Please somebody defend this BS!
@gundamhufflepuff_psn said in Please somebody defend this BS!:
SDS can lie all they want, but there is definitely a comeback mechanic. I was up in a BR game 7-2 with this dude hitting nothing all game then magically scores 5 runs in the bottom of the third off of BS hits then winds up winning cause I can’t be perfect every [censored] inning. Game is an absolute joke. Pitching, fielding, hitting. It’s all a pile of [censored].
In general, when I fail, I find it's easier to blame magical and mythical imaginary people. Then, I don't have to take responsibility for my actions, or attempt to improve.
Glad to see you take the same path. F self accountability, totally over rated.
@lucas8181_mlbts said in Please somebody defend this BS!:
@gundamhufflepuff_psn said in Please somebody defend this BS!:
SDS can lie all they want, but there is definitely a comeback mechanic. I was up in a BR game 7-2 with this dude hitting nothing all game then magically scores 5 runs in the bottom of the third off of BS hits then winds up winning cause I can’t be perfect every [censored] inning. Game is an absolute joke. Pitching, fielding, hitting. It’s all a pile of [censored].
In general, when I fail, I find it's easier to blame magical and mythical imaginary people. Then, I don't have to take responsibility for my actions, or attempt to improve.
Glad to see you take the same path. F self accountability, totally over rated.
Why would he blame himself for when the game wants to start rewarding trash swings to drive in some runs? Oh let me guess….that’s a conspiracy theory right?
@lucas8181_mlbts said in Please somebody defend this BS!:
@gundamhufflepuff_psn said in Please somebody defend this BS!:
SDS can lie all they want, but there is definitely a comeback mechanic. I was up in a BR game 7-2 with this dude hitting nothing all game then magically scores 5 runs in the bottom of the third off of BS hits then winds up winning cause I can’t be perfect every [censored] inning. Game is an absolute joke. Pitching, fielding, hitting. It’s all a pile of [censored].
In general, when I fail, I find it's easier to blame magical and mythical imaginary people. Then, I don't have to take responsibility for my actions, or attempt to improve.
Glad to see you take the same path. F self accountability, totally over rated.
It’s amazing to me how blinded you are to the truth. Continue being the good little sheep that you are. People like you are part of the problem. You can’t justify that BS, so it must just be the player’s fault right. The irony of telling a player to take accountability when SDS takes ZERO themselves
@gundamhufflepuff_psn said in Please somebody defend this BS!:
@lucas8181_mlbts said in Please somebody defend this BS!:
@gundamhufflepuff_psn said in Please somebody defend this BS!:
SDS can lie all they want, but there is definitely a comeback mechanic. I was up in a BR game 7-2 with this dude hitting nothing all game then magically scores 5 runs in the bottom of the third off of BS hits then winds up winning cause I can’t be perfect every [censored] inning. Game is an absolute joke. Pitching, fielding, hitting. It’s all a pile of [censored].
In general, when I fail, I find it's easier to blame magical and mythical imaginary people. Then, I don't have to take responsibility for my actions, or attempt to improve.
Glad to see you take the same path. F self accountability, totally over rated.
It’s amazing to me how blinded you are to the truth. Continue being the good little sheep that you are. People like you are part of the problem. You can’t justify that BS, so it must just be the player’s fault right. The irony of telling a player to take accountability when SDS takes ZERO themselves
I'm sorry you feel that way, I still love you bud. You're going to be ok, breathe and find balance in you life. Let me know if you'd like to meditate together, God loves you.
@go4stros25_psn said in Please somebody defend this BS!:
@thaghettoblasta said in Please somebody defend this BS!:
@foofencer_nsw said in Please somebody defend this BS!:
The ball was belt high and barely out of the zone when he made contact. Was it a great swing? No, but it wasn't a great pitch either. It went right off the end of the bat for a weak hit up the middle. Not every hit is a perfect/perfect laser, and not every out is from weak contact. I'm not going to sit here and argue with you because clearly you're frustrated and looking for a fight. All I can say is this has been in the game for years. It will continue to be in the game for years. If you don't like it, stop buying the game.
The only one I can sense looking for an argument is you dude. Chill.
It's cool man. He's new. He doesnt get that this isn't twitter and most of us are grown men who try to be cordial with one another.
PennStateFencer, been around longer than most of us
Someone lost what are we crying about now
Can I just ask something?
If SDS can't even correctly implement a new mode like mini seasons what makes people think they have the ability to perfectly code in a script to cause comebacks or screw them over in a game?
Noone ever considers it's just bad mechanics, the game must be out to screw them and anyone that disagrees is a sheep!
