View My Card Orders
View My Card Orders In app doesn’t pull up my card orders, so I can’t cancel orders this way.
could you provide us with more details? Buy/Sell orders? What cards?
Maybe an in-game screenshot of the orders would help.
Howdy again,
I did a comprehensive run of tests and this is what I found: my orders would not show up in the Companion App if the "DD Tutorial" message was showing.
Once I completed my DD tutorial in game, and the Companion App picked up on that change (we are working on improving that) my orders became visible!
Thank you for your help!
@Manu__SDS This is in the app on my phone not in game. I’m not sure what tutorial you mean. If you mean the in game tutorial when you first start the game, that has been completed. It works for player cards, but pulls up a blank screen for equipment, perks, unlockables etc. I have a screen shot, but not sure how to post it.
Howdy again,
a specific fix for this issue was released with app version
Which is already available for Android and is under review by Apple.
Still not working
Been having the same issue,Also happens on completed orders
Hi, closing this for now. Please create a new post if this happens again.
P Pat_SDS_MLBTS locked this topic on