Idea to get more action in Ranked?
ChuckCLCreplied to aware_ward13 on May 29, 2023, 7:35 PM last edited by ChuckCLC_PSN May 29, 2023, 7:36 PM
@aware_ward13 said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
@Bearsfan217 said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
I havent played much online because of all the offline grinding this year, i havent felt ive had time to play as much RS. Which is weird because im usually a RS player moreso then a offline grinder each year.
Can I ask you what you do with the cards that you get from all that grinding if you’re not playing ranked?
More grinding with them. Cannot use 90% in Ranked anyways. Can only use so many at a time. I usually use mostly the same cards in Ranked, save a few that I swap out. Playing the rest of DD I constantly have to use all different cards.
Ranked games take a long time
@iBonafideScrub_ said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
@BrikMahorn said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
You want to hide records???
Shoot…you can barely even see them now. If you skip the opening and/or blink or take a sip of coffee or look at your phone for two seconds…you don’t even see the record.
The more important part of this post is the issue of why people CARE sooooo much about their record. It’s kind of embarrassing.
I’ll often get messages and comments about my record…because it looks bad. But I played all the goons in early access…and routinely play with watered-down lineups.
It’s funny when I get messages about my record…and then my opponent rage quits after 4 innings while losing. They always message me their excuse too.
It couldn’t possibly be that my terrible record against good players with lesser lineups has made me better than their good record with nothing but 99s against bums…
I looked you up, .180ish hitter with a record of 66-136 as of last night… I guess I understand now why you don’t want input to matter more.
Was this necessary? Shaming him for his record & stats is a [censored] move…Especially when he wasn’t attacking anyone, Just giving his take…Be better man, It’s really not that hard to be descent to people.
@aware_ward13 said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
@Bearsfan217 said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
I havent played much online because of all the offline grinding this year, i havent felt ive had time to play as much RS. Which is weird because im usually a RS player moreso then a offline grinder each year.
Can I ask you what you do with the cards that you get from all that grinding if you’re not playing ranked?
Short term, i use the cards towards whatever program im grinding towards then long term is to collect them for Set 2 Collection. Just unlocked the David Ortiz card today. Gonna try and get to the first set 2 pack, then start on the RS
@IrishFist412 said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
@iBonafideScrub_ said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
@BrikMahorn said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
You want to hide records???
Shoot…you can barely even see them now. If you skip the opening and/or blink or take a sip of coffee or look at your phone for two seconds…you don’t even see the record.
The more important part of this post is the issue of why people CARE sooooo much about their record. It’s kind of embarrassing.
I’ll often get messages and comments about my record…because it looks bad. But I played all the goons in early access…and routinely play with watered-down lineups.
It’s funny when I get messages about my record…and then my opponent rage quits after 4 innings while losing. They always message me their excuse too.
It couldn’t possibly be that my terrible record against good players with lesser lineups has made me better than their good record with nothing but 99s against bums…
I looked you up, .180ish hitter with a record of 66-136 as of last night… I guess I understand now why you don’t want input to matter more.
Was this necessary? Shaming him for his record & stats is a [censored] move…Especially when he wasn’t attacking anyone, Just giving his take…Be better man, It’s really not that hard to be descent to people.
Yeah, agree. Let’s not shame people from playing the game. We’re all entitled to an opinion regardless of how good you are at the game.
I semi care about my record I mean at the end of the day it is what is but of course people would rather have a winning record.. I felt the same way in madden and it doesn’t display so I don’t think that has anything to do with my psychology.
I do like it shows the record tho.. not for any flex reasons as I’m like 40-30 I just like to know what I’m up against just like batting averages
️ I pitch pretty good and hit okay. If I’m playing someone who is obviously a goon (400+ batting avgs and 75%+ win percentage) I’m not gonna waste my time fighting back if I get down. If the person is just average like me and hitting me well or pitching me well I’m likely to stick it out
@DeleteyourTTVBTW said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
When WS players won’t play away games for three years, egos are most certainly on the line.
You say this a lot but there’s no way to home hunt anymore lol
@IrishFist412 said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
@iBonafideScrub_ said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
@BrikMahorn said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
You want to hide records???
