Daily XP Limit Reached
They’ve been too stupid to come up with a reward path that you can’t boost for years now. The XP limit is just the bandaid they use to fix it because they can’t actually figure it out a solution to the lames in Home Run Derby and RTTS. C grade dev team is the problem. Bring back stars, take your L and move on SDS.
I earned 26000 xp from the last cap and now I’m locked out for over 7 hours. I think I earned over 40000 last time.
RTTS is not a viable hack anymore -- unless I am missing something you cannot put in a custom roster to manipulate that mode for exp this year so that is not an excuse. However there were other ways to prevent this instead of just removing the option of using custom rosters. Have the rosters have a rating based on the avg overall and make it so rosters that are rated 50 or better can be ported in or something like this. It's not the perfect solution but at least it does not penalize everyone who might want to use like a fantasy roster or something.
I just noticed you cannot even use a custom roster in exhibition games either and that was a way to cheese for XP. I understand you need to curb people cheesing the system but the play your way thing means jack BEEP
@blitz77tw said in Daily XP Limit Reached:
RTTS is not a viable hack anymore -- unless I am missing something you cannot put in a custom roster to manipulate that mode for exp this year so that is not an excuse. However there were other ways to prevent this instead of just removing the option of using custom rosters. Have the rosters have a rating based on the avg overall and make it so rosters that are rated 50 or better can be ported in or something like this. It's not the perfect solution but at least it does not penalize everyone who might want to use like a fantasy roster or something.
I just noticed you cannot even use a custom roster in exhibition games either and that was a way to cheese for XP. I understand you need to curb people cheesing the system but the play your way thing means jack BEEP
You can use custom rosters in RTTS. I am currently using mine. Prob is you hit the daily XP cap in a couple hours so its basically a waste of time.
Ahh ok so guessing it you load a roster from the option then start RTTS from there instead of the option that was built in like previous years ?
if so my bad
@blitz77tw said in Daily XP Limit Reached:
Ahh ok so guessing it you load a roster from the option then start RTTS from there instead of the option that was built in like previous years ?
if so my bad
I hit XP cap today… I’ve never in 5 years ever done this. They’ve definitely lowered the cap by WAY too much this year. I’m not even a grinder. I think I pretty much only did the Eastern Conquest and a few random games/things. Maybe played 4 hours today?
I wish I was good enough to say I just amassed a ton of XP, but something is very wrong.
Also, for those that say it’s a rolling window, it says I can start getting XP again at exactly 11:00 CST. I was not playing at 11:00 last night.
Since the XP cap is now the normal thing they really should have a way for the players to track it so were not just hitting it out of thin air. I really hope this XP cap seeming like it is real low like 25 to 40k I have seen various reports but that is too little since it now takes over 1m to even get to the end. Also not to mention they are giving us less exp in CPU games and maybe other places just in general it's like WT... BEEP SDS what are you doing ?
When SDS stated it will take 2 months to get a million xp, they weren't lying. In previous years, they'd make these statements, and we found ways around it.
I really don't wanna wait until June to unlock 99 J Roll.... Implementing XP caps for playing the game is absurd. I can understand if ppl were doing the play vs cpu on quick counts, and just pitching to breeze through 30k xp an hour. But grinding Ranked, BR, Events, and Conquest should have no cap.. It's still going to take time..
This low level cap will pretty much keep anyone who cannot play everyday from completing the reward path. I no longer have time everyday to play the game, but then on days I have time to play I get a low limit! I guess I won't be getting some of the bosses because of this nonsensical limit on gameplay XP.
I could understand a CAP if the cards in the XP Path were sellable; but none of them are sellable.
Who cares if someone wants to play for 24 hrs straight. Let them. I thought this game was 'play your way?
@CBrev47_MLBTS can you find out why there is a CAP with non-sellable cards in the Reward Path?
It was put in to prevent hardcore gamers with more time than others to grind through everything in a week. They decided to control how far we can progress from day to day. Most are already over 100k xp in 4 days. At this rate, at least half of us will hit 1 mil in about 6 weeks. Then have all three 99's unlocked in 7 weeks.
Imo, that's still too long. But sounds like SDS will continue to raise and lower the xp cap literally on a daily basis... smh
I’m not even close to hitting it this year. Did much better on xp last year, even early on
It does not matter, if you hit it or not. It is a power creep and with the cap you can control it … because too many grind the heck out of shield woods … I don‘t get the rage. You will get there and until then: Enjoy a great game
I don't have an issue with a cap persay although it seems there are fewer exploit in this game than years past to amass xp at a quicker pace.
What I would like to see is a weekly cap. Don't penalize players who can only play an hour or two during the week but have more time on weekends but get screwed by the cap limit on those days.
Are you guys scoring 50 runs per game on rookie or something because I play the entire time my girlfriend is at work and never hit the cap?
What cap why in the would we need a cap , fix the dam pitcher shaking his head at almost every pitch and worse yet they yes and no at the same pitch. Why can’t we go into practice mode to change the batters hit to move where I want it , yeah like every yr change things that don’t need to be changed.
@fubar2k7 said in Daily XP Limit Reached:
Are you guys scoring 50 runs per game on rookie or something because I play the entire time my girlfriend is at work and never hit the cap?
Also this. I played a craptonne over the weekend and never once hit the daily limit that I'm aware of.
I really think people are low balling their playing time to make it seem like if you only play for 1-2 hours that you will hit the cap limit.
I completed all three TA conquests, did some moments, completed 3 showdowns (2 TA, 1 spring) and half way through a TA mini season. Did not hit the xp cap that I was aware of.