API Issues - Duplicate Card (Daniel Bard)
Daniel Bard (8af0a1fdf1fb6005665d2bc4d5fa7c77) is showing in the API twice, which throws off the total count.
Also, would it be possible to get a "total_count" added to the API? Like along side the total_pages information.
https://mlb24.theshow.com/apis/items.json?type=mlb_card&page=17 (last card)
https://mlb24.theshow.com/apis/items.json?type=mlb_card&page=18 (first card)
On a related note, Daniel Bard's Live Series card is missing from the API.
Daniel Bard is no longer duplicated/missing, but Jackson Merrill is the new issue. His Seoul Series card is in the API twice but his LS card is completely missing.
@showzone-jeremy thanks for bringing this up. We will take a look at this and get back to you.
This issue has been fixed.
Perfect - thanks Pat!
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