Overload on content
Do you feel like season 2 has a overload of content? There are so many players and you don’t get a chance to play with them .
we have all season 2 and 3 to play with them
@mames29 said in Overload on content:
Do you feel like season 2 has a overload of content? There are so many players and you don’t get a chance to play with them .
Tons of new players yes but also a lot of time that we’ll be able to use set 2 players
I feel the same. I saw it today and I was like I don't want to grind thru this. It sort of killed my excitement. Just feels like the same thing over and over. Maybe I should have taken a break from the game this year. No longer motivated.
It’s kind of ridiculous. To be able to keep up with stuff you have to treat it like a 2nd full time job. Oh and on top of all the content today you have one week to win 20 event games. Sure all this content is amazing and I’m appreciative that SDS gives almost of it for free basically but I don’t think it’s healthy to grind this much of a game.
@ImBeater said in Overload on content:
It’s kind of ridiculous. To be able to keep up with stuff you have to treat it like a 2nd full time job. Oh and on top of all the content today you have one week to win 20 event games. Sure all this content is amazing and I’m appreciative that SDS gives almost of it for free basically but I don’t think it’s healthy to grind this much of a game.
Well, who's forcing you (or anybody else) to do that much grinding? Do what you want to do and skip what you don't want to do. You do not have to do everything! You are creating that mentality. SDS is providing stuff for everyone and not forcing people to play the game in one certain way. Find what you like to play and stick with that!
@ImBeater said in Overload on content:
It’s kind of ridiculous. To be able to keep up with stuff you have to treat it like a 2nd full time job. Oh and on top of all the content today you have one week to win 20 event games. Sure all this content is amazing and I’m appreciative that SDS gives almost of it for free basically but I don’t think it’s healthy to grind this much of a game.
This is a multi-part event. Your wins carry over for each part, and I believe there are 3 parts to this event. So likely it'll be 3 weeks to win the 20 event games
Never thought I’d live to see the day where gamers complain about having too much stuff to earn. Alas, here we are. Stop whining just to hear your head rattle. Don’t do the [censored] programs. Let them sit there. Do something else.
Seems like a lot of content this year. I can't even come close to completing it all. There is nothing wrong with pleasing the hard core players, that play like it's a full time job. My issue is the limited time our rewards are relevant. All this grinding is way less rewarding knowing that I only get to use these cards for a few months and then useless. I'm sure a lot of people love this new "keep it fresh" system... but for me, it has only killed my motivation to grind as much as years past. Looking at a huge collection like set 1 and knowing the rewards are only usable for a few months, takes all my motivation away from trying to complete it. That set is a massive grind for cards that you can't use all year if you like them all.
I didn't have enough time to complete TA 1 program in season 1, and now its back at it all over again It is abit of like a feeling of here we go again, same stuff just different coating of paint is all.
You have all year to finish these programs and collections. Only overwhelming if you're trying to do it super fast. Take your time and enjoy.
Take small bites.
That is the only way to stay sane.
The content is not too much. Just focus on one program at a time and do the biggest rewards first - Conquest, Showdown, Moments, Exchanges & then work on the player missions last using a max elevation/short fences stadium in play vs cpu - You’ll put up 40 runs a game & blast through the missions. Just enjoy playing baseball & you’ll be surprised how fast these go. I’m already at 30% complete in TA2 & it hasn’t even been a full day yet. Just relax, pop an edible & chill playing the beautiful game of baseball.
My view on sets and seasons has changed. Season was using core to obtain Set 1 and build your arsenal. Season 2 is now using set 1 and all these awesome cards to chase set 2 cards.
To me that's way better then the power creep it still dangels that carrot for the Shiney new thing but knowing I don't have to use it for a while. This is alot more fun
@Bearsfan217 said in Overload on content:
I didn't have enough time to complete TA 1 program in season 1, and now its back at it all over again It is abit of like a feeling of here we go again, same stuff just different coating of paint is all.
That's why I key in on players from my favorite team and maybe a few other players that I like and once I get them I don't stress over completing it.
@ImBeater said in Overload on content:
It’s kind of ridiculous. To be able to keep up with stuff you have to treat it like a 2nd full time job. Oh and on top of all the content today you have one week to win 20 event games. Sure all this content is amazing and I’m appreciative that SDS gives almost of it for free basically but I don’t think it’s healthy to grind this much of a game.
They lowered PXP for TA to 2000 on team build missions so just by playing the game online you will knock out good chunk. Unless you are a content creator just play the game. I played roughly 25 BR games yesterday and close to knocking out 20-25k TA points just by playing. My current ranked team is set so I am in no Hurry to complete Set 2. But i do want add Randy.
@LuvMyXBOX said in Overload on content:
I feel the same. I saw it today and I was like I don't want to grind thru this. It sort of killed my excitement. Just feels like the same thing over and over. Maybe I should have taken a break from the game this year. No longer motivated.
Exactly, not even knocking the game but something about this year just isn't clicking for me this year, and this year has easily been my best pack luck year pulling Trout twice early when he was higher in price. I still have no desire to grind on this one
DeleteyourTTVBTWwrote on May 13, 2023, 8:12 PM last edited by DeleteyourTTVBTW_MLBTS May 13, 2023, 8:12 PM
I prefer it a million times over as opposed to content releases that took three weeks to actually come out. This year you have like a month and half to earn whatever you want at whatever pace you want. There is always something to do.
In years past you logged in did 5 moments and then had to wait for the conquest map next week, then the showdown the week after. Maybe a couple exchanges in the last week and four weeks later hazaaaah the charisma program was finished.
Never again with the hurry up and wait content please.