The Griffey Question/Debate
@Ericulous1 said in The Griffey Question/Debate:
Ok, I'm calling on anyone who has an opinion or some insight into the Griffey conundrum and am curious what you all think is going to happen if anything.
@the_dragon1912 posted a week or so ago that he believes the Griffey program is intended to be Part 1 of a bigger program and provided some compelling reasons to support his claim. No clue if he still thinks this is true but I'd love to hear what you all think.
The big indicator is that when you complete the program it says 24% complete which was obviously the amount of points in the program for his number. That alone could be a glitch or misleading. But when you throw in the angry coach icon and "Nice Try Ramone" stadium sound, two things that have nothing to with Griffey except they are symbolic of the way everyone felt when Griffey's attributes were revealed.
Now all of this is pure speculation. What really gets me is the way they sold the program, calling it a Grind 99, hyping "get ready to grind" for something that took less time than the mystery map. Then they posted a tweet basically dangling the carrot in front of everyone: "Do you want to see Griffey's attributes? A. Yes B. Yeeees. All of this to reveal a card that was more or less the same as the Jorge Mateo TN 95.
So why do all this? Either A- they are planning something bigger and this is a misdirect. B- They are willfully trying to p!ss off their own community or C- they don't know anything about their own game.
I'm curious what you all think. Go easy on me, I'm only a sophomore at this game.
I don’t know if you got my pm earlier, but I had brought this up again when my thing is now fully “Completed.”
Also, where is your cardinal? -
I tried switching icons in game and now I'm in some sort of icon purgatory.
I thought the progress said 24% after you finished the game on the progress screen. I'd asked many people because I never saw this, just read what everyone else said. Anyway, it's probably just a bad drop and on December when the last few of us who still care are playing we'll get the greatest Griffey ever but have nobody to use him on..
@Ericulous1 said in The Griffey Question/Debate:
I tried switching icons in game and now I'm in some sort of icon purgatory.
I thought the progress said 24% after you finished the game on the progress screen. I'd asked many people because I never saw this, just read what everyone else said. Anyway, it's probably just a bad drop and on December when the last few of us who still care are playing we'll get the greatest Griffey ever but have nobody to use him on..
There are still plenty of people. Plus I love grinding the Forever Program and event - if we have either this year.
That is strange about your logo, I’m sorry.
By the way, are you on a PS4 or PS5?
@crash447 said in The Griffey Question/Debate:
Personally I think it is a very poorly executed A.
Yeah, I don’t understand their logic on it. They hyped it up so much; and, I am sure they knew what the community’s reaction was going to be.
The legend collections also said complete at one time when the requirements were for that of George Brett. Until they put out the Cutch collection and they all reset. Just pointing out that saying “complete” doesn’t mean anything at this point.
There will be at least one more 99 Griffey.
Hopefully there is another Griffey because this one although a "99" is just unusable for me. I used him in League for a few games and went O-fer.
I gotta be honest, I don't believe there is a part 2 coming. I hope I'm wrong though.
Mine says "complete" too but...
It also says I've earned 27 points (when you only needed 24)
I checked all the other player programs and every other one just has the necessary points, but no extra ones like Griffey.
Not sure if that means anything though.
Dude the card isn’t THAT bad for a totally free Griffey.
His swing is absolutely fire man.
He’ll play above attributes
Parallel 5 it . Nobody grinds cards everyone rotates the newest card in instead of seeing a cards true parallel potential.But overall the cards stock attributes aren’t even THAT bad. Yea it’s Griffey but the 99 will have 120/120 125/125 … but not NOW. It’s not that serious. People wanted a 125 every attribute Griffey in July it’s wild…
Whether their is a part 2 or not(I think there will be), there will be another Griffey. There is a reason they are releasing 2nd half cards if Griffey and Mantle. They aren't going to have this new Retro finest series and not give Griffey and Mantle Retro finest cards. Thing is though if you release Retro finests for those 2 now every single outfielder for the rest of the game won't be able to even remotely be on their level. They have been pretty consistent on slowing the rollout of endgame cards. The only 3 cards that could remotely be considered endgame are Randy, Nolan, and Brett, and even then Brett would be replaced by Chipper by most
@Ericulous1 said in The Griffey Question/Debate:
Ok, I'm calling on anyone who has an opinion or some insight into the Griffey conundrum and am curious what you all think is going to happen if anything.
@the_dragon1912 posted a week or so ago that he believes the Griffey program is intended to be Part 1 of a bigger program and provided some compelling reasons to support his claim. No clue if he still thinks this is true but I'd love to hear what you all think.
