So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?
@GoTitans3_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
If They didn’t have 99s y’all would all be using the same cards anyway. It’s just the way online gaming is.
It evolved to this. As we keep moving forward I’m not a big fan of it tbh. But it is what it is.
Madden got rid of salary cap mode for a reason. People don’t play it. Maybe a limited like 2k but that’s what event are.
Not really. In the past inside edge would allow a Balance to people who loaded up on all the good cards. Diamonds used to be rare to gain without countless mind numbing hours agains the cpu. Before you could compete online using golds and diamonds plus inside edge.. now it’s just the same 99 cards people are loaded up on and you can’t compete against these stacked teams other the. Using 99s yourself
@iuyqqasfp0_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@RazorForte45_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
I would enjoy a salary cap mode.
80 overall squadsFind value types that are lesser rated.
I would play this over ratedI think a salary cap mode would be so much fun. Assign a value for these cards and build a team strategically and using inside edge. They had a salary cap mode on previous madden years and I remember playing that more often because it was more fun and strategy was involved
Once again, you have franchise for that. Maybe its time to accept the fact that Diamond Dynasty just isn't the game mode for you?
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@iuyqqasfp0_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@RazorForte45_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
I would enjoy a salary cap mode.
80 overall squadsFind value types that are lesser rated.
I would play this over ratedI think a salary cap mode would be so much fun. Assign a value for these cards and build a team strategically and using inside edge. They had a salary cap mode on previous madden years and I remember playing that more often because it was more fun and strategy was involved
Once again, you have franchise for that. Maybe it’s time to accept the fact that Diamond Dynasty just isn't the game mode for you?
So I’ve played diamond dynasty for years before but all of a sudden when every team is full of 99s and there’s no strategy and hardly any skill anymore it’s not the mode for me… got it. You’re right. Definitely the last mlb the show I’m ever buying again
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@eatyum_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@eatyum_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@eatyum_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@Dolenz_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
Can SDS at least give those of us with IQs above 70 a Salary Cap mode to actually compete at something that involves an OUNCE of baseball STRATEGY?
Most of the reward cards are utterly useless. Some already have better versions (99's) available in the Marketplace.
Disappointing to see the DUMBED DOWN direction SDS has decided to take this mode.I don't see any point in insulting every gamer who may like the current setup. Especially since Online Diamond Dynasty has never been a mode about "Baseball Strategy".
I'm not a fan of the Sets and Seasons myself but I don't fault those who enjoy it. If I wanted real baseball strategy then I would stick to Franchise mode or play a game like Out of The Park baseball where it is all strategy.
I don't think you understand, the OP is far above anything else, if he doesn't like it, no intelligent person would, he's probably weighed all the positives and negatives over tea in Cambridge and come to the hypothesis that the lower your intelligence is, the more you prefer the system.
I'm just a simple man who realizes that playing a team full of 99's Vs someone else with a team full of 99's isn't fun or interesting.
And you aren't smart enough to know fun is subjective?
I'm smart enough to realize that anyone who thinks playing ALL 99's against other people with ALL 99's is boring, childish, and likely lacks any sense of creativity or strategic intelligence.'s subjective, but that doesn't mean it isn't childish and unintelligent.
Humor is subjective too. It doesn't mean that morons who laugh at FART jokes and POTTY humor don't have the same IQ as 8 year olds who do the same. Don't have to take much of a "leap" to see the correlation. Same goes for this game.
Ok let me know when the scientific studies come out when you write your thesis on the subject. Don't worry, we are all self centered so it's easy to elevate ourselves and kick other people down, I get it.
I'm not trying to elevate myself. I'm just being honest.
Maybe try to EXPLAIN to me what is fun and interesting and strategic about a mode where you just load up a team of 26 overpowered players and play against someone who does the exact same thing?
So much so that it gets to the point where it becomes OBVIOUS what cards are clearly the best to use...that everyone uses the almost the SAME exact combination of players.
What is interesting about that, exactly?
Look...I'm not saying they have to remove that part of the game. But...why not have a mode in DD with a Cap or Limit or like BR (but 9 innings and with cards you own)?
It's clearly something people have an interest's already IN THE GAME in Battle Royale!
But there is clearly a hole in the mode right now.
And it exists for those of us interested in playing something similar to BR...but not limited to 3 innings. And maybe without the randomness of a Draft and more of a personal choice.
