no one was ever playing online grinding ranked using bronzes and silvers.
I personally am excited to see some 99s that are accessible and hopefully we get to see some new cards and maybe card types with it. I am not extremely happy with the game so far and the way it seems to have turned away from programs and grinds to more and more packs without putting these packs into any programs I am looking forward to getting some 99s before the power creep reset. My only hope is that the wild card spots are actually obtainable in season 2 so we can use a few of our S1 cards. There was alot of potential for this game with the power creep back and keeping it fresh with new seasons but the execution has been terrible and has gone away from what people actually enjoyed about the game
@Ms740929 said in 99’s incoming:
I personally am excited to see some 99s that are accessible and hopefully we get to see some new cards and maybe card types with it. I am not extremely happy with the game so far and the way it seems to have turned away from programs and grinds to more and more packs without putting these packs into any programs I am looking forward to getting some 99s before the power creep reset. My only hope is that the wild card spots are actually obtainable in season 2 so we can use a few of our S1 cards. There was alot of potential for this game with the power creep back and keeping it fresh with new seasons but the execution has been terrible and has gone away from what people actually enjoyed about the game
if you think about it, we use to only get one TA per season, now we are getting 3 TA's per season. thats almost over 90 free cards, including 30 free 99's, boss packs and collection packs.
@chucky97___ said in 99’s incoming:
@Ms740929 said in 99’s incoming:
I personally am excited to see some 99s that are accessible and hopefully we get to see some new cards and maybe card types with it. I am not extremely happy with the game so far and the way it seems to have turned away from programs and grinds to more and more packs without putting these packs into any programs I am looking forward to getting some 99s before the power creep reset. My only hope is that the wild card spots are actually obtainable in season 2 so we can use a few of our S1 cards. There was alot of potential for this game with the power creep back and keeping it fresh with new seasons but the execution has been terrible and has gone away from what people actually enjoyed about the game
if you think about it, we use to only get one TA per season, now we are getting 3 TA's per season. thats almost over 90 free cards, including 30 free 99's, boss packs and collection packs.
True, but we are all getting the same cards, in order to get different cards you have to buy packs. It's actually not great for lineup diversity.
@nflman2033 you dont have to buy packs, you can be wise with stubs and buy from the market, the best cards shouldn't be free.
I think you should be able to earn the best cards, should all cards be able to be earned in programs, no. But the majority should be which is the point of a grind and if there is a new pack you should be able to earn one somewhere which is why there is a base and a rare round. Just because it’s a program doesnt mean the program has to be easy. Being able to earn the best cards and not having to pay for them was what made this game so great
@Ms740929 if all the best cards are able to be earned, is that great for line up diversity?
Different cards are available in different ways (World Series reward, Flawless Awards, Events) so yes lineups will be different as some players can not obtain all of those things so they can not earn every card. I did not say there should be no packs but I think the amount of packs this year has been excessive with no way to obtain them other than stubs. Even if a pack is earned you are not guaranteed the best card and if you do pull a rare you do not get all of them
TA has 99s this Friday?
Ledfoot_19replied to chucky97___ on May 6, 2024, 7:30 PM last edited by Ledfoot_19_PSN May 6, 2024, 7:31 PM
@chucky97___ said in 99’s incoming:
@Ledfoot_19 welp, good news for you the power creep resets in 29 days, and no one was ever playing online grinding ranked using bronzes and silvers.
Actually a few years back you had too if you wanted to unlock better cards. Before moments existed you had to achieve a certain amount of hits or HRs, or strike outs with say a bronze Robin Yount to unlock a silver Yount, and then you had to achieve something with that to achieve gold and so on. Sure most people did that grinding offline in conquest but they did it to get that Diamond Yount or whomever for their Ranked online team. It was way more fun than the last 3 years
@chucky97___ said in 99’s incoming:
@Ledfoot_19 welp, good news for you the power creep resets in 29 days, and no one was ever playing online grinding ranked using bronzes and silvers.
I still have a silver in my starting TA lineup and a few bronzes in the bullpen, but I run a theme team.
My best reliever has been silver Brooks Raley, although admittedly with the captain boost he is closer to a diamond anyway. -
@Ledfoot_19 player programs were great and i do wish they never got rid of them. Was good for both online/offline players
@Jacky-Chan1 said in 99’s incoming:
I wish SE would ban all posters who are negative just to negative.
Yes, ban all criticisms of the game instead of the person that doesn't want to see it simply not clicking the link.
@bryan44177 You are right, but feedback is not the same as criticize … feedback can be positive
@chucky97___ said in 99’s incoming:
@nflman2033 you dont have to buy packs, you can be wise with stubs and buy from the market, the best cards shouldn't be free.
Not sure that's what I said.
I agree I don't buy packs. But people have to buy packs in order for the cards to hit the open market. In years past free choice packs have helped keep market prices down.
I don't disagree that best cards shouldn't be free, and I won't argue the semantics of best cards, I just don't want the majority of the cards to cost stubs especially a lot of stubs.