What is with the “no online” people here?
@IrishFist412 If I had any inkling of playing online this forum erases them immediately. Just reading the way people interact on here makes me glad I never personally interact with the online users of the game.
It’s honestly not that bad and I am an offline player. Yesterday I played BR and both guys I played gave Boggs a free hit. I did the same, I spilt the games and they were both fine. Fun, just not easy but I’m not very good.
I haven't had any success matching up with someone else on Nintendo switch for ranked. I can't play with cross play on because it's too laggy. That's the only egg that I'm missing besides the jellybean one
@TheGoaler said in What is with the “no online” people here?:
When I started gaming, there was no online until around 99 or so. I have nothing to prove against other humans and like to have fun playing.
And the most important aspect is I refuse to pitch from the batters POV.I pitch on pitcher offset, I don't like pitching in hitter views either
I'm not bothered by the online requirements of the program even though I am not an online guy (I played one BR game and was No Hit). I probably won't finish the program, but that is more a reflection on the rewards being a bunch of players I don't care much about.
But lets remember this same argument when online players complain about needing to do offline content. It's not just a one sided complaint.
@IrishFist412 I’m guessing it affects people that like to grind on Rookie. I play AS or HoF so jumping in for a couple of hours is no biggie (except this year, I suck rn).
I’m guessing what bugs them is there’s nothing exclusive that online ppl couldn’t get, but online ppl have rewards that you need to pay for and no way to grind it if your exclusively offline.
It’s not like it’s an exclusive club you have to pay to join and is super elitist (other than stick skills).
Im a mostly offline player but not because i dislike online. Im one of those people who gets sidetracked. I like to be able to pause and eat a sandwich, watch tv, forget about playing for an hour and jump right back into the 3rd inning of my mini seasons game. I grind offline on lower difficulties so i can play more games before the xp cap but i have no problem jumping up to all star for challenges or online play.
I honestly believe that the people who make such a big deal about the small obstacles like get a hit in BR, really just dont wanna lose to another person. Its an ego thing.
@yankblan I may not completely understand but Mini Seasons and Nation of Baseball both have exclusive rewards that are not available online, right? There have also always been additional conquest maps that have awards attached that I assume will come later.
@fubar2k7 I totally understand that - completely man…All I was saying is if you don’t care about your H2H record and are just joining a game to get one hit in order to get a card you want then why not just suck it up for 10 minutes, get the card & then go back to playing offline modes. That’s all I was asking…To me it would be worth it, But I get it.
It’s the trolls. Full of trolls and aholes who exit the game as your needed hit lands in the OF.
I used to play online, I was even ok but I’m done with it. People take the fun out of it. Now I just play stress free as OP suggests.
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in What is with the “no online” people here?:
Im a mostly offline player but not because i dislike online. Im one of those people who gets sidetracked. I like to be able to pause and eat a sandwich, watch tv, forget about playing for an hour and jump right back into the 3rd inning of my mini seasons game. I grind offline on lower difficulties so i can play more games before the xp cap but i have no problem jumping up to all star for challenges or online play.
So in other words, you're a casual just like I figured. Before you pop a blood vessel with some argumentative and emotionally disturbed reply, just know that being a casual and non competitive gamer is fine. Not everyone can handle, nor keep up with the speed and hardcore competitiveness of ranked online play.
It's like guys who say they prefer playing underhand softball over Hardball. What they really mean to say Is, they're not very athletic and instead of embarrassing themselves playing a real men's sport, they can only handle 24mph lobbed balls down the middle hitting with a ball as big as a grapefuit.. -
@Shauwn So you just gloss over the part about having no problems playing online. I generally dont play ranked because sitting down for a 9 inning game and waiting for some douche bag like you to get tired of spamming R2 or pausing every 10 seconds praying that their opponent rage quits so they can get a free "win" isnt exactly thrilling for me. I prefer the faster pace of offline so i can get more done.
This thread perfectly illustrates why a good chunk of us dislike playing online. Much like in real life there are some legitimate good people willing to play fair and not use every cheap trick to win at all costs. However all it takes is one bad apple to spoil the experience and make it unpleasant and not worth the hassle. My personal experience with the egg hunt this year had 2 good dudes that understood the missions and were willing to play fair and 1 dude that ran the score up to feed his own ego. I’m sure many offline players can relate to this experience all too well.
