How to make stubs
@ItsShotimee_MLBTS said in How to make stubs:
I’ve definitely flipped cards, are there any other ways to make stubs easily (mainly on the Companion App) also pls don’t tell me to use cash
Sell any of your duplicate cards (Players, Equipment, Perks etc), go to my inventory, Filter, Dupes and sell anything you can. You can make lots of easy stubs this way, even silver and bronze cards add up quick
Using the app, the only way to get them is to flip (without mentioning what you don’t want to hear). But, there are so many stubs available through gameplay, it’s ridiculous. In addition, all the various packs that are earned through gameplay give out cards that can be outright sold, many through quick sell which offers immediate stubs.
Edit: Plus, @samguenther1987 posted some great advice. I use the web to sell my dupes because it's easier for me, but the app can be used too.
It’s so funny — after looking at your guys posts, I realized I have 8 Francisco lindors.
You can also flip sponsorships,equipment,etc if you don’t want them. Look at collections too. You can keep all your jerseys and get packs for collecting them all and same with everything in this game.
@ItsShotimee_MLBTS said in How to make stubs:
It’s so funny — after looking at your guys posts, I realized I have 8 Francisco lindors.
There you go thats 25k+ in stubs right there and your up to 60k+ almost already
@ItsShotimee_MLBTS said in How to make stubs:
I’ve definitely flipped cards, are there any other ways to make stubs easily (mainly on the Companion App) also pls don’t tell me to use cash
This may sound weird, but if you're waiting for the flip, play RTTS on beginner. Make sure you use an archetype track you've never used. You will get plenty of stubs, equipment, and perks. Plus it gives you program XP. Since it's double right now you can level up quick. Right now I'm doing 2 way with SP and 1st base. Doing all the fielding makes it quicker and 1st base gets a lot of putouts. That seems to be the quickest. If you finish an archetype, bronze through diamond, you can get a lot of stubs and XP.
@broken_toy1_PSN actually thx. That’s something I would never think of.
Also I’ve gotten to 85k with your helpful input. Thx guys so much!
@ItsShotimee_MLBTS said in How to make stubs:
I’ve definitely flipped cards, are there any other ways to make stubs easily (mainly on the Companion App) also pls don’t tell me to use cash
Not sure if this helps at this stage of the year, but below are a few things I did that seemed to work a bit throughout the year. I didn’t buy a stub other than I think 5k that came with the version of the game I bought and now have a lot of stubs.
- Use the app to bulk purchase commons with good spread (meaning a sell now price around 10 stubs, and buy now at least 50 stubs or more). You can use filters through the website or app to create a favorites list and I would choose 10-15 cards that you’re constantly flipping for a period of time (30 mins). Good for when you are sitting around. This helped me get a couple hundred thousand stubs early on. That guy putting in 50 orders of random common pitchers early in the year…sorry, that was me!
The reason flipping commons works is because they are so…well…commonly available and therefore you can usually obtain a ton quickly through the app. Then, because the ones with good spread are so lucrative (4x, 5x, etc return on good spreads) it just becomes a volume game. Almost like those cheap properties at the front of the board in Monopoly. If you invest in them while everyone is laughing at you while they fight over Boardwalk, they will recognize that value when they land on the 4 Hotels you’ve built on Baltic Avenue! Well…commons are the Baltic Avenue of the MLB The Show Market…
Get lucky (which I was able to) by identifying a common or bronze player who in real life you know will project to play and have a good year and INVEST in them. For me, I watched two at bats from Spencer Striders first game and said, “I’m getting me as many of these cards as I can.”. When he went Diamond a month ago I was able to capitalize. Maybe next year focus on players in your favorite team that fit this bill and gradually invest stubs into them like an investment account. (Ex. As a Giants fan I knew the potential of Camilo Doval and so knew he’d rise above a bronze). When they get upgraded as high as you think they will go…bulk quick sell!
Similarly to this, stay up on upcoming roster updates and invest in high bronze (74), high silver (79) and high gold (84) players you think will be upgraded to the next tier at the next update so you can QUICK SELL them if the player is indeed upgraded. It’s not a perfect science and there is quite a bit of competition in obtaining these guys but even the day before an update being able to get a card at 60% of his upgrade price is worth it if you’re able to purchase and quick sell in bulk (ex. an 84 gold who you buy at 1,600 who if upgraded can be quick sold for 3k stubs). That Urias card that went Diamond a few weeks ago is a recent example of this that worked for me. I just kept watching the stats from his starts going in and as long as he didn’t have a bad outing…I kept investing!
Use the mlbtheshowzone website to secure quick sell pricing, updated player values and critically, the sales per minute of cards. If there are popular cards that are being flipped with good spread, those are great targets to focus on. Ex. Right now people are trying to complete collections and focused on the last expensive live series cards like Trout and Shohei. If you have the stubs, they are great targets to flip.
Again, I’m not expert but ideally this helps a bit!
@QuakesSJQT_PSN If you are No Money Spent (like me) I've always wondered, how many people that are No Money Spent have completed the collections? I haven't completed any of them but I'm close to Live Series. And yeah, thank you for the advice. I'm fairly sure it'll prove useful.
