SDS Speaks out... In depth interview with one of the head devs...
@suntlacrimae50_psn said in SDS Speaks out... In depth interview with one of the head devs...:
Pfffff. Franchise UI is untouched, and more has been done to make MTO (God, I hate that acronym) have a more compelling offseason compared to franchise.
Worried about your feelings? Do something SUBSTANTIAL so we can praise you.
Have they tweaked regression?
Done anything with scouting?
The draft?
Prospect generation?
Any owner mode stuff added?No?
Sigh. But feelings.
How do you know it's been untouched? B/c they didn't mention it on a stream? You point out that Red Ted doesn't know about whether marching orders came from suits or not. Then you turn around and claim no changes have been made based off a stream where they choose what to disclose?
I'm sorry do you already have a copy of the game to backup your claim? Or is this just another pot calling the kettle black scenario?
Please. Clearly if they had made upgrades to these things they would have highlighted them, especially considering how well publicized franchise players’ disappointment has been. Plus they had mentioned on the stream that they aren’t going to make other changes until these “under the hood” things get done. It’s right there.
Anyways my prediction will be verified in a few hours. It’s likely his take will never be verifiable. These are not equivalent situations.
Hiding behind corporate is a tired trope the sports gaming community is sick of.
Told ya.
Didn’t see any “shoutouts to franchise mode”...🤨
@red_ted_is_back said in SDS Speaks out... In depth interview with one of the head devs...:
It was a good interview. Not a lot of specifics but that wasn’t its purpose.
I especially like how Mr Livingston didn’t hold fully back on how to frame feedback; make it specific and constructive because devs have feelings too and can be demoralised or motivated by feedback about our efforts just like the rest of us.
Maybe a dev should get to slap a player every time they get their feelings hurt.
Franchise is literally untouched “above the hood.” Not even any cosmetic changes.
Refusing to include year to year saves was a very poor decision. I would like to sit in on the meeting where that was decided to hear the logic behind the decision.
Meetings? For franchise? Do you think they really happen?
Okay, maybe to discuss what to say when the community asks them why things have hardly changed in years.
Not sure why you can't update the UI some while still working on "under the hood" stuff...
@suntlacrimae50_psn said in SDS Speaks out... In depth interview with one of the head devs...:
Meetings? For franchise? Do you think they really happen?
Okay, maybe to discuss what to say when the community asks them why things have hardly changed in years.
Not sure why you can't update the UI some while still working on "under the hood" stuff...
Nick said they discussed it and decided not to include y2y saves but didn't give a reason. We know it's possible because it was in the game previously. I'd like for him to expand upon that conversation. Not improving the game significantly is one thing but going backward is a new level.
@alstl04_psn said in SDS Speaks out... In depth interview with one of the head devs...:
@suntlacrimae50_psn said in SDS Speaks out... In depth interview with one of the head devs...:
Meetings? For franchise? Do you think they really happen?
Okay, maybe to discuss what to say when the community asks them why things have hardly changed in years.
Not sure why you can't update the UI some while still working on "under the hood" stuff...
Nick said they discussed it and decided not to include y2y saves but didn't give a reason. We know it's possible because it was in the game previously. I'd like for him to expand upon that conversation. Not improving the game significantly is one thing but going backward is a new level.
We're allies, but no it's not a new level.
Remember: they took out all the owner mode stuff (ticket prices, transportation, etc.) years ago.
Franchise is a travesty, and they should just be honest and say that they're not planning on doing much with it from here on out because DD is the overwhelmingly dominant focus of the game.
If enough people complain about it the suits will have no choice but to listen or their sales will plummet.
@alstl04_psn said in SDS Speaks out... In depth interview with one of the head devs...:
Nick said they discussed it and decided not to include y2y saves but didn't give a reason. We know it's possible because it was in the game previously. I'd like for him to expand upon that conversation. Not improving the game significantly is one thing but going backward is a new level.
I understand why they originally took it out of RTTS. The change they made last year was too great and carrying over an old player to the new system was not logical. Unfortunately combining RTTS and DD Cap into one "Ballplayer" means that they don't want maxed players out of the gate in DD. I don't see it returning to RTTS, which limits that modes appeal to me.
