I uninstalled today
@Blind_Bleeder Correct. You could hit a perfect/perfect on the handle of the bat. Doesn't mean you hit the sweet spot.
arvcpareplied to rageincage007 on Feb 3, 2024, 4:58 PM last edited by arvcpa_MLBTS Feb 3, 2024, 5:00 PM
@rageincage007 said in I uninstalled today:
I do like the managers instead of captains. I could get Sparky Anderson or Jim Leland into the dugout.
I want Bobby Valentine wearing a mustache hiding in my dugout. And an animation of Earl Weaver kicking dirt on home plate. The options are endless...
@rageincage007 said in I uninstalled today:
@Blind_Bleeder Correct. You could hit a perfect/perfect on the handle of the bat. Doesn't mean you hit the sweet spot.
And even if it's hit on the sweet spot, it doesn't guarantee a hit, let alone a home run.
@Blind_Bleeder said in I uninstalled today:
@rageincage007 said in I uninstalled today:
All 99's are not the same so I would say that every card that is called a 99 is not a 99. 99's should only be used for cards that REALLY deserve it. Some 99's may not really stack up to a 98 in some instances.
I do like the managers instead of captains. I could get Sparky Anderson or Jim Leland into the dugout.This is so true. I had 97s play better than some 99s this year, and some 99s that played like high 80s.
My hope for 24 is that they remove the perfect-perfect notification because too many people think they should get arcade results when they square a ball up. That just isn't baseball.
Just to address some of this.
I don't mind day 1 99s, it's simply the number of them. Never felt like I was grinding for any particular card as no card felt all the special. John Donaldson was a cheat code but basically free and Elly cycle card was insane. Other than those two, every card felt minimally different for me
Perfect perfect requires timing and Pci placement. I saw someone say you can perfectly time up a pitch off the handle which simply is not true. Im just talking about the frequency of lineouts. The frequency actually makes the game feel MORE arcadey at times. I had a game with 5 perfect perfects but I only got three total bases, 1 double, 1 single, 3 outs. As someone that has played this game for the last 5 years I recognize these changes in outcomes as compared to previous versions. Wasn't game breaking, just weird results that occurred very frequently. I'm not the best player by far, but I'm sure higher ranked players agree lineout frequency has increased significantly
I'll delete 23 When 24 comes out because I'll need the memory.
The use to give you a reward for having the previous game. I can’t remember when that stopped happening.
I agree with your post, for the most part. Especially the line outs...I don't know how Kyle Schwarber gets to a rapper ball that sunk faster than Amber Heard's case against Johnny Depp but it was annoying. I think it's got something to do with the outfield not being scaled correctly.
The sets were a disaster...I kinda gave up trying to complete them once I noticed that the "end game"(for that set) were locked behind BR stuff. Not that you couldn't grind amazing cards without it, you 100% could. To me I just didn't see the point of grinding for guys that were gonna be ineligible anyways. I'm all for varying lineups...but forcing it on people was kinda dumb
@rageincage007 said in I uninstalled today:
@Blind_Bleeder Correct. You could hit a perfect/perfect on the handle of the bat. Doesn't mean you hit the sweet spot.
Uh, WHAT? By definition, hitting the ball on the handle of the bat is not perfect contact. That's ridiculous.
@Blind_Bleeder said in I uninstalled today:
@rageincage007 said in I uninstalled today:
@Blind_Bleeder Correct. You could hit a perfect/perfect on the handle of the bat. Doesn't mean you hit the sweet spot.
And even if it's hit on the sweet spot, it doesn't guarantee a hit, let alone a home run.
Now this is true, of course. But hitting the ball "on the handle of the bat" is nowhere near perfect contact. It's shitty contact. C'mon now.
SuntLacrimae50wrote on Feb 5, 2024, 7:20 PM last edited by SuntLacrimae50_MLBTS Feb 5, 2024, 7:21 PM
I uninstalled months ago. I'm not hating to hate, but this year's DD was grindy and cringe. Perfect example of trying to please everybody rather than just having a vision and going hard in that direction.
I'll never make WS. But I do believe some rewards would be exclusive to those that do, and available to others at a very high price.
Releasing cards where Wade Boggs has over 100 power is BEYOND RIDICULOUS.
Need to refine gameplay, update graphics and features, and avoid the cringe (Kaiju, those alter-ego cards, and the ones where they're dressed in street clothes -- wtf???).