Except sheep usually just go along with everything, everyone the tin foil hat crowd calls sheep are usually people also complaining about the game they just don't think everything is out to get them personally -
@go4stros25_psn said in Please somebody defend this BS!:
@thaghettoblasta said in Please somebody defend this BS!:
@foofencer_nsw said in Please somebody defend this BS!:
The ball was belt high and barely out of the zone when he made contact. Was it a great swing? No, but it wasn't a great pitch either. It went right off the end of the bat for a weak hit up the middle. Not every hit is a perfect/perfect laser, and not every out is from weak contact. I'm not going to sit here and argue with you because clearly you're frustrated and looking for a fight. All I can say is this has been in the game for years. It will continue to be in the game for years. If you don't like it, stop buying the game.
The only one I can sense looking for an argument is you dude. Chill.
It's cool man. He's new. He doesnt get that this isn't twitter and most of us are grown men who try to be cordial with one another.
Dude @FooFencer_NSW is an OG on this forum. I'm impressed that you took some feedback and didn't explode, that's not easily done in these waters, still your headline was "how can anyone defend this BS?" And your post essentially sounded like you were inviting an argument. Now I've seen you post a ton and a lot of what you say feels like mind reading haha, you definitely put a good voice to opinions and bring up a lot of good points. All I can say is, try not to let these hits ruin the game for you. I'm bummed about content and I know you are too, but there's not much to be done...we're in this now, might as well try to enjoy it.
Though I'd be a lot happier if they'd put TA back where they found it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m not lying when I tell you I have pitches almost twice as far outside and inside being hit for 6-7 straight fouls. It’s nearly impossible to get out a decent hitter right now. Every event game I enter batting averages are in the high .400s and of those a couple of guys are really great hitters, the others are just relying on contact swing. Very frustrating, very little fun. But hey, if I don’t want to boost I need some coins from somewhere.
Routine pop up if your infield isn’t in. That’s why I don’t even use the shift. It promotes weak hits to land. I’d rather someone just beat me with a straight up defense.
@go4stros25_psn said in Please somebody defend this BS!:
@thaghettoblasta said in Please somebody defend this BS!:
@foofencer_nsw said in Please somebody defend this BS!:
The ball was belt high and barely out of the zone when he made contact. Was it a great swing? No, but it wasn't a great pitch either. It went right off the end of the bat for a weak hit up the middle. Not every hit is a perfect/perfect laser, and not every out is from weak contact. I'm not going to sit here and argue with you because clearly you're frustrated and looking for a fight. All I can say is this has been in the game for years. It will continue to be in the game for years. If you don't like it, stop buying the game.
The only one I can sense looking for an argument is you dude. Chill.
It's cool man. He's new. He doesnt get that this isn't twitter and most of us are grown men who try to be cordial with one another.
Not that it matters, but I've probably been around this forum longer than you have. When you start a thread with "Please somebody defend this BS!", you're not exactly looking to skip through a meadow and have a picnic. Maybe you didn't intend for it, but the topic and post read like someone having a temper tantrum because things didn't go their way. If this is your idea of being "cordial", then I'd hate to see how you communicate when you're upset.
The hitting system is far from perfect. Curve balls bouncing to the plate shouldn't be fouled off with bad timing. That is not the same as what you're using as "evidence". You threw a pitch belt high which was barely off the plate. He swung late and went with it, and it happened to bloop past an infield that was in. If you want to make an argument as to why the hitting needs to be improved, then you picked a bad example.
As others have said, the hitting definitely needs improving but this example isn't a great one. That ball was barely outside of the zone and they got the drop end of the bat on it, weak contact up that middle that would've been a routine play if the infield was playing at normal depth. Pitches in the dirt and pitches way out of the zone definitely shouldn't get fouled off at the rate they do but people have to remember that just because a pitch is outside of the strike zone it doesn't mean it can't be hit hard.
Not to mention this is the go to mode for alot of top players who have alot of experience playing. Not defending anything or anyone but you have no idea who you are up against in BR.
Was playing BR yesterday, opponent was hitting with the 96 Chase Utley
I had a lefty on the mound. I threw a pitch (don’t remember exactly what pitch) but it was well outside and also in the upper third of the plate
My opponent swung “very early” and it produced a blooper over my SS and 3B head
I was in utter disbelief, this game defies physics by rewarding awful swings with hits
This needs to be addressed ASAP
What I saw was literally physically impossible but in The Show? Can’t have little Billy strike out and quit buying stubs/packs
When coding an online sports game for instantaneous results, it's a very complex set of scripts and circumstances. Balancing those values constantly from the moment you select a pitch, to the moment a bat hits a ball, is MUCH more complex than running a route, throwing a pass and catching it.