The big indicator is that when you complete the program it says 24% complete which was obviously the amount of points in the program for his number. That alone could be a glitch or misleading. But when you throw in the angry coach icon and "Nice Try Ramone" stadium sound, two things that have nothing to with Griffey except they are symbolic of the way everyone felt when Griffey's attributes were revealed.
Now all of this is pure speculation. What really gets me is the way they sold the program, calling it a Grind 99, hyping "get ready to grind" for something that took less time than the mystery map. Then they posted a tweet basically dangling the carrot in front of everyone: "Do you want to see Griffey's attributes? A. Yes B. Yeeees. All of this to reveal a card that was more or less the same as the Jorge Mateo TN 95.
So why do all this? Either A- they are planning something bigger and this is a misdirect. B- They are willfully trying to p!ss off their own community or C- they don't know anything about their own game.
I'm curious what you all think. Go easy on me, I'm only a sophomore at this game.
I’m Mark Derosa and welcome to The Show
Brett is too good to be replaced by Chipper. Brett can move over to 1B but he can’t come out. This is the best hitting Brett card ever
Thanks for chiming in. Good point Dragon, there's no way we're getting their final card as a 2nd half this early. I think the odd thing is the fact that abeled it a 99. Had it been a 97 like the Babe Takashi card, there wouldn't have been this backlash. Or had they unrolled their plan a little better assuming there is one.
I think they must have bumped Mantle back down to a 98 hoping to avoid the same backlash.
I wonder if they'll say anything today.
Thanks for chiming in. Good point Dragon, there's no way we're getting their final card as a 2nd half this early. I think the odd thing is the fact that abeled it a 99. Had it been a 97 like the Babe Takashi card, there wouldn't have been this backlash. Or had they unrolled their plan a little better assuming there is one.
I think they must have bumped Mantle back down to a 98 hoping to avoid the same backlash.
I wonder if they'll say anything today.
@Ericulous1 said in The Griffey Question/Debate:
Thanks for chiming in. Good point Dragon, there's no way we're getting their final card as a 2nd half this early. I think the odd thing is the fact that abeled it a 99. Had it been a 97 like the Babe Takashi card, there wouldn't have been this backlash. Or had they unrolled their plan a little better assuming there is one.
I think they must have bumped Mantle back down to a 98 hoping to avoid the same backlash.
I wonder if they'll say anything today.
There will be a juiced Griffey card, same with Mantle. Chipper is definitely going to get a juiced card, whether one of the three is a collection reward remains to be seen.
@Ericulous1 said in The Griffey Question/Debate:
Thanks for chiming in. Good point Dragon, there's no way we're getting their final card as a 2nd half this early. I think the odd thing is the fact that abeled it a 99. Had it been a 97 like the Babe Takashi card, there wouldn't have been this backlash. Or had they unrolled their plan a little better assuming there is one.
I think they must have bumped Mantle back down to a 98 hoping to avoid the same backlash.
I wonder if they'll say anything today.
Speaking of Takashi Babe....can we get another Takashi reward? I don't care if it is a 97 or not, that Babe is still one of my favorite cards.
@crash447 said in The Griffey Question/Debate:
@Ericulous1 said in The Griffey Question/Debate:
Thanks for chiming in. Good point Dragon, there's no way we're getting their final card as a 2nd half this early. I think the odd thing is the fact that abeled it a 99. Had it been a 97 like the Babe Takashi card, there wouldn't have been this backlash. Or had they unrolled their plan a little better assuming there is one.
I think they must have bumped Mantle back down to a 98 hoping to avoid the same backlash.
I wonder if they'll say anything today.
Speaking of Takashi Babe....can we get another Takashi reward? I don't care if it is a 97 or not, that Babe is still one of my favorite cards.
Amen that Babe is Stellar. And I just started using Mussina...that card is fantastic. I know he wasn't a reward but I really like the Takashi cards. Joe Morgan plays way above his attributes, Delgado has been stellar for me, Feller is a beast. Rollie Fingers is still one of my best relievers. It's a great series.
I think SDS and Ramone love trolling the community, meaning there could be a bigger program or there isn’t and they are enjoying seeing all of us upset.
I don’t even know. At this point the whole Griffey situation leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Now I’m just like I could care less either way. I read somewhere else that another program didn’t hit the max number either but I didn’t look into to see. Could be false. I don’t know, I just hope Mantle is good.
I feel like the Griffey cards gotta be part of the extreme rewards because just announced on stream there's a parallel 5 mission in the conquest or something for the program.
If I had to guess its for Griffey, which I've said since they announced the extreme program and released Griffey's stats he'll be needed for extreme