Not really, no. Swing timing windows are all over the place, fielding is a coin flip, content isn’t all that engaging and I urge anyone who still has ‘17 to load it up and pitch a half inning or two. Compared to more recent titles in the franchise, it’s like the difference between shooting the target at the funfair with the crooked sight air rifles they give you in ‘20 as opposed to a sniper rifle in ‘17. So much fun when you can paint corners or strike someone out with a perfectly placed slider. Really felt like a game where you put your pitching skill against an opponent’s hitting skill. These days I feel like you may as well throw it anywhere, there is no skill in pitching any more.
- has it's moments.
No. So far the game is not even as good as last year.
Yes. Frustrating at times but still by far my favorite game
yes I am
Yes thanks.
Offline: yes
Online: noMy issues aren't so much with hitting, but with the ineffectiveness of pitching and the downright awful fielding. Not to mention the game breaking bugs.
Depends on the day.
Other than randomized pitching locations and missed fly balls I like it. I don’t like starters coming in after the 4th or 5th
Yes I am
No. I've abandoned it until the next gameplay patch.
But I'm halfway through my first OOTP 21 season because of this, so it's not all bad.
Yes. Game is fun, not perfect.
Not at all
Offline: YES
Online: NO -
Not online at all