Not Burn Out, But What?
No cause I'm, a die-hard everything baseball fan.
@Dookie-Possum said in Not Burn Out, But What?:
I started in 21, fell in love. Started grinding Diamond Dynasty in 22 continued in 23, put in countless hours from day one til launch of new game. However, I cannot for the life of me play more than 10-15 minutes of this game before I want to exit. Won a game last night but was bored out of my mind. Is anyone else experiencing a lack of interest or motivation to spend time on the game?
Maybe once the programs pick up; you'll find some interest and motivation.
@mietha helldivers 2 is calling my name louder and louder everytime I hit the xp cap.
Normally I do spend money on this game to help me keep up with the content. Not this year.
@go4stros25 said in Not Burn Out, But What?:
@mietha helldivers 2 is calling my name louder and louder everytime I hit the xp cap.
Normally I do spend money on this game to help me keep up with the content. Not this year.
If you play enough to hit the cap daily you never needed to spend money to keep up with the content.
There is no need to act like a spoiled child, go play other games (its been an amazing quarter for that), SDS has their metrics to know what people are doing. -
The game stays relatively the same year to year. What has changed is SDS's shift away from being player-friendly.
What they did in '21 was basically getting the xbox crowd hooked ("the first hit is free") and then stubs became harder to come by, pack rewards have been halved (seriously, go back and look at TAs from '19-'21, tons of stubs and packs for all 30 team programs as opposed to now having less of both for 6 divisions), communication has mostly ceased, etc.
This is where the "Madden is so much worse" crowd defends SDS, but those comparisons have always been irrelevant. Compare the Show now to what it used to be. If you can't see the trend, then shrug
(btw, this is not to say the Show is bad per se, it's just not as good as it used to be (and never will be if sets/seasons aren't flushed ASAP))
I can only compare it to last year and other live service games, and the game is extremely F2P friendly and I can get any card I want through the rewards they give. I guess the difference is in the past you could get EVERY card easier than you can now, but I felt getting every card was possible by the time we were in season 5 if I really felt like it. I had my favorite team (Mets) represented in a chase pack and back to back event flawless runs and I bought all three with no issue (at a higher amount than they settled on)
My bigger concern is that SDS appears to be in over their heads, and also their communication is lacking. The community of extreme overreactors doesn't help, but thats no excuse for so little communication. And when you can just 'print' packs (you can get packs with very little effort in game as it is), why not give people something for compensation? But the game clearly was released before its ready, SDS is struggling with the yearly cycle. I remember a few years back the wrestling game had an issue with that so they took a year off and it worked wonders. I don't see MLB allowing that to happen (or Sony for that matter)
I think a lot (obviously not all) of people that rush to "defense" on topics are just trying to steer things in a more constructive matter and trying to filter out some of the utter nonsense that is getting posted. If I wanted conspiracy theories I could go find a political forum.
I only buy every other year. On the off years during the season I'll mess around with franchise. But its keeps me from the burnout of playing DD every year. 17-18 was the only time I ever played 2 in a row, since then I've been buying even years.
Most likely because there's virtually no difference between '24 and the versions you've already played. It's the same game. The only thing that's changed during that time is the rosters, menu, music, and the SDS trending towards becoming less and less 'pro-consumer'.
You’ve been playing the same game for 3 years straight. It’s just what happens.
It's still in the beta phase. The glitches have never been in a worse state than the past two weeks.
Lower the XP cap means there's less reason to grind. If you're someone who spends all day on MLB, you can probably hit the in four hours.
The season just started. There's no elite cards to grind for & the rosters aren't up to date yet.
I'd suggest getting into solo modes like Franchise/MTO in the meantime. Hopefully people learned to stop paying early access for these games
@Dookie-Possum said in Not Burn Out, But What?:
Is anyone else experiencing a lack of interest or motivation to spend time on the game?
I'm like you - played RTTS for many years, then started DD in 2020. I'm definitely suffering from MLBTS "fatigue". I'm playing this year, but it will be less than prior years. We'll see if SDS has any tricks up their sleeve content-wise to get me more interested.
@MarioMendoza935 Not likely, nice presentation of Negro Leagues and Jeter stories but that is not nearly enough. They can't even be bothered to update the same stale game theme on start up.
@Dookie-Possum said in Not Burn Out, But What?:
I started in 21, fell in love. Started grinding Diamond Dynasty in 22 continued in 23, put in countless hours from day one til launch of new game. However, I cannot for the life of me play more than 10-15 minutes of this game before I want to exit. Won a game last night but was bored out of my mind. Is anyone else experiencing a lack of interest or motivation to spend time on the game?
How's your team looking? I've been making small tweaks to my Buxton boost team, and can say it's probably the best team you can have with the exception of Trout and Seager.
I think SDS is filled with casual to little interest gamers. They decided to put a cap on xp progress to control our overall progress with the game. Why? Well bc there are more casual gamers than hardcore competitive gamers. Only problem is, the casuals, "who don't know they're casuals" will defend this idiotic decision bc they don't want to see 99's when they can't get them as quickly.
Well that creates another problem. The hardcore competitive gamers who enjoy playing/acquiring/trying out the best cards like myself have to resort to other means to progress..Right now I'm working on getting Battle Royale done. I've intentionally had to lose games on purpose just to get the silver pitching missions completed. Why pitch them every 3 games due to fatigue? Pssshhhh, F that noise! just pitched them full 3 innings not caring if I gave up 10+ runs due to no energy, just to get my 4 points, lol.
I've batted Castro, JD, Soler, etc 1st just to get more plate appearances to finish their mission quicker. Why? Bc I don't want to play more games than I'm being forced to play with those cards. The goal is getting 100 points for Mauer or Gagne as quickly as possible. So instead of buying them for what, 70k, I'll do the BR program to get one for free.
Funny thing is, I played a cpl guts who literally just quit b4 throwing 1 pitch. I thanked them for the W, then asked why did u quit? They replied with the same, "I finished the silver and gold mission for the player. Now I have to do a new br run with these players." It obviously made sense.Who cares about going 10-0 when completing the single player silver-diamond missions come first.
That's what this game has resorted to. We will find other ways tp progress or cheat the system when the company starts putting limitations on our progress.