Shoot…you can barely even see them now. If you skip the opening and/or blink or take a sip of coffee or look at your phone for two seconds…you don’t even see the record.
The more important part of this post is the issue of why people CARE sooooo much about their record. It’s kind of embarrassing.
I’ll often get messages and comments about my record…because it looks bad. But I played all the goons in early access…and routinely play with watered-down lineups.
It’s funny when I get messages about my record…and then my opponent rage quits after 4 innings while losing. They always message me their excuse too.
It couldn’t possibly be that my terrible record against good players with lesser lineups has made me better than their good record with nothing but 99s against bums…
I looked you up, .180ish hitter with a record of 66-136 as of last night… I guess I understand now why you don’t want input to matter more.
Was this necessary? Shaming him for his record & stats is a [censored] move…Especially when he wasn’t attacking anyone, Just giving his take…Be better man, It’s really not that hard to be descent to people.
Not only was I not attacking anyone…he’s jumping into this thread and trying to “shame” me over posts in a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THREAD.
BrikMahornreplied to iBonafideScrub_ on May 30, 2023, 12:05 AM last edited by BrikMahorn_XBL May 30, 2023, 12:10 AM
@iBonafideScrub_ said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
@BrikMahorn said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
You want to hide records???
Shoot…you can barely even see them now. If you skip the opening and/or blink or take a sip of coffee or look at your phone for two seconds…you don’t even see the record.
The more important part of this post is the issue of why people CARE sooooo much about their record. It’s kind of embarrassing.
I’ll often get messages and comments about my record…because it looks bad. But I played all the goons in early access…and routinely play with watered-down lineups.
It’s funny when I get messages about my record…and then my opponent rage quits after 4 innings while losing. They always message me their excuse too.
It couldn’t possibly be that my terrible record against good players with lesser lineups has made me better than their good record with nothing but 99s against bums…
I looked you up, .180ish hitter with a record of 66-136 as of last night… I guess I understand now why you don’t want input to matter more.
What’s your point?
For one, this isn’t even the thread you’re referring to…so you’re soooo desperate to take a “shot” at me that you’re hijacking this thread to do so?
Did you actually look me up? Or just my record?
Did you see the games I played with the Alex Gordon LS captain and the freaking Royals LS cards?
How many games did I play where I had the better team? How many did I play where I had an equal team?
I’ll answer it for you - almost NONE.
No worries…you’re just making my point for me.
It’s actually kind of sad and pathetic to care soooooo much about your record. Some might even say it borders on mental illness to care so much about something so utterly meaningless.
Oh…and okay your next 50 games with a worse team then all your opponents…and let us know what your batting average and record is.
Can your fragile little ego handle that? I’m gonna guess it can’t…
280-59 in online rated with my Reds and y’all worried about your records with God Squads lmao lame as hell
I have no issue with records being displayed. However, I would like to see a record and stat reset with each new season.
iBonafideScrub_replied to BrikMahorn on May 30, 2023, 1:02 AM last edited by iBonafideScrub__PSN May 30, 2023, 1:11 AM
@BrikMahorn said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
@iBonafideScrub_ said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
@BrikMahorn said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
You want to hide records???
Shoot…you can barely even see them now. If you skip the opening and/or blink or take a sip of coffee or look at your phone for two seconds…you don’t even see the record.
The more important part of this post is the issue of why people CARE sooooo much about their record. It’s kind of embarrassing.
I’ll often get messages and comments about my record…because it looks bad. But I played all the goons in early access…and routinely play with watered-down lineups.
It’s funny when I get messages about my record…and then my opponent rage quits after 4 innings while losing. They always message me their excuse too.
It couldn’t possibly be that my terrible record against good players with lesser lineups has made me better than their good record with nothing but 99s against bums…
I looked you up, .180ish hitter with a record of 66-136 as of last night… I guess I understand now why you don’t want input to matter more.
What’s your point?
For one, this isn’t even the thread you’re referring to…so you’re soooo desperate to take a “shot” at me that you’re hijacking this thread to do so?
Did you actually look me up? Or just my record?
