I'd like to personally thank SDS
With the captain boost can attributes play in excess of 125 or do they simply cap out at that point? Ultimately if they want people to use captains, the boosts need to be better and the captains themselves need to be 99 rated core cards. By doing this people would actually let the captain play and core cards would be eligible the entire game cycle.
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X said in I'd like to personally thank SDS:
Hey, what do you know. ANOTHER top streamer posted a video the other day abusing the Rollins Captaim card. Unbelievable.
Um. I don't know if I would call him a top streamer. When guys like YourfriendKyle, Littlemann17 and Kevingohd have 275K plus subscribers I don't think a guy with 3K subscribers (only 1% of the big guys) can be labeled as a "top streamer".
Granted he, probably should be banned for showing an exploit but I doubt that the 4,000 people who watched that video are flooding the servers.
@TripleH-4481 said in I'd like to personally thank SDS:
With the captain boost can attributes play in excess of 125 or do they simply cap out at that point? Ultimately if they want people to use captains, the boosts need to be better and the captains themselves need to be 99 rated core cards. By doing this people would actually let the captain play and core cards would be eligible the entire game cycle.
On an unrelated but related subject Core cards. Any card you take the time to P5 should become a Core card.
@fubar2k7 said in I'd like to personally thank SDS:
@TripleH-4481 said in I'd like to personally thank SDS:
With the captain boost can attributes play in excess of 125 or do they simply cap out at that point? Ultimately if they want people to use captains, the boosts need to be better and the captains themselves need to be 99 rated core cards. By doing this people would actually let the captain play and core cards would be eligible the entire game cycle.
On an unrelated but related subject Core cards. Any card you take the time to P5 should become a Core card.
This a brilliant idea
@Redd666ish said in I'd like to personally thank SDS:
@fubar2k7 said in I'd like to personally thank SDS:
@TripleH-4481 said in I'd like to personally thank SDS:
With the captain boost can attributes play in excess of 125 or do they simply cap out at that point? Ultimately if they want people to use captains, the boosts need to be better and the captains themselves need to be 99 rated core cards. By doing this people would actually let the captain play and core cards would be eligible the entire game cycle.
On an unrelated but related subject Core cards. Any card you take the time to P5 should become a Core card.
This a brilliant idea
I concur
Agreed. Assuming they actually gave us a chance to parallel cards. Last year I paralleled a lot. This year, not so much.
Sorry buddy there are no more updates.. either deal with it or just move on.. that's the only way to look at it.. i would rather have this problem over the 2 way pitcher glitch.. If you can't beat them.. just join them..
@BxnnyMxn_ said in I'd like to personally thank SDS:
You know, one would think since we had a representative of the company to pop into the forum to threaten the ban that this would FORCE them into action. I only say this because now that cbrev has thrown down the gauntlet (so to speak) that would essentially divide this group into two: the ones who benefit from this exploit and use the advantage towards winning, and those who try to do right by the rules that are in place. Wouldn’t this put this second group at a clear disadvantage? Sure seems like it.
Seems like an awful lot like the Roid Race back in the late 90's early 2000's. If the other players are doing it to get an advantage and get massive new contracts...others in the league began to follow suit because how else can you compete with cheaters if you don't cheat yourself?
@fubar2k7 said in I'd like to personally thank SDS:
@TripleH-4481 said in I'd like to personally thank SDS:
With the captain boost can attributes play in excess of 125 or do they simply cap out at that point? Ultimately if they want people to use captains, the boosts need to be better and the captains themselves need to be 99 rated core cards. By doing this people would actually let the captain play and core cards would be eligible the entire game cycle.
On an unrelated but related subject Core cards. Any card you take the time to P5 should become a Core card.
But then there would be no incentive to P5 the other 4 overall 99 Schwarber cards.
I’m just glad the glitch isn’t happening with the captains that add a ton of power. But I’m not winning or losing any different from playing the glitches.
Just played someone in an Event game who used the Ripken Captain glitch.
Looked at his game history and see he has done it for at least, I stopped counting, the last 25 games.
Starts him as the DH. Bats him first. And EVERY SINGLE GAME he swaps him out.
Glad to see SDS is handling it.
Depending on today's content, and how much offline content is available, and since online is unplayable (in my opinion); I may be done for the year.
And if they bring back Captains for 24, and dont fix this glitch, I'm not playing next year.
As a diehard myself that has played until the next game releases I officially burned out yesterday. I’m likely going to hold off next year either completely or until very late in the game cycle when it goes on sale. If I hear the game is just recycled 2023 I’m out indefinitely.
@TripleH-4481 I like you but no offense nobody is going to believe you “tapped out” on the day all the cards became available for use. There is an alternative option you can play until the game goes on sale. You don’t have to suffer if that’s how you feel. I mean you can even get it now. It was so “good” it went on sale within a week of launch this year.
@Redd666ish said in I'd like to personally thank SDS:
On an unrelated but related subject Core cards. Any card you take the time to P5 should become a Core card.
Amen! You put the work in, CORE GOING FORWARD.
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X said in I'd like to personally thank SDS:
Just played someone in an Event game who used the Ripken Captain glitch.
Looked at his game history and see he has done it for at least, I stopped counting, the last 25 games.
Starts him as the DH. Bats him first. And EVERY SINGLE GAME he swaps him out.
Glad to see SDS is handling it.
Depending on today's content, and how much offline content is available, and since online is unplayable (in my opinion); I may be done for the year.
And if they bring back Captains for 24, and dont fix this glitch, I'm not playing next year.
Dude. That's not even the freaking glitch that's in question. The glitch thats being talked about is the one where the Captain doesnt even have to be on the roster, ever. Smdh
When I face an opponent that uses either glitch, it does not bother me, since neither makes that much of a difference. If they are not going to patch both glitches, then they should just allow everyone to use them.Having the threat of getting banned for using the glitch(es), while over 1/2 of your opponents are still using one of the glitches, is ridiculous. Hopefully in '24, this will not be an issue.
@xElRojo44x oh idc at this point, sds is on to 24. Wasn't a game breaking thing but should of been fixed ya know
I’m just burned out. It’s part of my regular routine and lately I find myself turning the game on and just staring at the screen. The grind was brutal and time spent chasing cards made it so playing with them afterwards an afterthought. I’m not even really upset or frustrated just tired and disappointed. Stepping away for a bit or taking a year off may be the way to go. The same thing happened to me with fantasy baseball where I loved it, got sick of the bs, took a year off and never went back. Unless major changes are on the way next year I can’t see myself doing it again and things ending well. Since 2021 it’s felt like a steady decline in my enjoyment of the game and baseball in general. That is not a good thing for a baseball junkie like me.
LMAO! First Event game, against Common pitchers to boot, and my opponent has the Capt Ripken boost activated and swaps him out right away. Game history shows multiple games he's done this.
@CBrev47 what's up? They taking care if thus or is the rest of 23's cycle going to be nothing but exploits when you play H2H?