Conquest Garbage/ SDS Banned Grinding
The sliders aren't different... I promise you they aren't... the game is shortened and your SP (and relievers) have less stamina, that is the only difference between Conquest/Mini-Seasons and Play vs CPU.
Haha, you clearly haven’t played the various modes. Just look at the pci size, exit velocities, Superman fielding and the simple fact you can regularly put up double digit runs in play vs cpu and get shutdown completely in a random conquest, mini season or showdown.
I play conquest about 85% of the time and it seems fine to me.
The conspiracy theories just keep getting funnier and funnier!
@PaullyG24_PSN said in Conquest Garbage/ SDS Banned Grinding:
It’s official now. 6/7 games I’ve played on veteran in conquest have been 1-0 games. Even just now on rookie, 88mph “4SFB” with perfect/perfect on a batter with 107 contact and 95 power…caught on the warning track. Conquest difficulties are 100% adjusted. There is no longer any dispute. SDS has eliminated the grind.
I only grind conquest of I have certain missions to complete or need some quick packs.
I usually grind against CPU for exp
@Pergo_MLBTS said in Conquest Garbage/ SDS Banned Grinding:
The conspiracy theories just keep getting funnier and funnier!
lol yes mate - imagine complaining that veteran offline is too hard - jesus mary and joseph - try HOF online - feels like im hitting a wet noodle in an ocean
I have conquest games where I have gone into extras tied 0-0 and I have blown out the CPU by 5 or more runs.
I really have not noticed a difference over the years and 95% of the games I play are conquest.
Its the pitching. CPU pitches better than previous games and I’m ok with it.
I think most of us aren’t claiming it’s hard just that there is a difference in gameplay which is super obvious. However all the HOF die hards think it’s complaining about how hard the game is as soon as someone brings up a valid negative point on the game. Lots of tough guy talk online, people need to chill out and understand it’s okay not to be a world beater at this game.
I have found that the AI is streakier than in the past. I have had games where everything I have hit hard goes directly into a fielders glove and am lucky to squeak out a win in extras. Then I have a game where the AI hits a no doubt homer off me in the first, and in the second inning I explode for 7 runs.
Yes, the return of super dive is a legit gripe, and balls that bounce off pitchers/walls that somehow go directly to a defender are super frustrating, but I am not sure they have nerfed anything.
My last Conquest game was 18-0...seems to be working as intended!
My last conquest game was 9-2 using the Mexico series guys and a pitcher that had no energy for 2 of the 3 innings lol like what? No conquest difficulty isn’t changed