Note on freeze offs and disconnection
I play DD games vrs CPU quite a bit ,and before you guys bring on the detactors who are online heroes let me say I need to pause the game fo a break now and then for physical reasons(Im an old fart). I have probably had 50 or more games where I was leading big go disconnect with 2 outs in the 9th. Clearly the Show programmed powers that be instituted this,hardly ever happens when I am losing and YES I play out my losses.Thats an integrity thing.Look that up in the dictionary kiddies.My point being is if they can do that why is it not incorporated vrs human opponent online? One can only assume that The Show has no control whatsoever over their online product, this is what I been suspecting for a few years and is my biggest peave about the game. Kwik OUT
Are you possibly having the timer run out on you and it's not an actual disconnection? If you're pausing for a while and then making moves late in the game you may have burned your timer up too much and run out of time. Opponents can hit square when that happens and get a win. Just a thought.
Vrs CPU there would be no timer, why is the timer deal not incorporated vrs the persons freezing the game or just make it a no contest. That is my question. If they can disconnect for a long pause offline why not disconnect when frozen , give leader the win in online? Maybe im not explaining my question correctly but its a good one LOL.
Pause to look at your balls (sic) or strikes you disconnected LOL
We get hit a lot when one of the jerks we play with a lot calls for a timeout at the plate...
This years game is just a disappointment all the way around . Played twice as many games last year at this point. Im betting stat comparisons for 21 and 22 will bear out a drop in gameplay across the board. Doing good to play 2 games a day.Being homebound I can remember doing 10 at times .Hate to slip back but playing 21 aint out of the question