Hitting setting online
Not true.
If your opponent is crushing the ball, they are most likely using Zone.
Timing and Directional hitting methods mostly useless in competitive gameplay.
You may have success in lower levels if you have high Vision hitters and you are really good at timing the pitch. Other than that, Directional can be useful in certain Moments. -
If you are getting crushed by timing or directional that’s your fault for throwing pitches down the middle. If the pitches aren’t going down the middle then he isn’t using those.
@ssamy777_NSW said in Hitting setting online:
Pretty obvious when my opponents hitting is set to timing or directional. Anything in the zone is absolutely getting crushed no matter what. Obviously the dude has hitting set to timing or directional versus zone.
Online should strictly be zone hitting
Of course it couldn't be ANYTHING you are doing right? It HAS to be your opponent using Directional or Timing
I thought you deleted the game a few days ago.
Take your Ls like a man. -
Why are you not using Timing or directional then, if it’s so overpowering?
@ItsAmeMario64_MLBTS said in Hitting setting online:
Why are you not using Timing or directional then, if it’s so overpowering?
Isn’t he on a switch? I thought you could only use timing/directional on switch
@ssamy777_NSW said in Hitting setting online:
Pretty obvious when my opponents hitting is set to timing or directional. Anything in the zone is absolutely getting crushed no matter what. Obviously the dude has hitting set to timing or directional versus zone.
Online should strictly be zone hitting
Which pitching interface do you use? Some would say "online should be pinpoint only"
@ssamy777_NSW said in Hitting setting online:
Pretty obvious when my opponents hitting is set to timing or directional. Anything in the zone is absolutely getting crushed no matter what. Obviously the dude has hitting set to timing or directional versus zone.
Online should strictly be zone hitting
You clearly don't understand how this game works. Timing and directional do not let you automatically square up anything in the zone. Do me a favor and try playing online using timing or directional, and let me know if you are able to hit anything that's not right down the middle, cause I guarantee you won't.
@sauciestburrito_PSN said in Hitting setting online:
@ssamy777_NSW said in Hitting setting online:
Pretty obvious when my opponents hitting is set to timing or directional. Anything in the zone is absolutely getting crushed no matter what. Obviously the dude has hitting set to timing or directional versus zone.
Online should strictly be zone hitting
You clearly don't understand how this game works. Timing and directional do not let you automatically square up anything in the zone. Do me a favor and try playing online using timing or directional, and let me know if you are able to hit anything that's not right down the middle, cause I guarantee you won't.
It's not so simple. I have been using directional a lot. The last game I played I got 4 homeruns and definitely they were not all on pitches down the middle. But they all got a good chunk on the strike zone. I am in the 500s and the opponent in the 400s so not sure if that was on veteran or All-star difficulty - I am sure directional become much harder to get results from as you move up to higher levels
When 5-6 middle pci good swings go for outs each game I wonder why I don't just use directional if a good input is going to result in a bad output.
I think a lot of people commenting on how Directional and Timing work don't quite know how it actually does... and, honestly, since none of it is explicitly spelled out by the developers of the game, a lot of us who use those interfaces are just speculating, based on our own experiences using them.
My experience, using Timing, is that I can hit anything that's a strike; maybe my use of analog and the limited placement control it demands "expands" the range of what I can hit and can't, but I am by no means relegated to hitting only pitches in the middle of the zone. Now, my chances of good contact around the borders is certainly diminished, but--and this is more speculation--it seems that, with high Vision ratings, those chances (and the overall chance of good placement) improve.
I am not necessarily advancing the position that Timing or Directional are viable on HOF (though, in the past, I've won games in the 700s using both), but it isn't like you can't get hits or even compete against middle-of-the-road opponents. This year (Timing, analog only), I haven't gotten higher than 647, but it's my pitching that's limited me more than my hitting interface; more than a few times I've scored 5 or 6 runs but given up 10 or 11. That's not usually my MO, but this year it is... but that's another story.
I'm curious as to what people mean by "competitive" play when they say that Timing and Directional won't work there... is that Ranked in general, Championship Series and above, or are people referring to World Series level play? Those that think Directional and Timing don't work at all in Ranked are just dead wrong; if you just want to have competitive games at the All-Star level, those interfaces work just fine so long as you use them well (and, yes, there is skill involved--just not FPS skill). Higher up, and the limitations of the interfaces and the AI generated placement would probably stymie all but the most plate-disciplined, patient users.
But, to the OP's point, you are absolutely getting hammered by Zone users. Even with meatballs, D&T users are going to get less than optimal contact 6 or 7 times out of 10. As Zone users control their own placement (I'd argue that even that is an odds generator, albeit with much higher success rates, hence the occasional poor contact on good placement), they're going to punish bad pitchers much more often than not.
My guess is that the OP is a bad pitcher.