Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.
@CCARR77_PSN said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X_PSN said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
@arvcpa_MLBTS said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
@SchnauzerFace_MLBTS said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
I’ve been burned twice by poor servers on opening weekend, so I’ll just keep my days this year
I will log in at midnight, open all my packs, sell everything, then wait until the next afternoon to see what problems are popping up.
Why sell everything? Especially if you're lucky enough to pull an LS Diamond before they skyrocket.
I could see selling any special cards as they'll eventually be outdated and available on done the road when they're handed out like candy.
But any LS cards, I would think, should be a keep so you can get the collection completed faster.
I'll probably buy it the night before and may even buy $200 worth of stubs to use in bundles. I think pre-release weekend would be the only time to buy packs.
Any special preorder diamonds, if there are any as it seems they're cutting down on those, may be sold or I may hold them until the first mega collection and sell then.
$200 on pack bundles? You sure you know what you're doing??
Go big or go home. Lol
I won't be preordering Monday but I'll definitely be preordering in time to play on Friday the 24th.
@xElRojo44x_MLBTS said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
@HustlinOwl_MLBTS said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
Digital deluxe even though no selectable uniforms for online rated or co-op
The digital deluxe version shows "1 Special Uniform Choice Pack", is that different than the other versions?
I think the special uniforms are the ones created by the King whoever artist they had in the stream. He created three of them.
I’m requesting that we put a moratorium on the term Little Billy this year. It’s worn out and do any of us really care what the kids are doing with their parents credit cards? Doesn’t affect me in the slightest. @CCARR77_PSN, I get that you hate this game. I don’t jump on people who come in here to vent, that’s what this place is for. But no more little Billy. How about spoiled Steven or privileged Peter?
@Ericulous1_PSN said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
I’m requesting that we put a moratorium on the term Little Billy this year. It’s worn out and do any of us really care what the kids are doing with their parents credit cards? Doesn’t affect me in the slightest. @CCARR77_PSN, I get that you hate this game. I don’t jump on people who come in here to vent, that’s what this place is for. But no more little Billy. How about spoiled Steven or privileged Peter?
Lil Billy isn't about credit cards. It has do with the direction this game is headed. Our mascot is an old man muppet and there is now anime cartoons in a MLB video game.
A kid playing on a Nintendo Switch shouldn't stand a chance against somebody playing on a PS5 or XBOX, yet they've made it to where it doesn't matter.
They've dumbed down this game so much it isn't even funny.
I just learned in game that Hunter Renroe has diamond defense and 99 arm....SINCE WHEN?
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X_PSN said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
@CCARR77_PSN said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X_PSN said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
@arvcpa_MLBTS said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
@SchnauzerFace_MLBTS said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
I’ve been burned twice by poor servers on opening weekend, so I’ll just keep my days this year
I will log in at midnight, open all my packs, sell everything, then wait until the next afternoon to see what problems are popping up.
Why sell everything? Especially if you're lucky enough to pull an LS Diamond before they skyrocket.
I could see selling any special cards as they'll eventually be outdated and available on done the road when they're handed out like candy.
But any LS cards, I would think, should be a keep so you can get the collection completed faster.
I'll probably buy it the night before and may even buy $200 worth of stubs to use in bundles. I think pre-release weekend would be the only time to buy packs.
Any special preorder diamonds, if there are any as it seems they're cutting down on those, may be sold or I may hold them until the first mega collection and sell then.
$200 on pack bundles? You sure you know what you're doing??
Go big or go home. Lol
That's not going big. That's doing the wrong thing. Buy stubs if you're planning on spending $200.
@CCARR77_PSN said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
@Ericulous1_PSN said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
I’m requesting that we put a moratorium on the term Little Billy this year. It’s worn out and do any of us really care what the kids are doing with their parents credit cards? Doesn’t affect me in the slightest. @CCARR77_PSN, I get that you hate this game. I don’t jump on people who come in here to vent, that’s what this place is for. But no more little Billy. How about spoiled Steven or privileged Peter?
A kid playing on a Nintendo Switch shouldn't stand a chance against somebody playing on a PS5 or XBOX, yet they've made it to where it doesn't matter.
Uhmmm...I'm nearly 62 and I sometimes play MLBTS on my Switch. But then, my wife has always said that I am her youngest child...I don't think I'll ever grow up, so maybe this sentence still stands
@Blind_Bleeder said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
@CCARR77_PSN said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
@Ericulous1_PSN said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
I’m requesting that we put a moratorium on the term Little Billy this year. It’s worn out and do any of us really care what the kids are doing with their parents credit cards? Doesn’t affect me in the slightest. @CCARR77_PSN, I get that you hate this game. I don’t jump on people who come in here to vent, that’s what this place is for. But no more little Billy. How about spoiled Steven or privileged Peter?
A kid playing on a Nintendo Switch shouldn't stand a chance against somebody playing on a PS5 or XBOX, yet they've made it to where it doesn't matter.
Uhmmm...I'm nearly 62 and I sometimes play MLBTS on my Switch. But then, my wife has always said that I am her youngest child...I don't think I'll ever grow up, so maybe this sentence still stands
Nobody on a Switch should be able to compete against a console and a monitor. Don't take it personal.
@Blind_Bleeder said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
@xElRojo44x_MLBTS said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
@HustlinOwl_MLBTS said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
Digital deluxe even though no selectable uniforms for online rated or co-op
The digital deluxe version shows "1 Special Uniform Choice Pack", is that different than the other versions?
