Why do the Season Award Program?
If my math and calculations are wrong, will someone please explain how baseball Averages, OPS, and Slugging % is calculated? Oh wait, no need. I can do that.
- Batting average is calculated by ((((DIVIDING)))) a player's hits by his total at-bats for a number between zero.
- OPS: To calculate this number for each player, (((DIVIDE))) a player's number of plate appearances by the number of times the player reached base.
- Slugging Percentage: Is calculated by (((DIVIDING))) the total number of bases by the number of at bats. It is represented as a decimal, and is typically rounded to three decimal places. For example, if a player has 42 bases in 100 at bats, their slugging percentage would be 0.420
Before I continue, does ANYPNE disagree with this? I sure as Phuck hope not, for your own sake.
Ok, next fact. Show zone literally used the same calculations as I did on Averaging oit Witt's overall batting and power. Just look for yourself. Actually, I'll show you. Then anyone is welcome to check/verify my numbers, lol.
Hitting Attributes:
CON L: 90
CON R: 113
AVG CON: 101.5
They added both Contacts which equal 203. DIVIDE that number by (((2))) And you get 101.5PWR L: 96
PWR R: 84
Once again, let's do the same thing. Combining both power numbers = 180. Divide that by 2 and you get 90.Now, adding 101.5 and 90 = 191.5. Divide that number and you get 95.75!
I AGREE THAT BASED ON THESE NUMBERS, HIS CARD IS WITHOUT A DOUBT, A 95 OVERALL RATED CARD!HOWEVER, when I rate a card, I add in the vision and Clutch, and sometimes the disc to determine the overall hitting rating. The math and calculations are done exactly the same way by adding up all the hitting stats and dividing. This is how you fully calculate a player's overall rating. The overall rating is not supppsed to be just his Con and Power added and divided.
This is why I came forward and created this thread.
His 84 clutch lowers those numbers when runners are in scoring position. The low 60's vision also lowers those numbers due to the pci and swing zone being reduced. Then u have his abysmal 50's Disc. Most check swings will be called strikes.SDS could have given Witt better clutch and vision to keep his overall rating from being watered down.
Btw, I created a new account and went into ranked. I faced Witt 10 times without runners in scoring position, and 10 times with runners in scoring position. I literally walked guys just to face him with runners in scoring position, lol.
He is 3 for 10 with 2 doubles without runners in scoring position.
He's 1 for 10 with runners in scoring position by hitting a 3 run bombguess I deserved that, lol. But he's also only hitting .100.
He's much better without runners in scoring position. This is part of my argument as to why he won't be used much especially on Legend. I literally heard many of the top streamers and seen the top ranked gamers teams. Witt is nowhere to be seen. Most tried him out just for fun. But very few actually use him on their God Squad.
But if his Clutch was at least 95 and vision was at least 75, more ppl would use him on their god squad.My point out of all of this is: SDS PURPOSELY gimped his card by giving him low clutch and vision. It's to control the power creep. They don't want to give out a free S tier HOF-Lefend program card that will be on everyone's team for months.
That’s a terribly flawed experiment lol I wouldn’t expect players that low to do anything even if they were rolling a roster with 125 across the board.
Vision is pretty much irrelevant I don’t know why you keep bring up vision as an attribute good players are going to be looking for in their god squad
Anyone got the coles notes for this thread? All I see are walls of text that I'm not sure will make me smarter or dumber so I'm hesitant to invest.
@Shauwn said in Why do the Season Award Program?:
If my math and calculations are wrong, will someone please explain how baseball Averages, OPS, and Slugging % is calculated? Oh wait, no need. I can do that.
- Batting average is calculated by ((((DIVIDING)))) a player's hits by his total at-bats for a number between zero.
- OPS: To calculate this number for each player, (((DIVIDE))) a player's number of plate appearances by the number of times the player reached base.
- Slugging Percentage: Is calculated by (((DIVIDING))) the total number of bases by the number of at bats. It is represented as a decimal, and is typically rounded to three decimal places. For example, if a player has 42 bases in 100 at bats, their slugging percentage would be 0.420
I honestly have no idea what kind of weird flex being able to calculate simple baseball stats is... but congrats?
Are you really of the mind set that the people reading this thread don't know basic math skills? Actually, are you even aware that the point of most the responses to this thread aren't even about math? It's about your flawed methodology and also about the fact that a 95 this year looks to be the same as a 95 last year, so all your commentary regarding them watering down the ratings is moot.
