Cairo Cats
100th. It is TERRIBLE.
From now on I’m just quitting out of those games and taking the L unless it’s the postseason.
This almost cost me a championship... It was extremely difficult seeing any pitch. Thankfully they walked in my winning run. LOL
AMEN!!! I just made a topic today complaining about Cairo! It’s horrible!!!
If I ever finish my classic MS run, I gotta hope the Cats don't have a better record than me. If they have home field advantage I'll lose no matter the difficulty. Can't hit what you can't see.
This just might be me but I don't have a problem facing them, I won both of my games at their stadium so far granted it was 1-0 and 2-0 on rookie
For those that have issues, are you playing in 4k with HDR? Because there's no problem at all for me. There's been issues in the past where devs only tested the games in that scenario which led to issues (there was a Forza game where on non-HDR TVs a tunnel was just completely black). I'm thinking that might be what's happening here, because the contrast between the ball and the backdrop is no issue at all on mine.
@mietha I have a HDR 4K Sony tv. Not sure what’s special about your tv, but I’ve heard from many other people who can’t see pitches there either. It’s literally a bright tan sand castle and bright blue sky in the batters eye. Why they made that and thought it would work fine as a batter’s eye is beyond me. Maybe your tv is just darker back there. But it’s impossible to see anything.
@kingdutch That's so weird. I play on a Samsung in game mode and the sky is a muted blue and the castle is tan, but it is a pretty dark tan. The contrast is actually more stark than than some other parks. When I first got to it, I thought they had "fixed" it, because I had no clue what anyone was talking about, then I saw that people were still having issues.
I play on a Nintendo switch lite and didn't have any problems so maybe it's different for everyone
I definitely have to adjust as well