I think the special uniforms are the ones created by the King whoever artist they had in the stream. He created three of them.
to my knowledge they are only putting one jersey in the game so I don't think they'll do a "Choice" pack for that... I'm thinking it'll be Diamond Uniforms similar to what we have in 22 and you essentially get one to start the game off with.
@John3221_PSN said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
@kovz88_MLBTS said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
@xElRojo44x_MLBTS said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
@HustlinOwl_MLBTS said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
Digital deluxe even though no selectable uniforms for online rated or co-op
The digital deluxe version shows "1 Special Uniform Choice Pack", is that different than the other versions?
Can’t choose what uniform to wear in that modeShameful it’s 2023 SDS need to get with the times no excuses why uniforms shouldn’t be selectable. If it’s good enough to be selectable in DD online rated should have the option also.
In DD you select them when you go to edit your team info and appearance... not sure why you can't select uniforms online like you would if your opponent was on the same console as you but could be a way to prevent lag (I don't know).
@CCARR77_PSN said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
@Blind_Bleeder said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
@CCARR77_PSN said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
@Ericulous1_PSN said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
I’m requesting that we put a moratorium on the term Little Billy this year. It’s worn out and do any of us really care what the kids are doing with their parents credit cards? Doesn’t affect me in the slightest. @CCARR77_PSN, I get that you hate this game. I don’t jump on people who come in here to vent, that’s what this place is for. But no more little Billy. How about spoiled Steven or privileged Peter?
A kid playing on a Nintendo Switch shouldn't stand a chance against somebody playing on a PS5 or XBOX, yet they've made it to where it doesn't matter.
Uhmmm...I'm nearly 62 and I sometimes play MLBTS on my Switch. But then, my wife has always said that I am her youngest child...I don't think I'll ever grow up, so maybe this sentence still stands
Nobody on a Switch should be able to compete against a console and a monitor. Don't take it personal.
Heh...I didn't. I was trying to be funny. I'm more successful at morbid humor though.
@romeischillin_MLBTS said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
@John3221_PSN said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
@kovz88_MLBTS said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
@xElRojo44x_MLBTS said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
@HustlinOwl_MLBTS said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
Digital deluxe even though no selectable uniforms for online rated or co-op
The digital deluxe version shows "1 Special Uniform Choice Pack", is that different than the other versions?
Can’t choose what uniform to wear in that modeShameful it’s 2023 SDS need to get with the times no excuses why uniforms shouldn’t be selectable. If it’s good enough to be selectable in DD online rated should have the option also.
In DD you select them when you go to edit your team info and appearance... not sure why you can't select uniforms online like you would if your opponent was on the same console as you but could be a way to prevent lag (I don't know).
Prevent lag huh? Uniforms are selectable in online leagues with regular teams which makes no sense as to why we can’t in online rated
As a rule, any post by @arvcpa_MLBTS must stay somewhat civil. I admit I geek out because I’m still Fairly new to the game and it’s just another thing to get me excited about the season. It’s number 2 behind watching Arenado and Goldy build Hall of Fame careers :).
For those that hate the game…. I’m not begrudging you your right to gripe. But other than the gameplay, what would you improve? What would you like to see in DD specifically that would make this a better game? @raesONE-_PSN has definitely voiced his frustrations with the game but always provides thorough feedback as to how it could improve. His legendary post of a few years ago speaks for itself. So I’m curious what you guys wanna see so it doesn’t feel like a copy and paste.
You guys need to send a message and say the cut and paste mediocre upgrades isn’t worth your money. I never pre order because we all know the first month is a train wreck and beyond frustrating. I’m starting to think some of y’all enjoy the chaos.
@Ericulous1_PSN said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
As a rule, any post by @arvcpa_MLBTS must stay somewhat civil. I admit I geek out because I’m still Fairly new to the game and it’s just another thing to get me excited about the season. It’s number 2 behind watching Arenado and Goldy build Hall of Fame careers :).
For those that hate the game…. I’m not begrudging you your right to gripe. But other than the gameplay, what would you improve? What would you like to see in DD specifically that would make this a better game? @raesONE-_PSN has definitely voiced his frustrations with the game but always provides thorough feedback as to how it could improve. His legendary post of a few years ago speaks for itself. So I’m curious what you guys wanna see so it doesn’t feel like a copy and paste.
You have to start with the attributes. Every diamond is basically the same now.
I just learned tonight that Hunter Renfroe got a better card than Willie F'n Mays!
The names on the card used to mean something but now everyone has Babe Ruth attributes. It honestly makes no sense. This game used to be realistic and it's far from it these days.
I went from playing hundreds of RS games a year to maybe a couple dozen. Now we spend all our time completing tedious tasks that we have no control over.
Playing a hour game of RS only to get 13 stubs and 3000XP is ridiculous. I get more XP completing 4 one hit missions. I've never understood why you earn more playing the mini games than playing a 9 inning online game.
They kept adding more BS and stopped caring about actual gameplay.
I believe that there are way too many cards in the game.
I know other people have said it and I fully agree with the statement: they need to go back back to 99 being the max for attributes.
If I see that the game is playing better I may purchase it . But I feel I won’t be wasting my money because it’s just going to be a copy and with new legends. The gameplay isn’t worth the money because the only care about DD not franchise or road to the show
@kovz88_MLBTS said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.:
I know other people have said it and I fully agree with the statement: they need to go back back to 99 being the max for attributes.
You’re welcome
Yes digital deluxe edition
I’ll be buying digital deluxe for PS5 and physical deluxe for the Xbox