Three Suggestions to Make RS Fair
The check swinging this won’t go away. And it differentiates between each different MLB player, hence their discipline attribute. Some guys I can’t check for ish, others I have no problems with.
Swinging out of the zone IRL doesn’t always mean a miss or even a clipped ball. Dudes swing out of the zone all the time and get lucky with hits. That’s just how baseball is. Mix of luck and skill.
Kind of the same thing with what I just mentioned about randomness in real life baseball. Sometimes you’ll get a hold of one and smack it as hard as you can and it’ll still be a rocket to a defender. That’s just how the game of baseball goes man.
1 thing I would like to see but I’ll tell you why it wouldn’t be fair or wouldn’t work is having injuries on in ranked seasons. It wouldn’t work because say your catcher gets pulled and you don’t have a catcher on your bench. You’re SOL. I could see it working more of a pitcher gets hit by a liner
Check swing is based off the player’s discipline attribute. So “getting rid of it” is dumb. Check swings are part of the game.
The game is already "fair", we all play the same game.
Honestly, all your options seem like it would be a step in the wrong direction.
They aren’t going to change the game to help you win.
Not everyone is “begging” for ranked to be fair. It is fair. The better player wins most of the time. Just like real baseball.
If you can’t win, that’s on you. The game doesn’t need to be tailored to help you compete.
I know when I run into someone better than me. I know If I play a smart and have a near flawless game I have a chance. Also if I’m patient.
I know when I run into someone worse than me. I know I will beat them unless I’m inpatient and not playing smart.
That’s fair. We don’t need a game like the one you’re suggesting.
@maskedgrappler said in Three Suggestions to Make RS Fair:
The game is already "fair", we all play the same game.
In a sense, you are correct. But if you play on a 5ms input lag monitor, you are playing a different game than somebody who plays on a 20-40ms tv. Now, that tv owner has the opportunity to level the playing field buy buying a monitor to make it a fair experience. And I guess, if they choose not to, they have to accept the game is not meant for them.
Sheesh y'all calm down. I'm just discussing things I've run into as a person who grew up playing ball. Maybe your RS experience differs from mine. If so, that's awesome!
However, if you think that squaring up a curveball in the dirt on a 0-2 count is fair, you're out of your mind. Even squaring up a 99+ fastball above the zone. I want you to find me evidence of players in the MLB doing this on a semi-consistent basis. I'll spoil it for you: you won't. There's a reason strikeout percentages are skyrocketing.
Again, I stress that checks are fine, I'm not against checks as a feature, but being able to check 4, 5, 6 pitches in a row is dumb. Please understand the differentiation in the argument I'm making. I'm arguing for the removal of "extremes" to make the game less about RNG, or target that RNG to the correct areas.
@FollowThaLeeder said in Three Suggestions to Make RS Fair:
I want to preface this by saying this won't make RS realistic, but it will make it FAIR, which is what I think everyone is begging for at the moment. This is also only in the sphere of hitting. Fielding requires more than a few absolutes in my opinion, coming from a guy who managed to give up 5 unearned runs on 2 outfield errors last night in a 5-2 loss, but I digress.
Remove check swinging entirely.
I know it's a feature of baseball, and it's awesome that the game attempts to reflect realism through this method. However, it's out of control. Dudes are able to hold up on checks 4, 5 , 6 pitches in a row. If it can't be super realistic and balanced, don't have it in my opinion. -
Any swing at a pitch out of the zone is a miss.
BuT mY SkIlL gAp. Trust me dawg, nobody is catching up to 102 elevated in real life. It's just not happening. The same is true of the likes of a nasty 12-6 hook from Roy Oswald or Michael Kopech's slider. No. Shot. Removing this may result in more strikeouts, but it will also make people be rewarded for being patient. -
Any timing that is NOT perfect/good/just early or just late results in an out 95%+ of the time.
If you want to make timing a part of this game, actually reward it. Giving up Early/Okay home runs is frustrating, and frankly it makes you feel icky when you are the one rewarded.
Anyways, these are my thoughts. Feel free to rip them apart, add on, agree, edit, etc. Thanks for reading.
