I think it is time to come to terms with the fact that....
The next huge MLBTS update will come on PS6 and other next-gen consoles. Playstation announced that PS5 was on the downswing with sales as they expected. Many titles are being remastered as well. Even XBOX is talking releasing games across systems. If SDS is working on an amazing game they are using nextgen IMO.
This take is hilarious. First of all, you talk about PS5 and XBX as if they're in the rear view mirror. It wasn't until that long ago that these consoles weren't even available for purchase. PS6 is probably not coming until close to 2030.
Second of all, a developer like SDS is not like let's say a Naughty Dog or an Insomnia. They are satisfied with their product much easier than studios who can work on their titles for years.At the same time, I personally don't feel like the pressure of an annual release is an excuse for mediocrity either. I've used NBA2K as an example many times before, whether you're a fan of that game or not, they do bring 2 completely separate and different games for current gen and previous gen. Why can't SDS do the same?
Will it even be that big of a leap upon arrival to PS6? The same issue may be prevalent, the studio not wanting to leave behind the previous generation for maximum exposure/profit?
@raesONE- I think there are two angles here. What SDS should do and what they will do. You are more upset because you expect much more from them. Let me ask you this... what would you like them to do? Be specific... I am curious.
@FellsPointGuy said in I think it is time to come to terms with the fact that....:
@raesONE- I think there are two angles here. What SDS should do and what they will do. You are more upset because you expect much more from them. Let me ask you this... what would you like them to do? Be specific... I am curious.
You can start with reading this and go from there
fubar2k7replied to raesONE- on Feb 15, 2024, 12:56 PM last edited by fubar2k7_PSN Feb 15, 2024, 12:58 PM
@raesONE- said in I think it is time to come to terms with the fact that....:
@FellsPointGuy said in I think it is time to come to terms with the fact that....:
@raesONE- I think there are two angles here. What SDS should do and what they will do. You are more upset because you expect much more from them. Let me ask you this... what would you like them to do? Be specific... I am curious.
You can start with reading this and go from there
Nobody wants to read a novel from a person who is permanently banned.
@raesONE- That is all asking for more information behind the curtain as far as how the game plays. When 80% of people are running God squads, what features would you like added to the game? Better graphics, full 120hz native mode, match ups based on record/tier, and so on.
@bjd10048 said in I think it is time to come to terms with the fact that....:
Why were you banned? @raesONE- are you banned from the game or the forums (how do you post?)
@raesONE- was banned for asking reasonable questions one-too-many times.
@bjd10048 said in I think it is time to come to terms with the fact that....:
Why were you banned? @raesONE- are you banned from the game or the forums (how do you post?)
My old account is banned from the forums. This is a new account that I've been using since 2022 when I moved to a different continent and I couldn't use my old account in the PS Store anymore.
raesONE-replied to FellsPointGuy on Feb 15, 2024, 4:02 PM last edited by raesONE-_PSN Feb 15, 2024, 4:04 PM
@FellsPointGuy said in I think it is time to come to terms with the fact that....:
@raesONE- That is all asking for more information behind the curtain as far as how the game plays. When 80% of people are running God squads, what features would you like added to the game? Better graphics, full 120hz native mode, match ups based on record/tier, and so on.
It all starts there. I would like to know how everything works behind the curtain, before I can say what I would like to have changed. I don't care about features, I care about gameplay. I care about competitiveness in the competitive game modes. Can't be competitive if the game is extremely inconsistent and we have to simply guess where that inconsistency come from.
While online gameplay (hitting, pitching) is not quite as good as '16 or '17, but they have tweaked gameplay enough over the years (from '18) to be a noticable improvement. While there is still room for improvement, I do not dislike online H2H gameplay, in regards to hitting/pitching/fielding/running.However, stadium cheese is a notable problem. If they removed stadium elevation as a factor (like they did wind) and implemented more realistic requirements for fence distance and height, then that would go a long way in improving online H2H gameplay.
