Best monitor settings for 22
I think the consensus this year (from what I’ve read/seen) is that hitting is broken. So my question is to the the show community is what settings from a monitor / video output has helped you out the best? What am I doing wrong? And know I don’t what to hear “get better” Love to hear your feedback!
21 I was a WS player and now I feel like everything I square up on-line and off-line - the ball isn’t going anywhere.
I don't think monitor settings are the issue. Differential in gameplay between online and vs CPU is more drastic than it's ever felt before.
AS in online play feels like rookie. Pitches and swings feel like I'm under water.
Playing vs the CPU on AS in conquest and mini season feels like HOF pitch speeds. Everything is super smooth and I actually feel a little challenged.
Agreed - Thanks - Just figured I’d ask.
Feeling the same online!! -