@Shauwn said in Why do the Season Award Program?:
Ok, next fact. Show zone literally used the same calculations as I did on Averaging oit Witt's overall batting and power. Just look for yourself. Actually, I'll show you. Then anyone is welcome to check/verify my numbers, lol.
Hitting Attributes:
CON L: 90
CON R: 113
AVG CON: 101.5
They added both Contacts which equal 203. DIVIDE that number by (((2))) And you get 101.5PWR L: 96
PWR R: 84
Once again, let's do the same thing. Combining both power numbers = 180. Divide that by 2 and you get 90.Now, adding 101.5 and 90 = 191.5. Divide that number and you get 95.75!
You can pick almost any card from the available cards, go to ShowZone, and see this isn't what they do. However, to limit variables, I will look at just SS, and I will look at SS that are close to Witt in overall. Our small, but adequate, sample size will consist of 99 Jimmy Rollins, 93 Rich Aurilia, and 89 Carlos Correa.
99 Jimmy Rollins
CON L - 120
CON R - 103
PWR L - 87
PWR R - 86
AVERAGE: 99.00
Yet, Showzone has him with a True Overall of 107.48 and a Meta Overall of 104.1093 Rich Aurilia
CON L - 102
CON R - 103
PWR L - 108
PWR R - 76
AVERAGE: 97.25
Yet, Showzone has him with a True Overall of 100.82 and a Meta Overall of 89.5289 Carlos Correa
CON L - 125
CON R - 88
PWR L - 74
PWR R - 76
AVERAGE: 90.75
Yet, Showzone has him with a True Overall of 97.52 and a Meta Overall of 82.89Here's a link to a visual of this data
Here are two actual facts:
- We don't really know how either MLB the Show or ShowZone calculates their ratings (although I bet we could source code ShowZone's methodology)
- ShowZone doesn't do what you said they did. Simple math demonstrates that.
Also, for being such a math whiz, why did you feel the need to find the average of two sets of two numbers each? It's much clearer and simpler to just find the average of the 4 numbers (it's the same result each time).
@Shauwn said in Why do the Season Award Program?:
HOWEVER, when I rate a card, I add in the vision and Clutch, and sometimes the disc to determine the overall hitting rating. The math and calculations are done exactly the same way by adding up all the hitting stats and dividing. This is how you fully calculate a player's overall rating. The overall rating is not supppsed to be just his Con and Power added and divided.
Good, so you now can see that neither MLB the Show nor ShowZone just average Power and Contact either.
@Shauwn said in Why do the Season Award Program?:
His 84 clutch lowers those numbers when runners are in scoring position. The low 60's vision also lowers those numbers due to the pci and swing zone being reduced. Then u have his abysmal 50's Disc. Most check swings will be called strikes.
SDS could have given Witt better clutch and vision to keep his overall rating from being watered down.
I'm not actually going to disagree with you here. Your idea that his clutch and vision tank what could have been a better card are valid. However, your methodology of calculating overalls is just that: yours. It's not the game's, it's not ShowZone's, it not anything. And, the method MLB the Show uses appears to be the same they used last year (or at least very similar). Witt's attributes on a card last year would have also been a 95, I can almost guarantee you that. If he had better vision/clutch, he would go from a very good card to darn near God Tier (which you did actually mention in a section I didn't include in this reply).
@Shauwn said in Why do the Season Award Program?:
My point out of all of this is: SDS PURPOSELY gimped his card by giving him low clutch and vision. It's to control the power creep. They don't want to give out a free S tier HOF-Lefend program card that will be on everyone's team for months.
This is an absolutely valid point. But this is never what you said. You came up with this whole convoluted argument that SDS was lying about their rating system. Then, when others showed examples of similar cards last year, or mentioned other sites that show his card is actually pretty decent, you doubled down and expanded your argument to also include that you knew more math than anyone else and that you knew how all other sites did their calculations and that all other card comparisons are frauds, too.
@Shauwn said in Why do the Season Award Program?:
My point out of all of this is: SDS PURPOSELY gimped his card by giving him low clutch and vision. It's to control the power creep. They don't want to give out a free S tier HOF-Lefend program card that will be on everyone's team for months.
First, just because you put it in Caps and add an exclamation point does not make it fact. I don't believe their card ratings are anywhere near that simplified. Based on past streams in previous years we know that they weight attributes differently based on position. SS, 2B and CF have defense playing a bigger part in their overall rating than say a first baseman. Power is weighted more for corner positions.