Give us that mode...and give rewards for playing it. See who can win games without just loading up a team of 99's at every position, every starting pitching slot, and every spot in the bullpen.
Sorry...but the "strategy" involved in DD when it comes to playing Ranked Seasons Online is basically ZERO. That makes it simple and childish...shallow.
Why not add a mode that actually has some DEPTH and strategy to it? You don't think people who LOVE the game of baseball and all the strategy and analytics that come along with it, wouldn't enjoy building teams and playing a mode like that?
The thing is, I don't enjoy it as much as the way content was in previous years. I just think the way you try to convey your message reeks of elitism and kicking everyone down who doesn't agree with you.
Never said that that kind of mode would be unwelcome, it would be fun. But you had to make it a "I'm smart and the people who like the new way aren't", instead of creating a more coherent argument like the one you just typed here. And you really can't claim you didn't make the argument about you vs dumb people because you brought IQ into it.
Read your very first post up top, and then read the one you typed here, do you see the difference in tone and the subject matter?
Hey sorry you lost today, hope tomorrow is a better day for you.
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
Can SDS at least give those of us with IQs above 70 a Salary Cap mode to actually compete at something that involves an OUNCE of baseball STRATEGY?
They have something like that. It's called Franchise.
Maybe Diamond Dynasty just isn't for you.
Apples and oranges.
@DancinDays_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@RazorForte45_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
I would enjoy a salary cap mode.
80 overall squadsFind value types that are lesser rated.
I would play this over ratedBattle Royale.
Uh..we all know what BR is. Why even waste your time typing this???
What we want/need is something like BR...but 9 innings, and without the Draft...let us use cards we OWN.
It's not a difficult concept to grasp. Very easy to implement. And would be very popular among a certain part of the community that plays this game.
@eatyum_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@eatyum_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@eatyum_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@eatyum_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@Dolenz_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
Can SDS at least give those of us with IQs above 70 a Salary Cap mode to actually compete at something that involves an OUNCE of baseball STRATEGY?
Most of the reward cards are utterly useless. Some already have better versions (99's) available in the Marketplace.
Disappointing to see the DUMBED DOWN direction SDS has decided to take this mode.I don't see any point in insulting every gamer who may like the current setup. Especially since Online Diamond Dynasty has never been a mode about "Baseball Strategy".
I'm not a fan of the Sets and Seasons myself but I don't fault those who enjoy it. If I wanted real baseball strategy then I would stick to Franchise mode or play a game like Out of The Park baseball where it is all strategy.
I don't think you understand, the OP is far above anything else, if he doesn't like it, no intelligent person would, he's probably weighed all the positives and negatives over tea in Cambridge and come to the hypothesis that the lower your intelligence is, the more you prefer the system.
I'm just a simple man who realizes that playing a team full of 99's Vs someone else with a team full of 99's isn't fun or interesting.
And you aren't smart enough to know fun is subjective?
I'm smart enough to realize that anyone who thinks playing ALL 99's against other people with ALL 99's is boring, childish, and likely lacks any sense of creativity or strategic intelligence.'s subjective, but that doesn't mean it isn't childish and unintelligent.
Humor is subjective too. It doesn't mean that morons who laugh at FART jokes and POTTY humor don't have the same IQ as 8 year olds who do the same. Don't have to take much of a "leap" to see the correlation. Same goes for this game.
Ok let me know when the scientific studies come out when you write your thesis on the subject. Don't worry, we are all self centered so it's easy to elevate ourselves and kick other people down, I get it.
I'm not trying to elevate myself. I'm just being honest.
Maybe try to EXPLAIN to me what is fun and interesting and strategic about a mode where you just load up a team of 26 overpowered players and play against someone who does the exact same thing?
So much so that it gets to the point where it becomes OBVIOUS what cards are clearly the best to use...that everyone uses the almost the SAME exact combination of players.
What is interesting about that, exactly?
Look...I'm not saying they have to remove that part of the game. But...why not have a mode in DD with a Cap or Limit or like BR (but 9 innings and with cards you own)?
It's clearly something people have an interest's already IN THE GAME in Battle Royale!
But there is clearly a hole in the mode right now.
And it exists for those of us interested in playing something similar to BR...but not limited to 3 innings. And maybe without the randomness of a Draft and more of a personal choice.
