Nintendo Switch Link Not Working
Please fix this i just tried to relink by unlinking and now i cant link again to my mlbtheshow account
It just keeps saying can’t connect to the servers , they really need to fix it now
having the same issue
Thanks for updates everyone - still not working for me, please let us know when it starts working for you.
@rbog0 yup still down for me, been trying every so often. I assume they aren’t pushing anything they don’t deem critical over the weekend. Working more on all their server issues with the game itself and fulfilling preorder packs that are missing.
So they dropped an update for the game but nothing for the app that all us switch players can’t get into. They need to stop blaming us when it’s clearly on their end
addybojangleswrote on Mar 18, 2024, 8:37 PM last edited by addybojangles_MLBTS Mar 18, 2024, 8:38 PM
What's odd is the app is giving me market transaction notifications when I sell cards on the market via the game on Switch...but when I go in and try to log in to the app, it still doesn't work. Is that a little bit of progress?
They apparently dropped an update for the app but it doesn’t show up so when are you going to make it so we can update the app and get back to using it
Howdy everyone,
I’m pleased to share some good news: we’ve successfully resolved the issue with push notifications as of this morning! This allows us to shift our full attention to addressing the Nintendo account linking concerns.
Your patience and continued support are greatly appreciated as we work through these challenges. Stay tuned for further updates.
Thank you for being part of our community!
@Manu__SDS thanks Manu, glad to hear it’s known and being addressed!
Hey everyone! I got in for 24 with my switch account. Can’t get into 23 still, but it’s progress!
I can also confirm: Able to login and use the companion app with Nintendo Switch linked for 24
I can also confirm that the app for 24 is working but not 23
Working now, the app looks and works great now. Thanks
Missing stubs since reset cant play oon my switch bu5 xbox is ok try link my switch says already linked
P Pat_SDS_MLBTS locked this topic on Apr 16, 2024, 8:25 PM