Hotel Wifi
Of course, as long as you have a connection. Quality doesn't matter if you don't play online. Actually it also doesn't matter when you do play online lmao but that's besides the point.
14 weeks huh? That's some serious time away. Excuse my curiosity but sounds like fun! What will you do? -
@raesONE- said in Hotel Wifi:
Of course, as long as you have a connection. Quality doesn't matter if you don't play online. Actually it doesn't matter when you do play online lmao but that's besides the point.
14 weeks huh? That's some serious time away. Excuse my curiosity but sounds like fun! What will you do?Thanks for the response!
The first and last week will be a road trip with the wife. That will be the real fun part. The first week will be visiting some friends in Montana and also hitting up Glacier National Park, Yellowstone N.P., Grand Tetons N.P., Devil's Tower, Mount Rushmore, the Badlands N.P., seeing the covered bridges in Madison County Iowa, and a little bit of the Trans Wisconsin Adventure Trail. Twelve weeks of doing some job training in Milwaukee without the wife (not as fun, but still should be some fun). So far, no plans for the road trip back to Seattle since I want to see what the weather will be like and might have to plan a more southerly route.
I usually hotspot my phone or iPad. I’m paranoid about open public wifi systems.
@Blind_Bleeder said in Hotel Wifi:
I usually hotspot my phone or iPad. I’m paranoid about open public wifi systems.
That sounds like a good tip, thanks!
@dap1234567890 said in Hotel Wifi:
@raesONE- said in Hotel Wifi:
Of course, as long as you have a connection. Quality doesn't matter if you don't play online. Actually it doesn't matter when you do play online lmao but that's besides the point.
14 weeks huh? That's some serious time away. Excuse my curiosity but sounds like fun! What will you do?Thanks for the response!
The first and last week will be a road trip with the wife. That will be the real fun part. The first week will be visiting some friends in Montana and also hitting up Glacier National Park, Yellowstone N.P., Grand Tetons N.P., Devil's Tower, Mount Rushmore, the Badlands N.P., seeing the covered bridges in Madison County Iowa, and a little bit of the Trans Wisconsin Adventure Trail. Twelve weeks of doing some job training in Milwaukee without the wife (not as fun, but still should be some fun). So far, no plans for the road trip back to Seattle since I want to see what the weather will be like and might have to plan a more southerly route.
Sounds awesome I'm jealous! Have fun
@dap1234567890 said in Hotel Wifi:
I'm thinking of staying at a hotel, play on their wifi, switch to directional hitting, and pitch only right down the middle (because everyone hits dongs off pitches 2 feet outside the strike zone) until I make WS! My understanding from this forum is that this should be the META! Am I missing anything else???
Of course, I am being sarcastic. However, I do have a very real question about hotel wifi and MLB the Show if anyone has actually played the game while on a road trip. Is the offline modes of DD playable on a hotel wifi connection? Starting next week, I'll be on the road for 14 straight weeks and hope I can still play the game during that time.
I have tried to play on hotel WiFi. It isn't a nice experience. I would stick to grinding or friendly games. The lag is incredible.
dap1234567890replied to Tuke7-1 on Jul 29, 2023, 1:32 AM last edited by dap1234567890_PSN Jul 29, 2023, 1:32 AM
@Tuke7-1 said in Hotel Wifi:
@dap1234567890 said in Hotel Wifi:
I'm thinking of staying at a hotel, play on their wifi, switch to directional hitting, and pitch only right down the middle (because everyone hits dongs off pitches 2 feet outside the strike zone) until I make WS! My understanding from this forum is that this should be the META! Am I missing anything else???
Of course, I am being sarcastic. However, I do have a very real question about hotel wifi and MLB the Show if anyone has actually played the game while on a road trip. Is the offline modes of DD playable on a hotel wifi connection? Starting next week, I'll be on the road for 14 straight weeks and hope I can still play the game during that time.
I have tried to play on hotel WiFi. It isn't a nice experience. I would stick to grinding or friendly games. The lag is incredible.
Yes, I will be doing absolutely zero online play. I just wanted to know if mostly Conquest and vs CPU games would be playable to the point that it would be somewhat enjoyable.
Blind_Bleederreplied to dap1234567890 on Jul 29, 2023, 3:09 AM last edited by Blind_Bleeder_PSN Jul 29, 2023, 3:10 AM
@dap1234567890 said in Hotel Wifi:
@Tuke7-1 said in Hotel Wifi:
@dap1234567890 said in Hotel Wifi:
I'm thinking of staying at a hotel, play on their wifi, switch to directional hitting, and pitch only right down the middle (because everyone hits dongs off pitches 2 feet outside the strike zone) until I make WS! My understanding from this forum is that this should be the META! Am I missing anything else???
Of course, I am being sarcastic. However, I do have a very real question about hotel wifi and MLB the Show if anyone has actually played the game while on a road trip. Is the offline modes of DD playable on a hotel wifi connection? Starting next week, I'll be on the road for 14 straight weeks and hope I can still play the game during that time.
I have tried to play on hotel WiFi. It isn't a nice experience. I would stick to grinding or friendly games. The lag is incredible.
Yes, I will be doing absolutely zero online play. I just wanted to know if mostly Conquest and vs CPU games would be playable to the point that it would be somewhat enjoyable.