Give us that mode...and give rewards for playing it. See who can win games without just loading up a team of 99's at every position, every starting pitching slot, and every spot in the bullpen.
Sorry...but the "strategy" involved in DD when it comes to playing Ranked Seasons Online is basically ZERO. That makes it simple and childish...shallow.
Why not add a mode that actually has some DEPTH and strategy to it? You don't think people who LOVE the game of baseball and all the strategy and analytics that come along with it, wouldn't enjoy building teams and playing a mode like that?
The thing is, I don't enjoy it as much as the way content was in previous years. I just think the way you try to convey your message reeks of elitism and kicking everyone down who doesn't agree with you.
Never said that that kind of mode would be unwelcome, it would be fun. But you had to make it a "I'm smart and the people who like the new way aren't", instead of creating a more coherent argument like the one you just typed here. And you really can't claim you didn't make the argument about you vs dumb people because you brought IQ into it.
Read your very first post up top, and then read the one you typed here, do you see the difference in tone and the subject matter?
I'd hardly call it "elitism"'s just the cold hard truth.
The mode has been DUMBED DOWN. And it's a direct result of the portion of community that cries and whines the loudest on Twitter. Immature, childish, mouth breathers with low IQs who literally have nothing better to do with their lives then to play this game 16 hours a day...and cry about it when they feel like it's too much "work" to get all the best cards. Probably because none of them know what the word "work" means.
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@eatyum_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@eatyum_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@eatyum_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@eatyum_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@Dolenz_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
Can SDS at least give those of us with IQs above 70 a Salary Cap mode to actually compete at something that involves an OUNCE of baseball STRATEGY?
Most of the reward cards are utterly useless. Some already have better versions (99's) available in the Marketplace.
Disappointing to see the DUMBED DOWN direction SDS has decided to take this mode.I don't see any point in insulting every gamer who may like the current setup. Especially since Online Diamond Dynasty has never been a mode about "Baseball Strategy".
I'm not a fan of the Sets and Seasons myself but I don't fault those who enjoy it. If I wanted real baseball strategy then I would stick to Franchise mode or play a game like Out of The Park baseball where it is all strategy.
I don't think you understand, the OP is far above anything else, if he doesn't like it, no intelligent person would, he's probably weighed all the positives and negatives over tea in Cambridge and come to the hypothesis that the lower your intelligence is, the more you prefer the system.
I'm just a simple man who realizes that playing a team full of 99's Vs someone else with a team full of 99's isn't fun or interesting.
And you aren't smart enough to know fun is subjective?
I'm smart enough to realize that anyone who thinks playing ALL 99's against other people with ALL 99's is boring, childish, and likely lacks any sense of creativity or strategic intelligence.'s subjective, but that doesn't mean it isn't childish and unintelligent.
Humor is subjective too. It doesn't mean that morons who laugh at FART jokes and POTTY humor don't have the same IQ as 8 year olds who do the same. Don't have to take much of a "leap" to see the correlation. Same goes for this game.
Ok let me know when the scientific studies come out when you write your thesis on the subject. Don't worry, we are all self centered so it's easy to elevate ourselves and kick other people down, I get it.
I'm not trying to elevate myself. I'm just being honest.
Maybe try to EXPLAIN to me what is fun and interesting and strategic about a mode where you just load up a team of 26 overpowered players and play against someone who does the exact same thing?
So much so that it gets to the point where it becomes OBVIOUS what cards are clearly the best to use...that everyone uses the almost the SAME exact combination of players.
What is interesting about that, exactly?
Look...I'm not saying they have to remove that part of the game. But...why not have a mode in DD with a Cap or Limit or like BR (but 9 innings and with cards you own)?
It's clearly something people have an interest's already IN THE GAME in Battle Royale!
But there is clearly a hole in the mode right now.
And it exists for those of us interested in playing something similar to BR...but not limited to 3 innings. And maybe without the randomness of a Draft and more of a personal choice.
Give us that mode...and give rewards for playing it. See who can win games without just loading up a team of 99's at every position, every starting pitching slot, and every spot in the bullpen.
Sorry...but the "strategy" involved in DD when it comes to playing Ranked Seasons Online is basically ZERO. That makes it simple and childish...shallow.