I agree with the second point a lot. No player will ever catch up to a pitch 102 at their neck it’s not possible even if u sit fastball. A player also won’t be able to hit a 72 mph curveball after seeing 102 at the neck. In the mlb the only way to not strike out on either of those pitches is take them. Obviously you can get hits on pitches out of the zone, but they should be weak hits not perfect perfect.
@benh_27 said in Three Suggestions to Make RS Fair:
@FollowThaLeeder said in Three Suggestions to Make RS Fair:
I want to preface this by saying this won't make RS realistic, but it will make it FAIR, which is what I think everyone is begging for at the moment. This is also only in the sphere of hitting. Fielding requires more than a few absolutes in my opinion, coming from a guy who managed to give up 5 unearned runs on 2 outfield errors last night in a 5-2 loss, but I digress.
Remove check swinging entirely.
I know it's a feature of baseball, and it's awesome that the game attempts to reflect realism through this method. However, it's out of control. Dudes are able to hold up on checks 4, 5 , 6 pitches in a row. If it can't be super realistic and balanced, don't have it in my opinion. -
Any swing at a pitch out of the zone is a miss.
BuT mY SkIlL gAp. Trust me dawg, nobody is catching up to 102 elevated in real life. It's just not happening. The same is true of the likes of a nasty 12-6 hook from Roy Oswald or Michael Kopech's slider. No. Shot. Removing this may result in more strikeouts, but it will also make people be rewarded for being patient. -
Any timing that is NOT perfect/good/just early or just late results in an out 95%+ of the time.
If you want to make timing a part of this game, actually reward it. Giving up Early/Okay home runs is frustrating, and frankly it makes you feel icky when you are the one rewarded.
Anyways, these are my thoughts. Feel free to rip them apart, add on, agree, edit, etc. Thanks for reading.
I agree with the second point a lot. No player will ever catch up to a pitch 102 at their neck it’s not possible even if u sit fastball. A player also won’t be able to hit a 72 mph curveball after seeing 102 at the neck. In the mlb the only way to not strike out on either of those pitches is take them. Obviously you can get hits on pitches out of the zone, but they should be weak hits not perfect perfect.
This is more of what I'm trying to say. I might not have done a great job of it in the OP, but this is the line of thought I was shooting for.
@allmustfall16 said in Three Suggestions to Make RS Fair:
Not everyone is “begging” for ranked to be fair. It is fair. The better player wins most of the time. Just like real baseball.
If you can’t win, that’s on you. The game doesn’t need to be tailored to help you compete.
I know when I run into someone better than me. I know If I play a smart and have a near flawless game I have a chance. Also if I’m patient.
I know when I run into someone worse than me. I know I will beat them unless I’m inpatient and not playing smart.
That’s fair. We don’t need a game like the one you’re suggesting.
What happens when I play someone of equal skill.. we are tied and the game is decided off a late/okay HR that the PCI wasn't even on. Or decided by a broken outfield error. These instances are not fair and I've been in wayyyyy to many of those games. Skill doesn't matter at those times at all.
Your ideas aren't that great, but honestly the sentiment behind them is valid. All the things you mentioned are definitely issues, I just don't think we need to take it to the extreme.
Check swings 100% need to be reworked. Especially the dumb@ss animation where you check swing and still make contact with the ball. Just make it a full swing at that point or just make it miss. That sh*t barely ever happens irl
Maybe just reduce the timing window for pitches out of the zone. Like others have said, you can still hit the ball if its not in the zone, but if you're gonna swing at a bad pitch, you better time it up perfectly. There are also wayyy too many foul balls on pitches out of the zone. If you're late or early on a pitch out of the zone, it should be a swing and a miss for the most part. Unless your inner PCI is on the ball or you have great vision. Very early/very late out of the zone should always be a swing and a miss.
Maybe not 95% of the time, but the rate of early/late hits dropping should be reduced. The hits from early/late timing should be achieved by having good PCI placement despite the poor timing. And those hit results shouldn't be home runs. I'm fine with a just early home run every now and then, but early timing shouldn't be rewarded with a home run. Being early/late with the PCI on the ball should be rewarded only occasionally, and those hits should be bloopers for the most part
@benh_27 said in Three Suggestions to Make RS Fair:
@FollowThaLeeder said in Three Suggestions to Make RS Fair:
I want to preface this by saying this won't make RS realistic, but it will make it FAIR, which is what I think everyone is begging for at the moment. This is also only in the sphere of hitting. Fielding requires more than a few absolutes in my opinion, coming from a guy who managed to give up 5 unearned runs on 2 outfield errors last night in a 5-2 loss, but I digress.
