Extreme program
@PAinPA_PSN said in Extreme program:
CQ extreme in 20 wasnt close to being brutal.
Original CQ extreme had the following missions
Beat cubs in 1 turn(HoF against a cubs team 1 year out from their WS)
Beat yankees in 2 turns ( 1 legend steal, tigers on HoF, yankees on legend)
Beat SF in 3? turns(2 HoF steal (minimum) SF on HoF
Beat MIA 3?turns ( 2 legend steal (think MIA could be HoF but might have been legend too)“Beat the Dodgers in 2 turns” was my nemesis.
@SaveFarris_PSN said in Extreme program:
@PAinPA_PSN said in Extreme program:
CQ extreme in 20 wasnt close to being brutal.
Original CQ extreme had the following missions
Beat cubs in 1 turn(HoF against a cubs team 1 year out from their WS)
Beat yankees in 2 turns ( 1 legend steal, tigers on HoF, yankees on legend)
Beat SF in 3? turns(2 HoF steal (minimum) SF on HoF
Beat MIA 3?turns ( 2 legend steal (think MIA could be HoF but might have been legend too)“Beat the Dodgers in 2 turns” was my nemesis.
FB Cingrani was my hero in all those games
I sort-of completed the Gehrig 4 XBH in 20, with two homers and two gappers, except on the second gapper the lead runner stopped at second, and I never got close again on subsequent tries. I did beat the conquest map under extreme duress -- I kept failing on the steal fans games on high difficulty, but I would squeak through the stronghold games. Won the last game on Legend against the Padres which is the first and only time I've played a conquest game on Legend. Having that Yelich card in my lineup was the best feeling. I got Nate Pearson up to almost 200 pitches during the showdown, trying to take as many pitches as possible, but I couldn't defeat him. I was 1 for 3 overall on the extreme challenges and that was a huge time investment too. I'd welcome extreme coming back, whether or not I could complete it, because it would be a great longer-term challenge.
@the_dragon1912 said in Extreme program:
@PAinPA_PSN said in Extreme program:
The CQ extreme need to be like the original.EXTREME EXTREME and not like the 2020 do half the map reset and do the other half which was just a really big CQ map and not even difficult let alone extreme
Yeah CQ extreme was a joke in 20. I'm pretty sure with the right strategy you could complete all of it on allstar
I think I played one game on HOF the rest on All Star and Vet
@TheNinjaRaven_PSN said in Extreme program:
You know whats funny is I played against someone I argued with on these forums last night and destroyed him and he rage quit. I remembered his name when I saw it and his emblem in here. Was quite comical. Im not my record as my kids have played under my name and lost many games. I just dont care enough.
You do care though. If you didn't care, you wouldn't be here explaining yourself and making excuses about your record. Nobody cares about your record at all. It's just that if you stink and come on here flexing, like you do... somebody is going to look you up and call you out for bragging... especially on 500 level AS...
lol. I'm above 500 level and I'm absolutely terrible online. You obviously have some mental issues and that's fine, but you come out and ask for altercations here, and that's what you get. Hopefully you teach your kids not to act like you, because to me it seems like you are a young kid.
@PScrabro_PSN said in Extreme program:
@TheNinjaRaven_PSN said in Extreme program:
You know whats funny is I played against someone I argued with on these forums last night and destroyed him and he rage quit. I remembered his name when I saw it and his emblem in here. Was quite comical. Im not my record as my kids have played under my name and lost many games. I just dont care enough.
You do care though. If you didn't care, you wouldn't be here explaining yourself and making excuses about your record. Nobody cares about your record at all. It's just that if you stink and come on here flexing, like you do... somebody is going to look you up and call you out for bragging... especially on 500 level AS...
lol. I'm above 500 level and I'm absolutely terrible online. You obviously have some mental issues and that's fine, but you come out and ask for altercations here, and that's what you get. Hopefully you teach your kids not to act like you, because to me it seems like you are a young kid.
So easy to run your mouth on a computer. You would never speak to my face. Ok see ya little one as you are not worth a typing.
I missed the stream the other day so this is confirmed? Is it how we unlock Griffey? This brings back nightmares from ‘20….challenging but I did it. Loved the Nate card
@TangoJuliet24 said in Extreme program:
I missed the stream the other day so this is confirmed? Is it how we unlock Griffey? This brings back nightmares from ‘20….challenging but I did it. Loved the Nate card
Now it comes 2 weeks later on august 26
@OreoRockstar_PSN said in Extreme program:
@TheNinjaRaven_PSN said in Extreme program:
You know whats funny is I played against someone I argued with on these forums last night and destroyed him and he rage quit. I remembered his name when I saw it and his emblem in here. Was quite comical. Im not my record as my kids have played under my name and lost many games. I just dont care enough.
