Update broke the game!
a little early on your April fools day prank SDS.
Okay...I have now gotten to see the mini teams and its absolutely hilarious. Why are the servers up for me when they are down for everyone else? Who knows...
To do this release on the day before Easter holidays is such bad planning. Who approves this?
@lewisnadasurf1 said in Update broke the game!:
To do this release on the day before Easter holidays is such bad planning. Who approves this?
I mean, an entire platform was unplayable and everyone was yelling at them to fix it yesterday.
But whats gone wrong doesnt have anything to do with they were fixing, and I cant figure out how could have even happened. Where did the little Altuvians come from?
@lewisnadasurf1 said in Update broke the game!:
To do this release on the day before Easter holidays is such bad planning. Who approves this?
Damned if they do and damned if they don't.
Don't release a patch and get raked over the coals for not fixing things before opening day.
Patch before opening day without enough testing and get raked over the coals.In the end, nobody is excusing them. It is on SDS to create, test and patch the game. I am sure they felt pressure to fix everything before opening day and may have rushed things.
Well the patch notes were nice and professional at least
Man... I used to praise SDS for their work on MLB TS. Their patching is on par with the disaster that is EA and their hunger for $$$ is just as bad as 2k's.
Cannot play conquest, still cannot play online:
- Because T-Mobile users get a challenge failed message that SDS refuses to acknowledge
- Now the 10 player on bench issue appears when trying to enter any game mode other than Moments.
I Just started a moment and it looks like SDS stole from Midway games playbook by adding Big Head mode. There is a point in the spectrum of disappointment where something transitions from painfully frustrating to a laughable farce. We have reached the latter.
@KFREDxRATMONKEY I got the same thing while trying mini seasons I didn't even check conquest. That sucks if that's busted too.
getting the "need at least ten position players" error when trying to play conquest games
@T00MuchHam lol ya i played madden this is my frist year on the show and im having big time deja vu
delete your squads … set it up new. That helps
I haven't been able to play the game at all because of the game crashing. I'm stuck on tutorial and it says Invalid Roster and Diamond Dynasty Season is over.
getting a "MLB The Show Online is currently undergoing routine maintenance" error message now... SMH at least it seems like EA is aware of the issue.
I haven't even done the update yet, read all of this and said to myself "no thanks". I will update when they decide to fix it
Hopefully they have a quick fix. I signed on this morning and thought I was banned or something haha.