@FellsPointGuy said in I think it is time to come to terms with the fact that....:
The next huge MLBTS update will come on PS6 and other next-gen consoles.
And, if I know this community and gamers in general well enough, there will be plenty of people who will say it looks awful.
raesONE-replied to xElRojo44x on Feb 15, 2024, 6:53 PM last edited by raesONE-_PSN Feb 15, 2024, 6:53 PM
@xElRojo44x said in I think it is time to come to terms with the fact that....:
While online gameplay (hitting, pitching) is not quite as good as '16 or '17, but they have tweaked gameplay enough over the years (from '18) to be a noticable improvement. While there is still room for improvement, I do not dislike online H2H gameplay, in regards to hitting/pitching/fielding/running.However, stadium cheese is a notable problem. If they removed stadium elevation as a factor (like they did wind) and implemented more realistic requirements for fence distance and height, then that would go a long way in improving online H2H gameplay.
Although I agree with your sentiment regarding the created stadiums, I wholeheartedly disagree with your opinion about gameplay.
What specifically do you dislike about current (gameplay) as compared to '16/'17? What could they do better in that regard? -
@xElRojo44x said in I think it is time to come to terms with the fact that....:
What specifically do you dislike about current (gameplay) as compared to '16/'17? What could they do better in that regard?Good input does not get rewarded as much as it should, too many foul balls, diving plays are too easy and some animations are unrealistic, bad pci homeruns, they need to work on all of it.
Non gameplay issues: “Connectivity issues. Matchmaking should be based on ping, bad internet should play against bad internet only, old gen consoles should not be playing against current gen consoles.”
@iBonafideScrub_ said in I think it is time to come to terms with the fact that....:
@xElRojo44x said in I think it is time to come to terms with the fact that....:
What specifically do you dislike about current (gameplay) as compared to '16/'17? What could they do better in that regard?Good input does not get rewarded as much as it should, too many foul balls, diving plays are too easy and some animations are unrealistic, bad pci homeruns, they need to work on all of it.
Non gameplay issues: “Connectivity issues. Matchmaking should be based on ping, bad internet should play against bad internet only, old gen consoles should not be playing against current gen consoles.”
raesONE-replied to xElRojo44x on Feb 16, 2024, 5:22 PM last edited by raesONE-_PSN Feb 16, 2024, 5:24 PM
@xElRojo44x said in I think it is time to come to terms with the fact that....:
What specifically do you dislike about current (gameplay) as compared to '16/'17? What could they do better in that regard?I agree with what @iBonafideScrub_ said. Hitting needs a complete overhaul. PCI needs to shrink considerably based on the difficulty you're playing at and there should be universal pitch speeds across all levels.
The catch is that the PCI should become REALLY small on HOF and Legend, which will make hitting the baseball much harder and much more realistic, but when you do get the ball in your PCI you should be guaranteed a good result 90% of the time based on the hitter's attributes.
Check swings should be eliminated from the game completely. It's way too inconsistent and they'll never be able to get that right, so it adds nothing but frustration and randomness.
Foul tips shouldn't be so frequent to happen. Especially with the smaller PCI I just advocated for, a foul tip should really ever occur when you hit the ball on the outside lines of your PCI. Ball not in the PCI at all should always be a swing and miss.
Pitching needs more consistency. Having 100% accuracy on your pinpoint should never result in a meatball down the middle. And I mean never. If that leads to pitching being too easy, then maybe make pinpoint pitching a little harder. But 100% accuracy should be 100% accuracy.
Fielding and baserunning is mostly fine. Although there are still weird animations in the game where a defender misses a swipe on the bag completely despite being there way early, or a catcher who forgot he's playing baseball. Those things have been in the game since I started playing and somehow never get cleaned up.
So long story short, input should matter. Stick skills should determine the winner. MLBTS 16 was the closest to that and even though it is a bit outdated, that was by far the best game in the franchise in my opinion.
Seems like VR might be a fun avenue to play baseball some day. Wonder if SDS will ever try to dabble. Might be a fun interface at least for a batting cage type of experience for a start