Why not add a mode that actually has some DEPTH and strategy to it? You don't think people who LOVE the game of baseball and all the strategy and analytics that come along with it, wouldn't enjoy building teams and playing a mode like that?
The thing is, I don't enjoy it as much as the way content was in previous years. I just think the way you try to convey your message reeks of elitism and kicking everyone down who doesn't agree with you.
Never said that that kind of mode would be unwelcome, it would be fun. But you had to make it a "I'm smart and the people who like the new way aren't", instead of creating a more coherent argument like the one you just typed here. And you really can't claim you didn't make the argument about you vs dumb people because you brought IQ into it.
Read your very first post up top, and then read the one you typed here, do you see the difference in tone and the subject matter?
I'd hardly call it "elitism"'s just the cold hard truth.
The mode has been DUMBED DOWN. And it's a direct result of the portion of community that cries and whines the loudest on Twitter. Immature, childish, mouth breathers with low IQs who literally have nothing better to do with their lives then to play this game 16 hours a day...and cry about it when they feel like it's too much "work" to get all the best cards. Probably because none of them know what the word "work" means.
Whatever makes you feel better, sorry for calling it elitism what you wrote, but that's just the cold hard truth, or can only you use that phrase?
@eatyum_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@eatyum_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@eatyum_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@eatyum_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@eatyum_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@Dolenz_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
Can SDS at least give those of us with IQs above 70 a Salary Cap mode to actually compete at something that involves an OUNCE of baseball STRATEGY?
Most of the reward cards are utterly useless. Some already have better versions (99's) available in the Marketplace.
Disappointing to see the DUMBED DOWN direction SDS has decided to take this mode.I don't see any point in insulting every gamer who may like the current setup. Especially since Online Diamond Dynasty has never been a mode about "Baseball Strategy".
I'm not a fan of the Sets and Seasons myself but I don't fault those who enjoy it. If I wanted real baseball strategy then I would stick to Franchise mode or play a game like Out of The Park baseball where it is all strategy.
I don't think you understand, the OP is far above anything else, if he doesn't like it, no intelligent person would, he's probably weighed all the positives and negatives over tea in Cambridge and come to the hypothesis that the lower your intelligence is, the more you prefer the system.
I'm just a simple man who realizes that playing a team full of 99's Vs someone else with a team full of 99's isn't fun or interesting.
And you aren't smart enough to know fun is subjective?
I'm smart enough to realize that anyone who thinks playing ALL 99's against other people with ALL 99's is boring, childish, and likely lacks any sense of creativity or strategic intelligence.'s subjective, but that doesn't mean it isn't childish and unintelligent.
Humor is subjective too. It doesn't mean that morons who laugh at FART jokes and POTTY humor don't have the same IQ as 8 year olds who do the same. Don't have to take much of a "leap" to see the correlation. Same goes for this game.
Ok let me know when the scientific studies come out when you write your thesis on the subject. Don't worry, we are all self centered so it's easy to elevate ourselves and kick other people down, I get it.
I'm not trying to elevate myself. I'm just being honest.
Maybe try to EXPLAIN to me what is fun and interesting and strategic about a mode where you just load up a team of 26 overpowered players and play against someone who does the exact same thing?
So much so that it gets to the point where it becomes OBVIOUS what cards are clearly the best to use...that everyone uses the almost the SAME exact combination of players.
What is interesting about that, exactly?
Look...I'm not saying they have to remove that part of the game. But...why not have a mode in DD with a Cap or Limit or like BR (but 9 innings and with cards you own)?
It's clearly something people have an interest's already IN THE GAME in Battle Royale!
But there is clearly a hole in the mode right now.
And it exists for those of us interested in playing something similar to BR...but not limited to 3 innings. And maybe without the randomness of a Draft and more of a personal choice.
Give us that mode...and give rewards for playing it. See who can win games without just loading up a team of 99's at every position, every starting pitching slot, and every spot in the bullpen.
Sorry...but the "strategy" involved in DD when it comes to playing Ranked Seasons Online is basically ZERO. That makes it simple and childish...shallow.
Why not add a mode that actually has some DEPTH and strategy to it? You don't think people who LOVE the game of baseball and all the strategy and analytics that come along with it, wouldn't enjoy building teams and playing a mode like that?
The thing is, I don't enjoy it as much as the way content was in previous years. I just think the way you try to convey your message reeks of elitism and kicking everyone down who doesn't agree with you.