Did you see the games I played with the Alex Gordon LS captain and the freaking Royals LS cards?
How many games did I play where I had the better team? How many did I play where I had an equal team?
I’ll answer it for you - almost NONE.
No worries…you’re just making my point for me.
It’s actually kind of sad and pathetic to care soooooo much about your record. Some might even say it borders on mental illness to care so much about something so utterly meaningless.
Oh…and okay your next 50 games with a worse team then all your opponents…and let us know what your batting average and record is.
Can your fragile little ego handle that? I’m gonna guess it can’t…
Lol, you continue to call people mentally ill
You came here with an attitude since day one, pretending to be smarter and superior than everybody else. You are not, you are just another person in the internet like all of us.
In regards to my ego being fragile, it is not and it isn’t tied to virtual baseball game results, I won’t interact again with you regarding input and results in this videogame until you can actually perform well and understand why so much RNG is not good.
Anything else we can still talk and should be fine going forward.
I think the issue is that there is a large gap in matchmaking.
There should be something along the lines of divisions either based on record, rating, etc. and that is where you play your entire ranked season based upon that and you earn rewards that way.
After said season you either move up or down in order to obtain season long rewards meaning current World Series rewards.
I'm sure there are flaws to this, but this is my opinion and I am certainly somebody who has played far less ranked this year than before because it gas become very stale and non rewarding. -
BrikMahornreplied to iBonafideScrub_ on May 30, 2023, 3:17 AM last edited by BrikMahorn_XBL May 30, 2023, 3:25 AM
@iBonafideScrub_ said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
@BrikMahorn said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
@iBonafideScrub_ said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
@BrikMahorn said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
You want to hide records???
Shoot…you can barely even see them now. If you skip the opening and/or blink or take a sip of coffee or look at your phone for two seconds…you don’t even see the record.
The more important part of this post is the issue of why people CARE sooooo much about their record. It’s kind of embarrassing.
I’ll often get messages and comments about my record…because it looks bad. But I played all the goons in early access…and routinely play with watered-down lineups.
It’s funny when I get messages about my record…and then my opponent rage quits after 4 innings while losing. They always message me their excuse too.
It couldn’t possibly be that my terrible record against good players with lesser lineups has made me better than their good record with nothing but 99s against bums…
I looked you up, .180ish hitter with a record of 66-136 as of last night… I guess I understand now why you don’t want input to matter more.
What’s your point?
For one, this isn’t even the thread you’re referring to…so you’re soooo desperate to take a “shot” at me that you’re hijacking this thread to do so?
Did you actually look me up? Or just my record?
Did you see the games I played with the Alex Gordon LS captain and the freaking Royals LS cards?
How many games did I play where I had the better team? How many did I play where I had an equal team?
I’ll answer it for you - almost NONE.
No worries…you’re just making my point for me.
It’s actually kind of sad and pathetic to care soooooo much about your record. Some might even say it borders on mental illness to care so much about something so utterly meaningless.
Oh…and okay your next 50 games with a worse team then all your opponents…and let us know what your batting average and record is.
Can your fragile little ego handle that? I’m gonna guess it can’t…
Lol, you continue to call people mentally ill
You came here with an attitude since day one, pretending to be smarter and superior than everybody else. You are not, you are just another person in the internet like all of us.
In regards to my ego being fragile, it is not and it isn’t tied to virtual baseball game results, I won’t interact again with you regarding input and results in this videogame until you can actually perform well and understand why so much RNG is not good.
Anything else we can still talk and should be fine going forward.
For myself, I care about my record, but it doesn’t stop me from playing ranked. I usually grind out all the conquests and showdowns and moments when they’re released, and then I play ranked. All that CPU grinding is tremendously time consuming, so I e only managed about 50 games or so. I don’t play BR at all, and very little Events. I just have heard from people that the record display bothers them.
Anyway, thanks for sharing your thoughts. Probably won’t change but just thought I’d throw an idea out.
Good luck all! I hope your opponents throw meatballs and you don’t drop your PCI! Haha.
@iBonafideScrub_ said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
@BrikMahorn said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
You want to hide records???
