How long are jelly beans in packs?
@Skarmaen said in How long are jelly beans in packs?:
@go4stros25 said in How long are jelly beans in packs?:
Baseball fans, or the show fans, aren't like madden and 2k fans.
Except for the subset of players that will never acknowledge that SDS has changed (not for the better).
A lot of the changes this year are not subtle, they are very much "Because F*** You, that's why". Slashing gameplay xp in half and then capping it? That's about as blatant as it gets.
I'm not defending them but the slashed XP and Cap were put in place to limit the infusion of 99 overall players into the game.
Because a subset of the players last year complained that early 99 cards ruined the game for them. SDS listened to them and what we have this year is the their answer to the problem. Is it a good answer? That is another question.
@Dolenz I agree that early 99s last year ruined any sense of progession or team-building. I also like a power creep model, but this feels less like that and more like SDS gatekeeping everything, and doing so in a very heavy-handed manner.
@Dolenz I disagree. They didn't have to make the season 1 bosses be 99 overall. The capped xp to ensure daily login.
I keep checking this thread in case anyone actually answers the original question…
@TubaTim90 the answer is that they will be in packs long enough to become annoying, but not long enough that the average player gets a free pack.
Probably gone Tuesday tbh.
@TubaTim90 said in How long are jelly beans in packs?:
I keep checking this thread in case anyone actually answers the original question…
This forum is only for complaining and conspiracy theories about whatever the new thing to complain about is. Sorry!
My guess would be either til the end April (Easter season) or the end of season 1. The spring chicken packs are season 1, you need 100 jelly beans to exchange for one and i dont think they'd do some nonsense like put a 2 week limit on them.
@Easy_Duhz_It_ we shall see.
@Pergo and shilling... clearly.
@chucky97___ said in How long are jelly beans in packs?:
@lckdb said in How long are jelly beans in packs?:
I have earned every available reward that dropped with Easter, grinded out 50 packs from mini seasons and wasted stubs on a 50 bundle and am still 23 jelly beans short of the pack exchange…
How long do we have to get there? I am sick of mini seasons and I don’t want to burn more stubs on awful packs.
Instead of buying a 50 bundle, why didnt you just buy the 40k pakc?
Because that would have made waaaaay too much sense.
@go4stros25 said in How long are jelly beans in packs?:
@Easy_Duhz_It_ we shall see.
@Pergo and shilling... clearly.
I'm not shilling for anyone. Just laughing at some of the insane stuff you guys come up with to make yourself feel better.
@Pergo feel better? I wish.