Comeback logic is required for a game like Madden, because it's a simple set of algorithms by comparison. For MLB, there's no comeback DDA. It's all perspective and understanding the cycling of RNG that makes people THINK there's DDA.
The bottom line is that you should treat this as a game, and not a environment of realism where your input matters as much as you want it to.
This is NOT a simulation during online play. Good players have remained good regardless of the environment. Average users though don't understand the programming and event process enough and think that the game is broken and out to screw them.
@hoboadam_psn said in Please somebody defend this BS!:
When coding an online sports game for instantaneous results, it's a very complex set of scripts and circumstances. Balancing those values constantly from the moment you select a pitch, to the moment a bat hits a ball, is MUCH more complex than running a route, throwing a pass and catching it.
Comeback logic is required for a game like Madden, because it's a simple set of algorithms by comparison. For MLB, there's no comeback DDA. It's all perspective and understanding the cycling of RNG that makes people THINK there's DDA.
The bottom line is that you should treat this as a game, and not a environment of realism where your input matters as much as you want it to.
This is NOT a simulation during online play. Good players have remained good regardless of the environment. Average users though don't understand the programming and event process enough and think that the game is broken and out to screw them.
Very well said
I have to remind myself of this. I’m way too competitive, and since I’ve been here since 17, I should fully understand/expect the shenanigans by now lol
I also consider myself an above average player (117-14 last year in RS) and know how this game SHOULD play. But alas, it seems like this year the proverbial skill gap has shrunk and the randomness has been increased
Oh well, I still absolutely love baseball and will continue to play accepting that I’m subjecting myself to the randomness
In a perfect world, I just wished there was a mode that was almost 100% input based for those of us that take H2H play (probably too) seriously
@foofencer_nsw said in Please somebody defend this BS!:
Not that it matters, but I've probably been around this forum longer than you have.
And for many of us that join date is simply when they switched over to the new forum software. We were also on the old forums for years previous to that.
@lucas8181_mlbts said in Please somebody defend this BS!:
@go4stros25_psn said in Please somebody defend this BS!:
How is this happening in every game online! What am I missing? Is it contact swings? Timing interface. I'm not exaggerating it's everygame. Stuff like this and sinkers 6 inches inside being blooped to the opposite field. You aren't punished for swinging at junk pitches at all this year
Please tell me I'm not crazy guys. Look where this pitch ends up and tell me why he gets rewarded for this ugly swing
Tyler O'Neill just had a hit like that about 6 minutes ago, then Arenado hit a HR off a breaking ball in the dirt. RNG, am I right?
Someone better talk to Rob Manfred to start getting the RNG out of his game
After some thought this morning, I really think that I'm going to write a 50 page document explaining how MLB works and the conditions surrounding the RNG. I'm not going to do it as a troll, but moreso as an exercise for my brain and maybe somebody else can use it as a reference for a college paper or something.
I've been gaming for 25-30 years and have also been coding for just as long. Staying strictly on point and focused on baseball, the transformation of Atari baseball, to MLB The Show is massive, but under the hood, it's a program that takes a user input and applies it to the variables written in the game code. a straight simulation is Strat-o-matic baseball, where odds are calculated based on historical results and designed to replicate those results as close as possible.
Throughout an event of a pitch, swing and result, there's always a pivotal point that gets arrived to before the next sequence of variables are taken into consideration. It's those pivotal points that SDS has created sliders for, which has a direct effect on the result of a play. From a code perspective, it adjusts exit velocity, the chance of a fielder getting within range of a ball, the PCI size, break of the pitch path etc. It does this on a universal level though.
When SDS patches gameplay, they're really only adjusting sliders on the back end. Very rarely do they actually open the hood and change values. This is not a bad or good thing. It's just fact.
Anyways, enjoy your Easter weekend folks. Don't take this game too seriously and enjoy the randomness which is baseball.
@gundamhufflepuff_psn said in Please somebody defend this BS!:
SDS can lie all they want, but there is definitely a comeback mechanic. I was up in a BR game 7-2 with this dude hitting nothing all game then magically scores 5 runs in the bottom of the third off of BS hits then winds up winning cause I can’t be perfect every [censored] inning. Game is an absolute joke. Pitching, fielding, hitting. It’s all a pile of [censored].
Or could it be by that time you are using bronze relievers who have [censored] H/9 and not a good pitch mix?