Pulse Pitching Question
I've been using Pulse for probably around 10 years or so, so I thought I had it down.
This is the way I always thought Pulse worked.
The grey circle around the baseball is the smallest target possible.
The pulsing circle is where the ball will land (somewhere in that circle) depending on when the gamer presses the button.
An early pitch is pressing the button before the pulse contracts to its smallest point.
A Late pitch is pressing the button when the pulse is expanding.
A Good pitch is hitting the button when the pulse contracts to its smallest point.
Has anyone else who uses Pulse noticed the ball is landing way outside the zone from where it should? I've had the ball land on the opposite side of the zone on a Good pitch - nowhere near where the target is.
I also believe they add a level of “uncertainty” to pulse pitching. Somewhere when they introduced pinpoint pitching, they mentioned how the “easier“ forms of pitching will result less accurate pitches, even if they are “good“ or “perfect“ pitches.
Maybe this was last year?
That said, I also believe those targets have to do with where you’re throwing the ball before “break” and “control” takeover (although I do think control also affects the pulsing rate and/or the gray circle size).
This is all speculation. That said, I use pulse pitching all the time, too. But, like you, I’ve never really sure if I’ve completely figured out the process.
Yes, I noticed that yesterday in Classic Mini Seasons. My Pitcher Santana threw a perfect FB in lower-right section of the strike zone and the pitch ended up high-center of the SZ, and the CPU batter (Mondesi) crushed a home run to win the game.I distinctively remember this pitch because, like you, I have used Pulse Pitching for a while and do not remember this ever happening.
If this is a bug, then it needs to be patched ASAP!
Thank you for the input. I’ve already submitted a report because the target sticks after the pitch is selected, I think I will submit one for this too.
@JDHalfrack I think the added uncertainty was introduced when pinpoint came along also. I noticed then, that the target circle was larger than before, so I think that is where the “less accuracy” was added, because Pulse is already less accurate than other types of pitching.
The speed of the pulse increases with the difficulty level of the game. I’m still trying to figure out the size, because it’s different with different pitches. My hunch has been that it has to do with the control a pitcher has with each pitch.
There's a streamer on YouTube that only uses pulse and has been for years maybe jump into one of his streams to see what he has to say
@sbchamps17 what streamer?
Bigtomk22, he streams almost every day
Yes, I have noticed too and its been killing me online.
Look, I dont expect you to actually swing at that curve ball, I just want you to see something different. So Im going to put it down in the dirt.
Until the game decides 'oh why not make this strike well inside the zone?' and then my poor pitcher gets whiplash
Pulse is my preferred choice as well and I have noticed that my pitching isn't as controlled as previous years. At least a 1-3 of the pitches are way out of the marker placement even when it says "Good"