Remove check swinging entirely.
I know it's a feature of baseball, and it's awesome that the game attempts to reflect realism through this method. However, it's out of control. Dudes are able to hold up on checks 4, 5 , 6 pitches in a row. If it can't be super realistic and balanced, don't have it in my opinion. -
Any swing at a pitch out of the zone is a miss.
BuT mY SkIlL gAp. Trust me dawg, nobody is catching up to 102 elevated in real life. It's just not happening. The same is true of the likes of a nasty 12-6 hook from Roy Oswald or Michael Kopech's slider. No. Shot. Removing this may result in more strikeouts, but it will also make people be rewarded for being patient. -
Any timing that is NOT perfect/good/just early or just late results in an out 95%+ of the time.
If you want to make timing a part of this game, actually reward it. Giving up Early/Okay home runs is frustrating, and frankly it makes you feel icky when you are the one rewarded.
Anyways, these are my thoughts. Feel free to rip them apart, add on, agree, edit, etc. Thanks for reading.
I agree with the second point a lot. No player will ever catch up to a pitch 102 at their neck it’s not possible even if u sit fastball. A player also won’t be able to hit a 72 mph curveball after seeing 102 at the neck. In the mlb the only way to not strike out on either of those pitches is take them. Obviously you can get hits on pitches out of the zone, but they should be weak hits not perfect perfect.
Professional MLB players will catch up to anything given time, patterns and practice. If all you threw was 102mph fastballs at the neck, you wouldn't last very long in MLB outside of the novelty. See: Fernando Rodney or Bobby Jenks in Boston.
What makes 102 at the neck unhittable, is if you combine it with one or more offspeed pitches under 95mph and you vary your pitch selection and location effectively.
Not sure if srs
I can’t stand the guys that check swing every pitch and it never gets called a strike even on the black. I would love for them to get rid of that.
- Any swing at a pitch out of the zone is a miss.
BuT mY SkIlL gAp. Trust me dawg, nobody is catching up to 102 elevated in real life. It's just not happening. The same is true of the likes of a nasty 12-6 hook from Roy Oswald or Michael Kopech's slider. No. Shot. Removing this may result in more strikeouts, but it will also make people be rewarded for being patient.
My opponents in RS: - Any swing at a pitch out of the zone is a miss.
Have you ever seen Vlad Guerrero at bat? Most of his swings and hits were pitches he had no business hitting or swinging all the things you said frustrating?yes they are but it's just a video game at the end of the day
Everyone who says the check swings should stay with no change is dumb as hell, legit gave up a walk and the guy check swing at all 6 pitches of the AB. Check swings shouldn’t leave the game but they should be greatly greatly tuned, you see a few check swings a game in the MLB and I’m seeing 10+ an inning in The Show
Honestly, it sounds like you’re just trying to cater ranked seasons to what you think would benefit your skill set.
@kingss35 said in Three Suggestions to Make RS Fair:
The check swinging this won’t go away. And it differentiates between each different MLB player, hence their discipline attribute. Some guys I can’t check for ish, others I have no problems with.
Swinging out of the zone IRL doesn’t always mean a miss or even a clipped ball. Dudes swing out of the zone all the time and get lucky with hits. That’s just how baseball is. Mix of luck and skill.
Kind of the same thing with what I just mentioned about randomness in real life baseball. Sometimes you’ll get a hold of one and smack it as hard as you can and it’ll still be a rocket to a defender. That’s just how the game of baseball goes man.
1 thing I would like to see but I’ll tell you why it wouldn’t be fair or wouldn’t work is having injuries on in ranked seasons. It wouldn’t work because say your catcher gets pulled and you don’t have a catcher on your bench. You’re SOL. I could see it working more of a pitcher gets hit by a liner
It is a video game. Competitive Video games should be based on pure skills. Pure input. Not on being lucky.
Please don’t listen to this sds