Shoot…you can barely even see them now. If you skip the opening and/or blink or take a sip of coffee or look at your phone for two seconds…you don’t even see the record.
The more important part of this post is the issue of why people CARE sooooo much about their record. It’s kind of embarrassing.
I’ll often get messages and comments about my record…because it looks bad. But I played all the goons in early access…and routinely play with watered-down lineups.
It’s funny when I get messages about my record…and then my opponent rage quits after 4 innings while losing. They always message me their excuse too.
It couldn’t possibly be that my terrible record against good players with lesser lineups has made me better than their good record with nothing but 99s against bums…
I looked you up, .180ish hitter with a record of 66-136 as of last night… I guess I understand now why you don’t want input to matter more.
We’re still discrediting opinions because of their stats? Feels like 2017 again.
@maurice91932 said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
A lot of people avoid Ranked because they are protective of their record. People play BR and Events more because their record in those modes aren’t permanently displayed.
Some people don’t want others to see a less than stellar record. Call it a fragile ego or whatever you want, but it prevents people from playing ranked.
What if displaying your and your opponents record was a settings option? I know that some people WANT to see their opponent’s record, and don’t mind if theirs is displayed.
So why not make it a setting? Something like: “Display Records.” If both players have it on, you get to see your opponents record and they get to see yours. If one player has it off, no one gets to see.
I’m just spitballing here so if I have blind spot let me know. What do you all think?
lol brother what are you talking about - why would anyone care about their W/L ratio in determining whether they should be playing in RS or not - that is crazy unless i am missing the memo here on the forum - many people i see in RS have horrible records - they are online no problem
Personally I feel the rewards are much too low and the winning/losing does not matter for the vast majority since they took away the 1 point per win in the program. While I am not the biggest fan of no sell rewards if that is SDS's prerogative then fine but making me play 40-50 9 inning games where I have to hope the game properly counted innings is just not worth it with other content and relatively better rewards.
maurice91932replied to TheHungryHole on May 30, 2023, 2:47 PM last edited by maurice91932_PSN May 30, 2023, 2:53 PM
@TheHungryHole said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
@maurice91932 said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
A lot of people avoid Ranked because they are protective of their record. People play BR and Events more because their record in those modes aren’t permanently displayed.
Some people don’t want others to see a less than stellar record. Call it a fragile ego or whatever you want, but it prevents people from playing ranked.
What if displaying your and your opponents record was a settings option? I know that some people WANT to see their opponent’s record, and don’t mind if theirs is displayed.
So why not make it a setting? Something like: “Display Records.” If both players have it on, you get to see your opponents record and they get to see yours. If one player has it off, no one gets to see.
I’m just spitballing here so if I have blind spot let me know. What do you all think?
lol brother what are you talking about - why would anyone care about their W/L ratio in determining whether they should be playing in RS or not - that is crazy unless i am missing the memo here on the forum - many people i see in RS have horrible records - they are online no problem
I’ve heard multiple people say so on various Discord channels over the years. As I said, it doesn’t bother me. Ranked is my favorite mode and my record isn’t great.
People have expressed a desire to play Ranked, but have stated this is one of the reasons they don’t. I’m just trying to help them out.
On a side note, I used to think that Ranked was a mode that devs would want people to play more. I mean, up until this year it was the one mode where the user could use any card in their lineup at anytime, making the value of cards go up (and lead to stub purchases?). It requires people to play the game for longer stretches. But maybe that’s not the case. Maybe they don’t care if people play Ranked or not. Recent changes certainly point to that.
@talesofwyn said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
Personally I feel the rewards are much too low and the winning/losing does not matter for the vast majority since they took away the 1 point per win in the program. While I am not the biggest fan of no sell rewards if that is SDS's prerogative then fine but making me play 40-50 9 inning games where I have to hope the game properly counted innings is just not worth it with other content and relatively better rewards.
The RS program should not take more than 20-30 games tops. Took me about 6 days to do on/off and I’m pretty average. Just wanted to point out that it isn’t that daunting and as someone who avoided RS the last 2 years, the ease of the current program is what brought me back.