Your top 5 MLB uniforms
- Cardinals (some homer in there but not really because the birds across the bat are iconic haha)
- Dodgers (Love that white and blue, along with their blue shirts)
- Athletics (the green and yellow has always popped for me)
- Yankees (the pinstripes, nuff said)
- Tigers (very standard but a very nice brand)
Honorable mentions - Orioles, Cubs, Royals baby blues
I'd agree with those. As a Tigers fan I've always really like the simplicity of the home unis with the old english D.
I really don't like the Yankees but the pinstripes are definitely iconic.
-last but not least, Expos. -
Good choices....Mine are:- Dodgers (especially their home and Alt Away... ...similar to the NFL's Cowboys' home uni's, simple yet iconic).
- Cards (especially the 60's/70's ones).
- Yankees (iconic).
- Cubs (especially the away unis, the white outline pops).
- Red Sox (especially the 2000's away...their blue "Boston" font with red sleeves looked great).
Red's 80's (along with their "Reds" Alt, and their black City), current Twins, 70's A's, and a few others.
Unlike other sports, and now that Ari dumped their horrible gradient ones, there really is not any bad MLB unis anymore.
@Skarmaen agreed, I like their roads Detroit banner across the chest as well, but that D is up there with the Cardinals, Yanks, Dodgers logos
@xElRojo44x I like Baahstin's home whites
Pirates 1979. We are family....
Mercury Mets. have those ever been in The Show?
It's great to see Cruz back at it.... Another NL Central, must watch phenom! -
Dodgers are clean but kinda basic
Sorry, but the Expos had an original cap logo but beyond that their uniforms were quite basic.
The Atlanta Braves won popular and expert polls on best uniforms for many years. That tomahawk uniform is spot on and classy. The Braves switch to a red piping on their alternate road uniforms was a terrible idea. The silver piping looked great on the Navy tops and the Braves need to go back to it.
Personally, I hate the all navy road caps. The red-billed Braves caps on the road uniforms looked awesome and when they were debuted it was rated the best road uniform in baseball by the players.