CRASH ISSUE in leagues (Started in MLB 20, Ruins League Play on 21 and 22)
This has been reported to MLB the show for 3 years by many members of our leagues and has never gotten a response. On MLB 20,21,22: After 60-80 games are played in a single Custom League --> Playstation 4 users will NOT be able to enter the league. if they are in a league and this happens they are STUCK in it and cant even leave it. (unless booted by the admin). ALL USERS experience load times of 5-15 minutes to enter the league
Please @CBrev47 or @Victor_SDS or @collin_sds can you acknowledge this and address it in mlb the show 23
Please advise if you are aware of this issue and if they can at least be looked into for MLB show 23. our group ONLY plays custom leagues (hundreds of players) and we could send you a video walkthrough of this issue if you are unaware.
PS4: Upon entering, it tries to load and then the user gets sent back to their blue screen PS dashboard. Eventually, the game crashes and they have to restart it.
Xbox ONE: Follows suit at around 120 to 150 games played
PS5: over 100 games played TAKES OVER FIFTEEN MINUTES to load into the leagues' main dashboard. After 150 games maybe it crashes as well.. that has not been tested
XBOX S/X: Load times once 150 games are played can range from 5-10 minutes to get to the league dashboard. These users have never not been able to enter. But it seems the more advanced a system is.. the later it gets affected.
League issues List:
Game management is broken (Fix underway per sources)
After 60-80 games played PS4 users cannot ENTER the league and they get blue screened. This has happened for the last 3 years.
Non critical/RequestsWhole number for era in stats
No league leaders.
5.No ability to draft live series tea ms on game. -
Have you tried submitting a bug report?
I think they have moved onto '23. Maybe it will be fixed after 3 years
thats all i want... i want them to recognize the issue..