@ItsShotimee_NSW said in How to make stubs:
@QuakesSJQT_PSN If you are No Money Spent (like me) I've always wondered, how many people that are No Money Spent have completed the collections? I haven't completed any of them but I'm close to Live Series. And yeah, thank you for the advice. I'm fairly sure it'll prove useful.
No money spent really hasn't been anything special for years. It is insanely easy to make stubs and finish collections if you have the right strategy. I do always flip cards early on, but I haven't had to flip anything since June and the stub count still continues to go up. I have also never invested in cards for roster updates. I have every player card in the game (besides the new event guys who just came out) plus 4 million stubs to spare. Besides flipping, the easiest ways to make stubs are:
The BR program. Complete it each time to keep up with all the new bronze, silver, and gold cards. You'll also get duplicates of all the old cards. The game is down right now so I'm going to have to try and remember the values, but I think you get 4 bronze at 2500 each, 4 silver at 5000 each, and 4 gold which sell from 12000-15000 each. After tax that is at least 70,000 stubs. You also get the rewind BR packs, and those cards sell for a lot, plus one of the new flawless cards which means you don't have to buy it. Don't be intimidated by BR. I've only made it to 9 wins a couple of times. You can still get to the last big reward within a couple of days just by completing the missions.
Events. Play until you get to the last decent pack before the standard packs start. Sell all the rewind pack rewards and the new cards you earn. The value of the new event cards will never be as high as when you earn them. In the next event, do the same thing but keep the cards from the previous event that you earn in the rewind packs. Rinse and repeat.
Complete all conquest maps, moments, and program missions to get as far into the program as possible and maximize your free packs. Sell all boss rewards as you get them. Buy them back closer to the end of the program as the value always drops.
Never buy packs from the shop unless they are free (Pujols, HRDX). The only other exception is if there is a ridiculous pack sale where it is impossible to lose stubs. There was one recently where you were guaranteed a headliner, including the newest one which could have saved you more than 20K.
Even if you get garbage in the free standard/headliner/ballin packs, don't quick sell common through silver cards. They are almost always worth more if you just wait a while for them to build up, and then search for dupes in the app. Over the course of one TV show you can clear the duplicates from your binder and make a lot of stubs. One man's trash is another man's collection/exchange fodder.
Patience. When new cards come out, don't rush to get the new shiny. Cards in specialty packs like Juicy 2 eventually get given away like candy on Halloween and the value drops like a rock. Wait until they reach a price you're comfortable with.
Maybe skip ranked. I've played less than 20 ranked games all year. The reward value to time commitment ratio just isn't good enough compared to events and BR, and there are only so many hours you can actually play this game. I've skipped every season and just buy the ranked rewards towards the end of each season.
@ItsShotimee_MLBTS said in How to make stubs:
I’ve definitely flipped cards, are there any other ways to make stubs easily (mainly on the Companion App) also pls don’t tell me to use cash
Flipping is it. The key is to go for the lower dollar cards in high quantities. You have very little competition and it adds up fast. I can do 200k in a few hours on the app. Takes 15 min to buy the cards and 10 to list them. Hope this helps.
@ItsShotimee_MLBTS said in How to make stubs:
I’ve definitely flipped cards, are there any other ways to make stubs easily (mainly on the Companion App) also pls don’t tell me to use cash
I understand flipping can be tedious but dude, you can make enough on the app while watching a game to fund whoever you want. So I'm gonna put that into action. As soon as I finish this post, I'll start a round and will post again once I hit 100K profit. It's not a waste of time because I'm just watching baseball all day. Definitely don't do it on the console instead of playing. That's tedious.
Best way to do it through gameplay is to spam Mini Seasons and BR. But if you want some good flip tips.. hit me up.
Eh who need for secrecy. Today I'm buying Future Stars and reselling...Margins are huge and stable. It took about ten minutes to put in my buy orders. I go down the list and just put a buy order in (1 for each card) as many as I feel like. By the time I finished, 9 had already gone through. I'll wait about 10 mins and check again, cancel all the ones that haven't gone through and sell off the ones I have and just chill until they're gone. I do it that way so I don't have to keep track. You make a killing. I'll report back once they're gone with the profit and time it took.
@ItsShotimee_MLBTS said in How to make stubs:
I’ve definitely flipped cards, are there any other ways to make stubs easily (mainly on the Companion App) also pls don’t tell me to use cash
play all the conquests, play events, play ranked seasons, sell everything you don't care for or use, you will rake in the stubs
@ItsShotimee_NSW said in How to make stubs:
@QuakesSJQT_PSN If you are No Money Spent (like me) I've always wondered, how many people that are No Money Spent have completed the collections? I haven't completed any of them but I'm close to Live Series. And yeah, thank you for the advice. I'm fairly sure it'll prove useful.
I've completed all collections and i have every card and yes i am NMS not that it matters.
Alright, took much longer than I expected, but I'm up 120K. One thing I forgot and definitely messed up. Don't put in buy orders for anything over 20k. They just get stuck on the selling block. Looking at you MJ Melendez.