It's Friday, it's a couple days after the trade deadline and no content.
Maybe the heat wave spread from Arizona and with all the extra AC they brought for the computers you can't walk around in there without arctic gear and they said F it and left till the heat wave ends?
I was thinking the same thing -- we should get a Topps Now the pack who cares since just another way for them to try and milk us for more money but they are getting more lazy it seems
There were content gaps in season two I didn't understand either, especially since so many of the programs this year have been cut & paste jobs.
@eatyum_PSN said in It's Friday, it's a couple days after the trade deadline and no content.:
Really? I never remember SDS taking off days this early. Not even Topps now or a headliner? Dang, am I overthinking that this is a big concern?
They announced it in the Extreme stream last week.
I complained about it here and on Reddit. On reddit I got downvoted and raked over the coals because I said that they were leaving those of us who won't attempt Extreme hanging for two weeks.
I've got to think there are going to be more cards than usual in the next Topps Now and PotM programs on Wednesday.
Nearly 2 weeks between content releases. Pretty odd, for sure.
Fan boys want to make excuses when the answer is simple -- they are lazy and do not care about the community unless they are psending money on stubs. This is the cold hard truth and if fan boys want to not believe it then that is on them but this is the last version of this game I will play / ever buy cause each year they get worse.
I defend this game alot and even I can't find a reason to defend this.
Is Extreme a big deal.for this game that they mail it in for two weeks.
This is flat out a miss and no real excuse for why either POTM couldn't be moved to today or to next Friday and the retired number program moved up or what ever why to do it
This feels like MLB 2018 content when there were big gaps with nothing
@Dolenz_PSN said in It's Friday, it's a couple days after the trade deadline and no content.:
@eatyum_PSN said in It's Friday, it's a couple days after the trade deadline and no content.:
Really? I never remember SDS taking off days this early. Not even Topps now or a headliner? Dang, am I overthinking that this is a big concern?
They announced it in the Extreme stream last week.
I complained about it here and on Reddit. On reddit I got downvoted and raked over the coals because I said that they were leaving those of us who won't attempt Extreme hanging for two weeks.
When it comes to sports in general Reddit is a complete dumpster
it's not worth your time
yeah as someone who "breezed" through extreme (I can't hit with griffey so totally not worth it) I was hoping for a topps now pack especially since there is a missing flashback I figured we would get today. Definitely a bit odd of a choice.
@jake98833_PSN said in It's Friday, it's a couple days after the trade deadline and no content.:
@Dolenz_PSN said in It's Friday, it's a couple days after the trade deadline and no content.:
@eatyum_PSN said in It's Friday, it's a couple days after the trade deadline and no content.:
Really? I never remember SDS taking off days this early. Not even Topps now or a headliner? Dang, am I overthinking that this is a big concern?
They announced it in the Extreme stream last week.
I complained about it here and on Reddit. On reddit I got downvoted and raked over the coals because I said that they were leaving those of us who won't attempt Extreme hanging for two weeks.
When it comes to sports in general Reddit is a complete dumpster
it's not worth your time
Sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't. This place can occasionally be a dumpster fire too.
Very odd we couldn’t even get topps now this week