Never said that that kind of mode would be unwelcome, it would be fun. But you had to make it a "I'm smart and the people who like the new way aren't", instead of creating a more coherent argument like the one you just typed here. And you really can't claim you didn't make the argument about you vs dumb people because you brought IQ into it.
Read your very first post up top, and then read the one you typed here, do you see the difference in tone and the subject matter?
I'd hardly call it "elitism"'s just the cold hard truth.
The mode has been DUMBED DOWN. And it's a direct result of the portion of community that cries and whines the loudest on Twitter. Immature, childish, mouth breathers with low IQs who literally have nothing better to do with their lives then to play this game 16 hours a day...and cry about it when they feel like it's too much "work" to get all the best cards. Probably because none of them know what the word "work" means.
Whatever makes you feel better, sorry for calling it elitism what you wrote, but that's just the cold hard truth, or can only you use that phrase?
You are entitled to your opinion. But some things aren't open to opinions.
It's either strategic or it's not. It's either intelligent or it isn't.
Me pointing out that something is devoid of strategy and intelligence doesn't make me an "elitist".
Make your point. Tell me what you think is strategic about it. Or just keep telling me I'm a [censored] for pointing out that it's childish and simple...and appeals mostly to those with lower IQs.
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
The mode has been DUMBED DOWN. And it's a direct result of the portion of community that cries and whines the loudest on Twitter. Immature, childish, mouth breathers with low IQs who literally have nothing better to do with their lives then to play this game 16 hours a day...and cry about it when they feel like it's too much "work" to get all the best cards. Probably because none of them know what the word "work" means.
What is interesting here is that this statement and others you have made casts you in a far more negative light than the players you are trying to insult.
@iuyqqasfp0_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@iuyqqasfp0_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@RazorForte45_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
I would enjoy a salary cap mode.
80 overall squadsFind value types that are lesser rated.
I would play this over ratedI think a salary cap mode would be so much fun. Assign a value for these cards and build a team strategically and using inside edge. They had a salary cap mode on previous madden years and I remember playing that more often because it was more fun and strategy was involved
Once again, you have franchise for that. Maybe it’s time to accept the fact that Diamond Dynasty just isn't the game mode for you?
So I’ve played diamond dynasty for years before but all of a sudden when every team is full of 99s and there’s no strategy and hardly any skill anymore it’s not the mode for me… got it. You’re right. Definitely the last mlb the show I’m ever buying again
Something tells me you'll still be here complaining about it though..
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
It's actually funny how many of you completely miss the point...and thus have no actual argument against mine.
Here's another question...
What good is all this CONTENT...if it's all basically the SAME?
If every card is a 99...and every card is juiced up with crazy ratings...then why does the actual player model matter?
It doesn't. It's just "window dressing". Completely meaningless. There's no advantage or disadvantage to having one player over another when they are all basically THE SAME.
No one is missing the point; coming here and hurling insults will always bury your point, in this case an opinion. You can have the most thought out opinion with arguments and sub points, which isn't really the case here, but if you preface it with condescending words for your audience, no one will give you credibility.
Ask any debate champion.
@iuyqqasfp0_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
Bingo. Exactly! In past years I could build a competitive team to play online using inside edge and diamonds… now 95% of the cards are unusable. All I play against is the exact same 99 cards.. every team online I face has exactly the same players.. I face the same pitcher every game… it’s so dumb. In past years it was fun beating people using a strategically formed team using inside edge.. now inside edge is useless. If you’re not using a 99 pitcher against these teams full of 99s then you’re getting crushed automatically in
If you think we didn't face the same pitchers over and over these last years, you're playing a different game; who doesn't remember facing Randy Johnson, or Kluber, or Fernando or Cabrera all the time?
@iuyqqasfp0_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@nymets1987_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
Great players will always beat players like me if I go online and I can have 99s eveywhere
Total BS. If I have the same 99 pitchers as they do they’re not getting any hits either.. only reason they’re allowed hits is because they’re using all the best 99 players in the game while I’m using the free 97 pitcher.. it’s stupid. I’m either forced to spend a ton on stubs or play against the cpu for hours upon hours which is kind bumbling boring. No idea how these children are able to do that but ya I’m not doing that.. in older the show versions you could build a competitive team using inside edge and diamonds.. not anymore. 95% of the cards are unusable already. They’re just there for collections I guess idk but I’m never using a diamond acuna jr with a 5 star inside edge anymore unlike before because now it’s unusable cause everybody is using all 99s
the best pitcher in the game is probably 97 Dustin May.