As for the second part, I am not sure anyone here would dispute that. I think we all realize that they will tweak attributes on non-live cards to reach the overall rating that they want to achieve. Just look at Topps now cards. That is why the Trout and Ohtani cards from week 1 are 88s and the most recent Topps Now cards are 90. When we get to week 8 they will probably be 92 overall cards on the low end.
I am not sure what the point is of all these math posts. What's wrong with saying what everyone else in the community has been saying for years when they do not like a released card, which is simply "I don't like this card. I'd rather use <insert player name>'s card".
#2 is the definition for obp not ops.
ops is obp plus slg.
I didn't read any of the rest of that giant wall of text,this is a baseball forum not an author's convention. -
@PAinPA said in Why do the Season Award Program?:
#2 is the definition for obp not ops.
ops is obp plus slg.
I didn't read any of the rest of that giant wall of text,this is a baseball forum not an author's convention.Oh, but you should! It’s glorious!
@Tadow9 I agree that this makes no sense!
@Shauwn I'm really tired of seeing you do nothing but complain, like why even play bro?
I have Topps Now Lawrence Butler on my Buxton team as a platoon bat … Other than that, no one fits my preferences … But that is not a new thing. Topps Now cards (from the Monthly programs) are awful for many years in a row now :).
The new thing this year is that season awards are not the same as the monthly program guys. That is because it follows the power creep agenda (which does not indicate, that it is a good card we got
Yeah surprisingly good card. He has 117 or so Clutch and works with Buxton boost. -
These programs are pretty easy to complete and in multiple ways. Its nice picking and choosing which path to go and what to ignore. Now I can even mix in the cards and apply them to team affinity killing 2 birds with 1 stone.
I rake with Witt Jr. Live series and now with this program gem coming right when I'm grinding AL Central in team affinity, it's even better.
@Ledfoot_19 said in Why do the Season Award Program?:
These programs are pretty easy to complete and in multiple ways. Its nice picking and choosing which path to go and what to ignore. Now I can even mix in the cards and apply them to team affinity killing 2 birds with 1 stone.
I rake with Witt Jr. Live series and now with this program gem coming right when I'm grinding AL Central in team affinity, it's even better.
While I am not a fan of the cards in packs and us not getting a pack in the programs, there are so much easier this year which is a relief for me
I understand some what where the OP is coming from ...in years past the lightning card was always phenomenal ...every month the card was one of the best cards ...this witt is a mid card but no where near how glitchy and good the past POTM cards have been...thats my only complaint ..is seems to me the POTM is a back burner content and not top notch like it used to be
The program isn’t over yet lol
@JayJonez187 said in Why do the Season Award Program?:
I understand some what where the OP is coming from ...in years past the lightning card was always phenomenal ...every month the card was one of the best cards ...this witt is a mid card but no where near how glitchy and good the past POTM cards have been...thats my only complaint ..is seems to me the POTM is a back burner content and not top notch like it used to be
This person gets it.
The lightning card art looks amazing, but the overall meta stats are lacking to be considered as a top tier card.
The only ppl who disagrees are those who don't play online competitively.Most competitive online gamers will still use Betts, Seager, Banks, and even Aurillia, Story, or Cabrera over Witt.
In my non Captain boost God squad, I'm using Aurillia. He doesn't have the speed Witt has, but his quirks and hitting stats, excluding the 76 power are better, and he's just a 93...
I’m using Witt, I guess I’m not competitive enough for some people though
@Shauwn how you going to talk about people using him “don’t play online competitively” when you’re 15-7 total in ranked hitting .307? Lol you wouldn’t know what competitive play was if it was staring you in the face
@TheCanuckler309 said in Why do the Season Award Program?:
@Shauwn how you going to talk about people using him “don’t play online competitively” when you’re 15-7 total in ranked hitting .307? Lol you wouldn’t know what competitive play was if it was staring you in the face
This account is not my main account. I play with my girl on this account, and she also plays games on her own.
@TheCanuckler309 said in Why do the Season Award Program?:
I’m using Witt, I guess I’m not competitive enough for some people though
Anyone who chooses to use Witt, more power to ya.
I plan on using him in Events with my girl today. She actually likes the card and thinks he's the best SS in game with his speed, fielding, and hitting. She argued with me that he's the perfect leadoff hitter and I'm crazy, lol.