Make the core live series collection matter.
Make TA not have to take over your life.
Very on the fence this year about buying...
I'm thinking of uninstalling today. And then reinstalling to see if I can get some wind in a CPU game. I've got no wind at all in my games, while others do, and they think that may be the trick.
@Blind_Bleeder said in I uninstalled today:
I'm thinking of uninstalling today. And then reinstalling to see if I can get some wind in a CPU game. I've got no wind at all in my games, while others do, and they think that may be the trick.
You have to blow into the controller port.
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X said in I uninstalled today:
@Blind_Bleeder said in I uninstalled today:
I'm thinking of uninstalling today. And then reinstalling to see if I can get some wind in a CPU game. I've got no wind at all in my games, while others do, and they think that may be the trick.
You have to blow into the controller port.
Oh. Man. I shouldn’t be drinking anything when I read posts like that…
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X said in I uninstalled today:
@Blind_Bleeder said in I uninstalled today:
I'm thinking of uninstalling today. And then reinstalling to see if I can get some wind in a CPU game. I've got no wind at all in my games, while others do, and they think that may be the trick.
You have to blow into the controller port.
Okay. Now that I've regained my composure, and my sourdough loaf is autolysing, I can respond to this awesome post properly...
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X I tried that. A window popped up asking if I'd like an Altoid. I said, yes, but couldn't figure out which slot it was dispensed from.
@Blind_Bleeder said in I uninstalled today:
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X said in I uninstalled today:
@Blind_Bleeder said in I uninstalled today:
I'm thinking of uninstalling today. And then reinstalling to see if I can get some wind in a CPU game. I've got no wind at all in my games, while others do, and they think that may be the trick.
You have to blow into the controller port.
Okay. Now that I've regained my composure, and my sourdough loaf is autolysing, I can respond to this awesome post properly...
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X I tried that. A window popped up asking if I'd like an Altoid. I said, yes, but couldn't figure out which slot it was dispensed from.
No fair it offered you a curiously strong mint? When I tried it the controller melted
So i loved Set 1 and 2. I took a break from August - Early October so i missed alot of Set 3/Set 4. Absolutely loved Set 5 and i played Set 6 for the simple fact i could actually use all my players. So i loved Set 1,2,5. I dont like to constantly grind for people i wont be able to use going forward. I know they will adjust sets and seasons, we can't have it where you can't use the cards you love. No point in grinding.
We need a weekend league. Make ranked mean something. We've been asking for years and years. It can't just be about world series rewards.
Intergrate Storylines more into DD. 2.7% of folks completed the rewards (you can see on your trophies how many people actually finished) which is pathetic, with day 1 99's and so many. The Captain buck oneil with the sanford brown crew was cool for like 2 weeks and became absolete.
@LoneBlackMan said in I uninstalled today:
I think I have wrung every ounce of entertainment out of Mlb the show this year. This is by far the longest I've stayed active playing. To me 23 was the best version of the show in the past 5 years. Had a great time playing. Didn't uninstall because of fatigue. Rather I just want to reset before 24 drops. I think I won't enjoy 24 as much if I'm still playing 23. That said a few things and maybe some ideas for next games:
No more day 1 99's. If everyone is elite, then no one is. Every card felt the same and lineups lost a lot of uniqueness.
Sets and seasons needs a rework. The grind 99 was already exhausting, but then I can't even use the card very long before it's restricted
Lineouts, lineouts, lineouts. I have never had so many perfect perfect lineouts ever. Also way too many perfect flyouts. Not sure why the frequency is so high, but it's frustrating flying out to the warning track on a perfect with Mike trout ( has happened to me multiple times)
Managers instead of captains.i loved the idea of captains, but in execution I was very disappointed. I never actually used the captain, I simply subbed in a 99. I think having manager cards could confer boosts to teams while not taking up a player slot. Like Bruce Bochy raising clutch and contact or Joe Maddon raising baserunning and defense. Rather that than a card I won't actually use anyway
Gave the show 23 a B+ this year. Had a blast playing and hope they continue to build off this iteration.
this is a pretty solid review and final grade for 23.
The grinding for players you never want to use is terrible. 23 unironically had you grinding for 91's months after showering you with 99's. Then the f----ery of manipulating attributes to make some 99's wimps and some 97's 110's. Did we ever know if clutch impacted OVR???
When I can not only feel but SEE the man behind the curtain pulling the levers, I'm close to being out.