Server Connectivity Issues 03/15
Hopefully i can actually play an online game
It’s hard to believe a company can be this incompetent year after year, but SDS never ceases to amaze.
C CBrev47_MLBTS pinned this topic on
Lol same here. I just completed the hit a hr mission with Josh Gibson…. Keep hitting 420 foot outs to center field , After like my 9th attempt I get an inside the Parker . I bet it didn’t save lol
Got to play for about 20 mins got booted.
@CBrev47 said in Server Connectivity Issues 03/15:
We are aware and currently working to resolve connectivity issues with the MLB The Show Servers.
Thanks for your patience.
Didn't they tell you? you are supposed to be radio silent and nowhere to found, you are interrupting the natives spitting ,raging and gnashing of teeth.
Thanks for the update.
So how much time will get to play for the money I spent to play early
Again? Come on.
Are the servers down ?
@BeardedGamer508 I guess it's our fault for trusting them
When r the connection issues going to b resolved???
@Keepit100yaTrazh said in Connection to the show has been lost:
Are the servers down ?
The 19th
Guess its batting practice till its up again
For me it’s not a trust thing. It’s an expectation that there’s a certain level of service provided and this is already the 2nd outage and the game isn 24 hours old.
Is it safe to play MTO when servers are down?
I'm glad even road to the show requires there trash server to progress
Why am I getting 5 server is down messages in franchise mode, 5 popup in a row, seriously 1 popup is enough.
The servers will be up in a week before the launch of MLB the Show 25
Like many others, I also bought the early access (Xbox Series X) and haven’t been able to connect to the servers yet. Why is it that SDS hasn’t replied or made a post of their own with actual info on a timeframe to fix it??
Any Luck?