Lol, I have heard that one before about “my record is bad as others play on my account”.
No way you have kids…Parents don’t make ridiculously bad taste mom jokes.
No chance you are an adult.
If it was me it doesn't count as I was 12 deep.
@Pennstatefencer_MLBTS said in Extreme program:
@OreoRockstar_PSN said in Extreme program:
@TheNinjaRaven_PSN said in Extreme program:
You know whats funny is I played against someone I argued with on these forums last night and destroyed him and he rage quit. I remembered his name when I saw it and his emblem in here. Was quite comical. Im not my record as my kids have played under my name and lost many games. I just dont care enough.
Lol, I have heard that one before about “my record is bad as others play on my account”.
No way you have kids…Parents don’t make ridiculously bad taste mom jokes.
No chance you are an adult.
The part I found hard to believe was that someone willingly reproduced with him. I wonder how his wife / ex wife / baby mama's feel about him spending his nights with the mothers of everyone on the forum.
But you have to admit, it makes a compelling argument for population control.
@Bob_Loblaw1984 said in Extreme program:
@Pennstatefencer_MLBTS said in Extreme program:
@OreoRockstar_PSN said in Extreme program:
@TheNinjaRaven_PSN said in Extreme program:
You know whats funny is I played against someone I argued with on these forums last night and destroyed him and he rage quit. I remembered his name when I saw it and his emblem in here. Was quite comical. Im not my record as my kids have played under my name and lost many games. I just dont care enough.
Lol, I have heard that one before about “my record is bad as others play on my account”.
No way you have kids…Parents don’t make ridiculously bad taste mom jokes.
No chance you are an adult.
The part I found hard to believe was that someone willingly reproduced with him. I wonder how his wife / ex wife / baby mama's feel about him spending his nights with the mothers of everyone on the forum.
But you have to admit, it makes a compelling argument for population control.
I find it amazing that you kiddies keep this going. Like you fantasize about me. This is unhealthy. Let it go.
I'm looking forward to it. Gives me something to chase after. I'm bored with online play and Mini-seasons because it's so repetitive. I just do it for the XP season grind.
@TheNinjaRaven_PSN said in Extreme program:
@Bob_Loblaw1984 said in Extreme program:
@Pennstatefencer_MLBTS said in Extreme program:
@OreoRockstar_PSN said in Extreme program:
@TheNinjaRaven_PSN said in Extreme program:
You know whats funny is I played against someone I argued with on these forums last night and destroyed him and he rage quit. I remembered his name when I saw it and his emblem in here. Was quite comical. Im not my record as my kids have played under my name and lost many games. I just dont care enough.
Lol, I have heard that one before about “my record is bad as others play on my account”.
No way you have kids…Parents don’t make ridiculously bad taste mom jokes.
No chance you are an adult.
The part I found hard to believe was that someone willingly reproduced with him. I wonder how his wife / ex wife / baby mama's feel about him spending his nights with the mothers of everyone on the forum.
But you have to admit, it makes a compelling argument for population control.
I find it amazing that you kiddies keep this going. Like you fantasize about me. This is unhealthy. Let it go.
I see you’re not big on self-awareness. Care to comment on my mother?
@Bob_Loblaw1984 said in Extreme program:
@TheNinjaRaven_PSN said in Extreme program:
@Bob_Loblaw1984 said in Extreme program:
@Pennstatefencer_MLBTS said in Extreme program:
@OreoRockstar_PSN said in Extreme program:
@TheNinjaRaven_PSN said in Extreme program:
You know whats funny is I played against someone I argued with on these forums last night and destroyed him and he rage quit. I remembered his name when I saw it and his emblem in here. Was quite comical. Im not my record as my kids have played under my name and lost many games. I just dont care enough.
Lol, I have heard that one before about “my record is bad as others play on my account”.
No way you have kids…Parents don’t make ridiculously bad taste mom jokes.
No chance you are an adult.
The part I found hard to believe was that someone willingly reproduced with him. I wonder how his wife / ex wife / baby mama's feel about him spending his nights with the mothers of everyone on the forum.
But you have to admit, it makes a compelling argument for population control.
I find it amazing that you kiddies keep this going. Like you fantasize about me. This is unhealthy. Let it go.
I see you’re not big on self-awareness. Care to comment on my mother?
She's old. I tired of her after 10 mins.
Hitting is the worst its been since I started playing MLB and they decide to bring back extreme. Sounds about right.
@XxDeathReyxX_PSN said in Extreme program:
Hitting is the worst its been since I started playing MLB and they decide to bring back extreme. Sounds about right.
One of the moments could be completing a 9 inning game without it freezing or getting a server error.
are we really getting extreme moments again?
I think one should be facing TheNinjaRaven on AS with him using Fernando as he has made it perfectly clear that no one can possibly put the ball in play.