Playing very toxic player...I'm up 8 to 2, game is frozen now
Dude was toxic af. Messages etc. Now he hits raw lill switch on his cronus. I knew he was cheating because his defense was all messed up going in wrong directions, throwing to wrong cuts,missing balls etc.
If I leave it will give him the win. How do I avoid this?
Don't leave?
After 20 minutes of waiting it finally Said lost connection to opponent and I get the dub. A holes in this game man.
Turn off your messages at least if you are going to play online.
@freeze-time-007_xbl said in Playing very toxic player...I'm up 8 to 2, game is frozen now:
Turn off your messages at least if you are going to play online.
those messages give me extra motivation to whoop em love getting them
@freeze-time-007_xbl said in Playing very toxic player...I'm up 8 to 2, game is frozen now:
Turn off your messages at least if you are going to play online.
No way let them hang themselves with bans
Hahah ikr
Jacky Chan1replied to vvSHARKYvv on May 17, 2022, 5:53 AM last edited by Jacky Chan1_XBL May 17, 2022, 5:54 AM
@vvsharkyvv_xbl said in Playing very toxic player...I'm up 8 to 2, game is frozen now:
Dude was toxic af. Messages etc. Now he hits raw lill switch on his cronus. I knew he was cheating because his defense was all messed up going in wrong directions, throwing to wrong cuts,missing balls etc.
If I leave it will give him the win. How do I avoid this?
Report the player if he messages you in a toxic manner, then block the player. Close the game out and reboot it. No point in trying the wait game. You may be given ban by mistake. Just be careful what messages you send. SDS could ban that player for breaking ToS.
Also if I play against players on my Xbox console, I try to send GG message, win or lose, out of respect. You could get a friend for that.
@jacky-chan1_xbl said in Playing very toxic player...I'm up 8 to 2, game is frozen now:
Also if I play against players on my Xbox console, I try to send GG message, win or lose, out of respect. You could get a friend for that.
Thats what I wanna do on PS, but most people have blocked messages and group invites and will miss that aspect of a multi player game. And thats really sad
HustlinOwlreplied to vvSHARKYvv on May 17, 2022, 1:02 PM last edited by HustlinOwl_PSN May 17, 2022, 1:02 PM
@vvsharkyvv_xbl said in Playing very toxic player...I'm up 8 to 2, game is frozen now:
Hahah ikr
The “gg well played quitting” always gets the R2 dashboarders going
Report the messages. I played an absolute [censored] once -- bunt dancing, quick pitching, bunting, spamming R2 and pausing spasmodically -- and sent him a call out and got a warning from Sony. Think I called him a feminine wash product. The system works.