@IrishFist412 I don't even have PS plus, so I won't get to complete the program.
I got to Jeimer which is what was most important.
Still not a fan of having to play online in any capacity to complete programs.
I do agree though that the online requirements aren't a big deal at all and if I had PS plus I'd probably go for it.
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in What is with the “no online” people here?:
@Shauwn So you just gloss over the part about having no problems playing online. I generally dont play ranked because sitting down for a 9 inning game and waiting for some douche bag like you to get tired of spamming R2 or pausing every 10 seconds
I hate when ppl spam R2 and pause the game. Only time I pause is when I go to the pen, sub a hitter, or go take a leak.
No need to get emotional. Relax brotha. -
@Shauwn said in What is with the “no online” people here?:
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in What is with the “no online” people here?:
@Shauwn So you just gloss over the part about having no problems playing online. I generally dont play ranked because sitting down for a 9 inning game and waiting for some douche bag like you to get tired of spamming R2 or pausing every 10 seconds
I hate when ppl spam R2 and pause the game. Only time I pause is when I go to the pen, sub a hitter, or go take a leak.
No need to get emotional. Relax brotha.I mean all of what he just said is true and an issue that’s existed for years but SDS hasn’t addressed it.
@Honor_The_Game44 yep; I mean by that that it’s not as big a leap for a Ranked or BR goon to grind stuff online, as it is for a CPU guy to get your pride buttf**** online.
If like me you have a hard time hitting online at all, grinding missions online is a chore that takes away the few hours a week I get to enjoy the game. Might as well have fun during your time.
I like to jump online from time to time, I just don’t have much time for it. I get it’s a no go for many; I’m just not salty about it.
i am one of those no online people. it's just more of a principle that I should not be forced to play online to gain rewards. And this goes for other games too.
I do some events from time to time and those aren't that bad. But when I do ranked it's like total b.s. most of the time.
When I play this game, I want to play vs someone who plays baseball. thinks baseball. that's how I play. Like it's baseball, not run around the bases and exploit the game.
At least when I play the CPU I know it will play the game and manage the game like a real baseball manager would.
just give me an offline option for rewards and I'll be happy.
@Shauwn said in What is with the “no online” people here?:
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in What is with the “no online” people here?:
Im a mostly offline player but not because i dislike online. Im one of those people who gets sidetracked. I like to be able to pause and eat a sandwich, watch tv, forget about playing for an hour and jump right back into the 3rd inning of my mini seasons game. I grind offline on lower difficulties so i can play more games before the xp cap but i have no problem jumping up to all star for challenges or online play.
So in other words, you're a casual just like I figured. Before you pop a blood vessel with some argumentative and emotionally disturbed reply, just know that being a casual and non competitive gamer is fine. Not everyone can handle, nor keep up with the speed and hardcore competitiveness of ranked online play.
It's like guys who say they prefer playing underhand softball over Hardball. What they really mean to say Is, they're not very athletic and instead of embarrassing themselves playing a real men's sport, they can only handle 24mph lobbed balls down the middle hitting with a ball as big as a grapefuit..casual? it's a freaking video game. I actually played semi pro baseball when I was young. if you want to call people names do it compared to real life baseball. not some videogame.
i'm a hardcore MLB the Show player since the first one came out on PS2. I use to play online but I don't because 99 percent of the people playing online dont play baseball. They play exploit and win at all costs. Sometimes that use to help me win. When the other player would not move guys over with less than 2 outs etc.... But I dont play anymore for the various reasons people mentioned. But that doesn't mean I'm a 'casual' and not hardcore. I still play the heck out of the game DD offline and franchise and RTTS.
Online is boring. The game is basically can you hit a fastball on your setup or not. I can probably win 60-70% of my games online but it isn’t fun. A lot of people don’t have that competitive fire or get that fulfilled through actual things. Basketball, golfing, bowling, tennis or just everyday life and don’t log on to a game to get it. Especially one that has more to do with connection and set up more than skill a lot of time.
Cater to the majority not the louder majority. But seriously I don’t care wither way because the rewards are basically trash.