Absolutely. I’ve done it on my switch. If you’re taking a console, that would be even smoother. 4G has a wide enough bandwidth to handle it. 5G is even better. The only question is how good of reception you’ll have.
@Blind_Bleeder said in Hotel Wifi:
@dap1234567890 said in Hotel Wifi:
@Tuke7-1 said in Hotel Wifi:
@dap1234567890 said in Hotel Wifi:
I'm thinking of staying at a hotel, play on their wifi, switch to directional hitting, and pitch only right down the middle (because everyone hits dongs off pitches 2 feet outside the strike zone) until I make WS! My understanding from this forum is that this should be the META! Am I missing anything else???
Of course, I am being sarcastic. However, I do have a very real question about hotel wifi and MLB the Show if anyone has actually played the game while on a road trip. Is the offline modes of DD playable on a hotel wifi connection? Starting next week, I'll be on the road for 14 straight weeks and hope I can still play the game during that time.
I have tried to play on hotel WiFi. It isn't a nice experience. I would stick to grinding or friendly games. The lag is incredible.
Yes, I will be doing absolutely zero online play. I just wanted to know if mostly Conquest and vs CPU games would be playable to the point that it would be somewhat enjoyable.
Absolutely. I’ve done it on my switch. If you’re taking a console, that would be even smoother. 4G has a wide enough bandwidth to handle it. 5G is even better.
I plan on taking my PS5 and should be able to get 5G in Milwaukee (I would think). I am also on the FirstNet, so hopefully that will also help with maintaining a decent connection.
@dap1234567890 said in Hotel Wifi:
However, I do have a very real question about hotel wifi and MLB the Show if anyone has actually played the game while on a road trip. Is the offline modes of DD playable on a hotel wifi connection? Starting next week, I'll be on the road for 14 straight weeks and hope I can still play the game during that time.
I did a few years ago during a conference in San Diego. My PS4 could not connect to the hotel wifi so I had to use my phone as a hot spot. I got up to between 4-6 mbps. The gameplay was not too bad. However, my opponents' gameplay experience may not have been as good...
@xElRojo44x_MLBTS said in Hotel Wifi:
@dap1234567890 said in Hotel Wifi:
However, I do have a very real question about hotel wifi and MLB the Show if anyone has actually played the game while on a road trip. Is the offline modes of DD playable on a hotel wifi connection? Starting next week, I'll be on the road for 14 straight weeks and hope I can still play the game during that time.
I did a few years ago during a conference in San Diego. My PS4 could not connect to the hotel wifi so I had to use my phone as a hot spot. I got up to between 4-6 mbps. The gameplay was not too bad. However, my opponents' gameplay experience may not have been as good...
My opponent will be just the CPU, so I'm not worried about opponent experience. I won't put someone else through the misery of a bad connection game. I just want to be able to grind the different programs offline. I would hate for a 9-inning game vs CPU go for naught because I lose connection somewhere in the middle of the game. But, the cell phone hot spot sounds like a great idea. Thanks!
I’ve played on the free hotel WiFi and didn’t lag at all playing online games on NBA 2k. That’s saying a lot because the game is known to be crazy laggy.
@TossGawd said in Hotel Wifi:
I’ve played on the free hotel WiFi and didn’t lag at all playing online games on NBA 2k. That’s saying a lot because the game is known to be crazy laggy.
Awesome, thanks for letting me know! I appreciate all of the feedback.
@dap1234567890 said in Hotel Wifi:
The first week will be visiting some friends in Montana and also hitting up Glacier National Park, Yellowstone N.P., Grand Tetons N.P., Devil's Tower, Mount Rushmore, the Badlands N.P.
I'm jealous of the locations but doing them all in a week sounds tiring, especially the national parks where I would want to spend a few says hiking around.
@Blind_Bleeder said in Hotel Wifi:
I usually hotspot my phone or iPad. I’m paranoid about open public wifi systems.
With good reason, if you use open wifi without a vpn you’re just asking to be hacked and it’s not very hard.
@dap1234567890 said in Hotel Wifi:
@xElRojo44x_MLBTS said in Hotel Wifi:
@dap1234567890 said in Hotel Wifi:
However, I do have a very real question about hotel wifi and MLB the Show if anyone has actually played the game while on a road trip. Is the offline modes of DD playable on a hotel wifi connection? Starting next week, I'll be on the road for 14 straight weeks and hope I can still play the game during that time.
I did a few years ago during a conference in San Diego. My PS4 could not connect to the hotel wifi so I had to use my phone as a hot spot. I got up to between 4-6 mbps. The gameplay was not too bad. However, my opponents' gameplay experience may not have been as good...
My opponent will be just the CPU, so I'm not worried about opponent experience. I won't put someone else through the misery of a bad connection game. I just want to be able to grind the different programs offline. I would hate for a 9-inning game vs CPU go for naught because I lose connection somewhere in the middle of the game. But, the cell phone hot spot sounds like a great idea. Thanks!
Have you thought about taking a Switch instead of a console? It's a heck of a lot easier to carry around, and if you get a Switch Pro also, you can play with a controller instead of Joy-Cons. Use some bluetooth earbuds so you don't bother anyone around you and you're good to go.