Why they took it out of franchise is anyone's guess. Maybe they were tied close enough together that removing it from RTTS forced it to be removed from franchise.
Mlb the show is a terrific game with the exception of last names in the franchise mode when you create a player, well they took out a lot of name like for instance Fisk Wakefield Marks, Clemens, e Bree just to name a few. Which makes creating players less fun. Why they did this is beyond me. I think they got lazy.
@rikstarr1970_xbl said in SDS Speaks out... In depth interview with one of the head devs...:
Mlb the show is a terrific game with the exception of last names in the franchise mode when you create a player, well they took out a lot of name like for instance Fisk Wakefield Marks, Clemens, e Bree just to name a few. Which makes creating players less fun. Why they did this is beyond me. I think they got lazy.
Apparently the stock rosters are trash as described in this review. Rosters are one of the most important aspects of any sports game and this is like the usual minimum effort you get with franchise mode.
MLB The Show 22's Roster Problem -
Exactly. They got lazy in audio last names. I was extremely disappointed
@red_ted_is_back said in SDS Speaks out... In depth interview with one of the head devs...:
@suntlacrimae50_psn said in SDS Speaks out... In depth interview with one of the head devs...:
Pfffff. Franchise UI is untouched, and more has been done to make MTO (God, I hate that acronym) have a more compelling offseason compared to franchise.
Worried about your feelings? Do something SUBSTANTIAL so we can praise you.
Have they tweaked regression?
Done anything with scouting?
The draft?
Prospect generation?
Any owner mode stuff added?No?
Sigh. But feelings.
You’re confusing the people (with feelings) who are basically told what to work on or find somewhere else to work, with the company (no feelings) that chose not to update franchise mode in meaningful ways.
Our gripes are with the company, not the devs themselves who Nick is defending.
So yeah, feelings.
@red_ted_is_back said in SDS Speaks out... In depth interview with one of the head devs...:
@suntlacrimae50_psn said in SDS Speaks out... In depth interview with one of the head devs...:
Pfffff. Franchise UI is untouched, and more has been done to make MTO (God, I hate that acronym) have a more compelling offseason compared to franchise.
Worried about your feelings? Do something SUBSTANTIAL so we can praise you.
Have they tweaked regression?
Done anything with scouting?
The draft?
Prospect generation?
Any owner mode stuff added?No?
Sigh. But feelings.
You’re confusing the people (with feelings) who are basically told what to work on or find somewhere else to work, with the company (no feelings) that chose not to update franchise mode in meaningful ways.
Our gripes are with the company, not the devs themselves who Nick is defending.
So yeah, feelings.
This is what happens when they are the only company developing an MLB game. Competition would make them worry a little less about "feelings" and be more answerable to the consumers. But, I guess that we're the rubes that keep buying it year after year.
@rikstarr1970_xbl said in SDS Speaks out... In depth interview with one of the head devs...:
Mlb the show is a terrific game with the exception of last names in the franchise mode when you create a player, well they took out a lot of name like for instance Fisk Wakefield Marks, Clemens, e Bree just to name a few. Which makes creating players less fun. Why they did this is beyond me. I think they got lazy.
Are you new to the game? Because calling franchise mode terrific when they’ve stripped it bare and virtually ignored it for several years implies you must be.
I have been playing the show since mlb the show 21 since they introduced it to Xbox
I only play franchise mode, but exactly right. The roster is one of the important aspects of any sports game. It needs to feel lifelike. Well for me anyway.
As a longtime Show player, rosters will work themselves out. Remember that the game released before the season, so 40 man rosters weren't even established then, let alone 25. Roster updates happen frequently. It's advisable to run some sim franchises until a roster comes out that you like.
As for playing since 21, you should know that franchise used to be a much fuller experience. Not only have they neglected it the past several years, before that they stripped away all the owner mode stuff that used to be in it. Now they took away year-to-year saves.
It's shameful how dismissive SDS is of franchise mode and its fans. Morale for devs working in franchise -- but honestly, what do they DO?! -- has to be so low...