Zone Hitting Philosophy
I read a post last year that described zone hitting as taking "superior stick skills for high rewards".
I agreed 100%.
I've finally "gotten good" enough to consider zone my preferred hitting interface.
But the more balls I square up, and the more times I pop up or hit lazy fly balls, the more I wonder if this theory applies.Yes, it's baseball, and good pci placement and timing should never guarantee a hit.
But as a born directional hitter, I can't help but think directional has become "less skill for equally high rewards", especially if you have a great eye (I do) .I believe zone is still the way to go, especially at higher levels.
But zone is no longer what seperates good from great.Keep swinging, ladies and gents!
It's because RNG still exists, even in Zone. But don't let anecdotal evidence fool you, there is still more RNG in time based hitting than there is with zone.
Zone will always be king.