@iuyqqasfp0_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@iuyqqasfp0_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@RazorForte45_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
I would enjoy a salary cap mode.
80 overall squadsFind value types that are lesser rated.
I would play this over ratedI think a salary cap mode would be so much fun. Assign a value for these cards and build a team strategically and using inside edge. They had a salary cap mode on previous madden years and I remember playing that more often because it was more fun and strategy was involved
Once again, you have franchise for that. Maybe it’s time to accept the fact that Diamond Dynasty just isn't the game mode for you?
So I’ve played diamond dynasty for years before but all of a sudden when every team is full of 99s and there’s no strategy and hardly any skill anymore it’s not the mode for me… got it. You’re right. Definitely the last mlb the show I’m ever buying again
no skill anymore is a crazy statement. Just because you have 99's doesnt mean you'll be good with them. The percent of this community that sruggles on hof, give them all 99s and they will still struggle on hof better yet put them on legend, you'll see the skill and strategy.
If your IQ was over 70 you would understand that not everything that a for-profit video game company does is to appease everyone. It's simply to maximize profit. This model is what they forecasted to make the most profit and I'd assume it's working. I'd think long and hard before the next time you want to put yourself into any upper echelon of intellect.
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@DancinDays_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@RazorForte45_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
I would enjoy a salary cap mode.
80 overall squadsFind value types that are lesser rated.
I would play this over ratedBattle Royale.
Uh..we all know what BR is. Why even waste your time typing this???
What we want/need is something like BR...but 9 innings, and without the Draft...let us use cards we OWN.
It's not a difficult concept to grasp. Very easy to implement. And would be very popular among a certain part of the community that plays this game.
Had no idea you were an expert on all things.
@yankblan_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@iuyqqasfp0_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
Bingo. Exactly! In past years I could build a competitive team to play online using inside edge and diamonds… now 95% of the cards are unusable. All I play against is the exact same 99 cards.. every team online I face has exactly the same players.. I face the same pitcher every game… it’s so dumb. In past years it was fun beating people using a strategically formed team using inside edge.. now inside edge is useless. If you’re not using a 99 pitcher against these teams full of 99s then you’re getting crushed automatically in
If you think we didn't face the same pitchers over and over these last years, you're playing a different game; who doesn't remember facing Randy Johnson, or Kluber, or Fernando or Cabrera all the time?
You're always going to see certain cards more than others. Especially when some cards are clearly a step ahead of all the others.
SDS claimed this change would bring more variety in lineups. The said Captain boosts would help too.
None of that has worked out the way they claimed it would.
All it's really done is make most of those lower-rated Diamonds unplayable. Even with a Captain boost and Parallel'd.
And this is coming from a guy who plays almost every game over matched using Bryce Harper and the All Star cards that he boosts - Sizemore, Strange-Gordon, Chili Davis, Trevor Story, Justin Turner, Thome, etc, etc.
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@yankblan_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@iuyqqasfp0_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
Bingo. Exactly! In past years I could build a competitive team to play online using inside edge and diamonds… now 95% of the cards are unusable. All I play against is the exact same 99 cards.. every team online I face has exactly the same players.. I face the same pitcher every game… it’s so dumb. In past years it was fun beating people using a strategically formed team using inside edge.. now inside edge is useless. If you’re not using a 99 pitcher against these teams full of 99s then you’re getting crushed automatically in
If you think we didn't face the same pitchers over and over these last years, you're playing a different game; who doesn't remember facing Randy Johnson, or Kluber, or Fernando or Cabrera all the time?
You're always going to see certain cards more than others. Especially when some cards are clearly a step ahead of all the others.
SDS claimed this change would bring more variety in lineups. The said Captain boosts would help too.
None of that has worked out the way they claimed it would.
All it's really done is make most of those lower-rated Diamonds unplayable. Even with a Captain boost and Parallel'd.
And this is coming from a guy who plays almost every game over matched using Bryce Harper and the All Star cards that he boosts - Sizemore, Strange-Gordon, Chili Davis, Trevor Story, Justin Turner, Thome, etc, etc.
Let me guess…5’6”?